The whole idea or concept of this thread is governed by a meta-cognitive construct, or almost machine, known as the Green book. That book has certain dates on it that coincide witht his one, initially meant as a way of dissuading me from viewing porn and masturbating, which I believed were bad habits that needed to be stopped as it was getting out of hand, by quaranteeing them into certain time-sectors and putting conditions on them where they could be harnessed for purposes of my experiments.
Within this construct, there are horizonal and vertical vectors.
Vertical vectors have specific dates, mainly October 25th, February 3rd and March 3rd. The reason for the February 3rd date is because the vertical vector for October 25th has been satisfied, leading the system to reset itself to zero after October 25th, going forward to the next date on that system which is February 3rd. Vertical vector was satisfied this year when I experienced my first french kiss and got sort of close to a girl ever. That is on record. As a result of this, there is not going to be any legalization of porn, adult ads, or anything of that sort on the month of November and the next evaluation date is February 3rd. Should the vertical vector be unsatisfied at that time, then I may allow porn to be viewed between February 10th to February 18th, and furthermore, I may consult with my dad concerning his female friend he was going to hook me up after November 29, 2006 to dissuade me from a hook-up already in progress (details of that on another thread). Therefore, that is the worst case scenerio at this time on a February 3rd failure, is I may allow myself to look at porn on my computer for about a week.
On horizonal component, doesn't have dates, but governs masturbating. Currently there are tight controls on masturbating but those controls will be relaxed from October 1st to December 31st, 2007 if I'm unable to have any type of relationship. I'm already starting to relax rules of Nocturnal masturbation. Porn viewing rules may follow a 'three-strike' system on those particular months as opposed to a 'strike-proof-shield' system that's in place right now, where any look at porn could result in immediate suspension of internet privaledges and cancellation of my internet account.
The dates simply cooincide with a vertical sector of this book.
Overlapping that book is another book, known as the 'Red book' which seeks to further understand the opposite sex and try different things out in experimental format. Now that the pressure should be partially off since a vertical sector has been satisifed, this thread's main material or substance is devoted into trying out different programs and things and coming out to a conclusion as to their viability.
Further than that, that is the account of what may occur if vertical and horzontal sectors are unsatisfied at that particular time. Since I have very, very strict controls and restrictions on viewing porn & masturbating, they can turn into some sort of perverse reward, incentive structure.