Sup y'all. About a month ago, I separated from a girl I was pretty damn close to; she told me she didn't want to talk to me, and to not write to her (I guess she initiated NC, heh).
I've kept up NC thus far, but as many of you have probably experienced, it can be fking hard as nails. There are some days where every free moment you're not engaging in a task your mind wanders to thinking of her, and the possibility of hearing her voice again.
With my recent DJ training though, I've started to become rather self-aware; I am able to take a 3rd person view on my own thoughts and actions, analyze them to try to determine the true motivation behind them, and perhaps most importantly, catch myself in the act of rationalizing (hamstering) an action that I shouldn't take (not only women, but I think men have 'hamsters' as well. I do think that men can control and redirect them more easily/with conscious effort though).
In any case, I had some questions about NC. I'm well aware that NC is regarded very highly to preserve in breakup situations, but I've kind of narrowed it down to a few of the main reasons why I really want to break NC so badly (especially after a long period of time, so she's had some time to think and miss you)...and I'm wondering what you guys think of them. If they're just cheesy rationalizations, feel free to purge me of them; but I honestly think these might be valid situations in which No Contact can backfire. Is NC always the correct thing to do?
1. What if both people want to get back together (or more generally, if there's still some interest remaining on both sides), but both are doing NC? In this scenario, if both the guy and the girl are not talking to each other (maybe afraid to get hurt again, don't want to give the other person power, etc.), but in fact want to get back together (maybe the dumper has reconsidered, but can't go back on the initial decision), doesn't NC make reconciliation impossible?
1(a). As a corollary to the above, I've deeply considered sending a flaccidly interested message/text to gauge her interest level, e.g. "lol just saw/read/watched this (insert funny pic/video tied to a positive memory of us) and i thought of you"; which has in fact happened to me a lot. Would this be effective?
2. It sucks having the last things said to one another be negative things...What if we never see each other again - would the last thing she have said to me be "I don't want to talk to you, don't write to me" and a bunch of negative stuff? Likewise, though I managed to stay nonreactive, I don't feel I ended things ideally either. What I'm getting at I guess, is to leave each other on better terms than final words of the breakup discussion.
These are just a couple of the concerns/problems I'm dealing with...What do y'all think? Can NC sometimes not be a good thing? Or will it just give the ex too much hand if I initiate again?
I've kept up NC thus far, but as many of you have probably experienced, it can be fking hard as nails. There are some days where every free moment you're not engaging in a task your mind wanders to thinking of her, and the possibility of hearing her voice again.
With my recent DJ training though, I've started to become rather self-aware; I am able to take a 3rd person view on my own thoughts and actions, analyze them to try to determine the true motivation behind them, and perhaps most importantly, catch myself in the act of rationalizing (hamstering) an action that I shouldn't take (not only women, but I think men have 'hamsters' as well. I do think that men can control and redirect them more easily/with conscious effort though).
In any case, I had some questions about NC. I'm well aware that NC is regarded very highly to preserve in breakup situations, but I've kind of narrowed it down to a few of the main reasons why I really want to break NC so badly (especially after a long period of time, so she's had some time to think and miss you)...and I'm wondering what you guys think of them. If they're just cheesy rationalizations, feel free to purge me of them; but I honestly think these might be valid situations in which No Contact can backfire. Is NC always the correct thing to do?
1. What if both people want to get back together (or more generally, if there's still some interest remaining on both sides), but both are doing NC? In this scenario, if both the guy and the girl are not talking to each other (maybe afraid to get hurt again, don't want to give the other person power, etc.), but in fact want to get back together (maybe the dumper has reconsidered, but can't go back on the initial decision), doesn't NC make reconciliation impossible?
1(a). As a corollary to the above, I've deeply considered sending a flaccidly interested message/text to gauge her interest level, e.g. "lol just saw/read/watched this (insert funny pic/video tied to a positive memory of us) and i thought of you"; which has in fact happened to me a lot. Would this be effective?
2. It sucks having the last things said to one another be negative things...What if we never see each other again - would the last thing she have said to me be "I don't want to talk to you, don't write to me" and a bunch of negative stuff? Likewise, though I managed to stay nonreactive, I don't feel I ended things ideally either. What I'm getting at I guess, is to leave each other on better terms than final words of the breakup discussion.
These are just a couple of the concerns/problems I'm dealing with...What do y'all think? Can NC sometimes not be a good thing? Or will it just give the ex too much hand if I initiate again?