I was running on diesal today, everything was strong. Not much else to say, here it is:
Russian twists 20kgx10x15-PR-Second set was pretty hard.
Box squats 105kgx1-Smoked it.
110kgx1 (PR?)-Made it my bitc* although it took a while
It was one of those slow, grinding reps. Hit a wall for about 5s but I just new I'd get it and kept pushing. Excellent. Think this may be a box PR. This pinned me 3 weeks ago.
S.SLDL-110kgx10(PR)-Whoa. 10kg up on 3 weeks ago, these feel great. Done sumo.
Speed deadlifts (sumo) 6x1-100kg-I have fixed both my sumo and conventional form over the last few weeks. I am still unsure as to which I am better at but my PR is with Sumo so I think I will give it a go again. I hit a wall with it but I think that was form issues. These felt pretty good. Regardless, both forms need to be included in training.
Pullthroughs-110kgx10x10x10 (PR)-F*** yes. Unforunately this is the highest the stack goes to. I may try and sub in hyperextensions for these, I think this would work well. Maybe GHR's though, I will think about it. Thoughts are welcome on the matter.
Dorian row 80kgx8x8x8 (PR)-Again, felt great. I think on the last set the form may have been a little sloppy on the last few reps. Will need to try and get some new videos over the next while.
Chinups BW+10kgx5-I think my best here is around 6-7 reps but this was after everything else. Not bad. Not sure what I would get fresh-would make quite a difference I think.
Grip-Door grabx2(pinch grip)
Crushing grip-I have deliberately overtrained the Captains of Crush No.1 this week. Should be getting No.2 next week, we will see if the right will manage or not!
And that was all. A very good day, good progress all round. I think I will rotate dead singles and squat doubles weekly for the speed work-I need to have deads in a bit more for my sanity
, and this should be a productive way of getting them in. Will probably be at the gym on Monday again, and with my 18th on Wednesday it will be likely that I will be drinking a lot-so Thursday may not go so well. Thinking about it, I may go in on Wednesday early on and get it done then-that would probably be more productive.
Well that is all for today, until next time...