Don Juan
Luke, I must say I sympathise with you, I'm not a virgin and had a LTR, but for some reason now I am finding just no women are attracted to me. The guys on this site make it sound very easy, just go out and get laid, but I know its not that easy for some of us, whatever the reason.
However, I would agree you over analyse, I do this as well. I used to be big on buying books, etc. This really becomes a waste of tim after a while, I can liken it for example sailing, I can attend lectures, read forums, read books till the cows come home, while I improve my theoretical knowledge the only way I will ever be at the front of the fleet is if I take my boat onto the water and physicall practice.
I say don't waste your money/time on more books, you know what you need to know already, the answer is to put it to practice. And I know this is easier said than done for us, I am struggling as well.
and thats enough time on this site the winds blowing and I'm going sailing!
However, I would agree you over analyse, I do this as well. I used to be big on buying books, etc. This really becomes a waste of tim after a while, I can liken it for example sailing, I can attend lectures, read forums, read books till the cows come home, while I improve my theoretical knowledge the only way I will ever be at the front of the fleet is if I take my boat onto the water and physicall practice.
I say don't waste your money/time on more books, you know what you need to know already, the answer is to put it to practice. And I know this is easier said than done for us, I am struggling as well.
From my experience I found women online very hung up on the phsycial [a reflection of women IRL??], most require looks in their profile requirements, many make a photo non-negotiable, hence looks being the most important requirement, I have 2 mails today, 1 random hit, one from a girl I tagged, bth times, one line, basically like you profile where's your pic. *sigh*!Luke Skywalker said:this net2bed e-book working or not working
I just hope that it doesn't stress too much on the pic aspect.
and thats enough time on this site the winds blowing and I'm going sailing!