Originally posted by MrBond007
Online dating is for people that cant actually socialize IRL because they dont feel secure about themselves.
And what kind of woman do you think youll get?If a woman has enough time to lose on internet dating instead of going out for a guy,she obviously:
1-Doesnt have many social skills
2-Has problem being in public places
3-Isnt pretty(or beleives she isnt,wich leads to...)
4-Has a low self-esteem
I disagree. What you say is partially true of course. There are women on the internet who fit this profile. But they can be found in any other social medium also. There are a lot of quality prospects on the net. You have to know how to weed them out. Just like you have to do with cold pickups. The (good) women on the net are usually just tired of the bar/club scene, and are seriously looking to hook up.
A caveat here, if you're in a high-school/college/university environment, or work in a public place where you are in contact with a lot of women (ie:, gym, mall or bar) there's not much point in using the net. You're already swamped with potential prospects. But if you're out in the workforce and not around a lot of women, the net can be a gold-mine of opportunities if you know how to work it efficiently. Another caveat, I'm mainly looking at the 30+ crowd (though I am working a few in their 20s). The 29- ones are usually still in their partying phase, so probably the net is not the best place to meet girls if you're in your 20s or less. I'm theorizing about that last bit though, it may not be true.
It's completely different from doing pickups in school or bars of course. Another approach and set of skills are needed. The net has is advantages and disadvantages. It's not better or worst than bars, just different. If you have the right approach, it works. Just to give you an idea, this week I have 3 (possibly 4) dates with 3 different ladies. I have the #s of 2 others to call to set up dates, which I'll probably have to postpone to next week because this week is too fully booked.

I have about 5 other prospects in the works still at the eMail stage. I've reached a point where I'm going to have to cut back on making new contacts because I'm nearing overload. And I am in no way a Master DJ, I still consider myself RAFC. Take a look at this thread:
if you want an idea of my typical approach. And I've perfected it a lot since then; 1st contacted this one more than a month ago. I'll post FRs of my more recent contacts after the 1st dates occur.
Side-note: The lady I met from this field report told me during the date that she occasionally goes to a local club with one of her girlfriends to dance (she loves to dance). We talked a bit about the place, since I just happened to have been there the night before. She mentioned that even though she enjoyed the music, she hated the "meat-market" atmosphere and continuously getting harassed by horny ONS-hunting guys. One time she brought one of her ex's along to pretend to be her boyfriend so they'd leave her alone! lol BTW, she's a hottie. On our date, she was wearing a sweater and jeans, but all decked out in clubbing gear, she'd be an 8.5+, could pass for a model. She goes there to dance and have fun with her girlfriend, period. Same sweet, friendly, very attractive, looking for a boyfriend lady I was on a date with, and met on the net.

If I'd approached her at that club, she would have shot me down. Go figure...