'PUAs' Becoming Popular In Society?


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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With modern technology and the success of what I'm going to call the 'PUA phenomenon' do you think that this knowledge will become commonplace in society? Perhaps already is? I mean we have the The Pick-up Artist on TV, surely it's not long before girls go 'oh man I've had guys use that routine before, like omg how is asking my opinion on something going to get him laid, that loser'. With the Internet its easy to think that a large number of guys with relationship problems are going to Google it at some point.

When common PUA 'knowledge' enters mainstream Western society, the game will change.

Any thoughts? Anyone else agree?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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No, its actually better this way... because when snow melts you'll be see where the poop is at. It will be more clear who DOES have their inner game in tact... and who is only man enough to say "who lies more", "your nose wiggles when you laugh" and "do you floss before or after"? It will be down to these 2 cases.
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
I think it will and the game will evolve to trying to make it seem like you are not gaming her at all while gaming her. The stuff you say will become basic with no real sylized conversations...example opening from the future "you guys seem like fun, I had to come and say hi for a second" this can't be interpreted as a pick up and it false time constraints...so it will work well in the future. THe more basic the better anything extra will seem like a pick up AND hey I think the game will be like that in 3 years!max.../\ lol


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Internet PUAs are not really significant factors in the game, IMO. To be honest the majority of women getting fvcked around the world right now are not getting sexed by Internet PUAs. There is natural variation in attractiveness, there are guys women want validation from and those which they don't, there are guys women feel connected to & those that they don't, etc.

The PU game discussed online can help us become more efficient and motivate us to get off our butts, but to be honest I find myself not doing much of anything and having plenty of women in my life plus time to post here during the least busy periods. The PU game as discussed online can also make guys seem creepy, weird, psychotic, and paranoid. I think over time the message will become more refined and better, which will benefit everyone.

In regard to routines rather than mental processes: That "routines" would ever be the determining factor in laying the pipe on loads of chicks I find absurd, though. There are so many guys who women will chase, beg to be with, and go to crazy lengths to try gaining the attention of, this is still the primary factor, and routines do virtually nil to help a man become one of them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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everywomanshero said:
PUAs are not really significant factors in the game, IMO. To be honest the majority of women getting fvcked around the world right now are not getting sexed by Internet PUAs. There is natural variation in attractiveness, there are guys women want validation from and those which they don't, there are guys women feel connected to & those that they don't, etc.

The PU game can help us become more efficient and motivate us to get off our butts, but to be honest I find myself not doing much of anything and having plenty of women in my life plus time to post here during the least busy periods.
Couldn't have said it any better myself.

I laugh at the bald, fat little creeps out there that think routines will get any woman into bed.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2008
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
I was thinking about this recently, and I asked myself, looking at some guys standing around at a party: "How many of these guys actually can play the game?"

I dunno. Sometimes it looks like the majority of guys are hopeless, literally just standing around at parties talking to no one. Perhaps I am judging them on too little evidence and they actually are OK. But as regards the percentage of guys who actually seem smooth or know how to present themselves, without hiding behind their "defensive bubble", I think its on the order of 10% max, actually I think its more like 5%.

I was at a party the other day (University party, so it was all students) and the two girls that I thougth were the hottest were dancing with GIRLFRIENDS while a 60% male ratio of dancers gyrated holding beers on the floor. Isnt that pathetic? Do these men go to parties to dance with other men? Fvck that sh1t!

As regards cold approaching, if you can do that even half well you are lightyears ahead of everyone, or do the other posters not agree? Almost all my guy friends except a few were losers with cold approaches, and at every party there is a line of women sitting along the wall, waiting to be talked to.

There are "clumps" of men spread out all over every party and every club, nursing beers, smiling or chit-chatting with each other. Are they all just choosy guys who are waiting to make their move? I doubt it.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
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Leeds, UK
Will PU eventually become common knowledge? I don't know, but I do know this...

There is a wealth of instructional information in the world on how to play golf. But how many people who play golf are actually GOOD (or even reasonable!!)? Then why would PU be any different...

Many many guys with no game will never admit to themselves that they could do with a bit of reading+technique+practice, as well as just being too lazy and too ***** to seek the stuff out and apply it.
Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
SinJester said:
With modern technology and the success of what I'm going to call the 'PUA phenomenon' do you think that this knowledge will become commonplace in society? Perhaps already is? I mean we have the The Pick-up Artist on TV, surely it's not long before girls go 'oh man I've had guys use that routine before, like omg how is asking my opinion on something going to get him laid, that loser'. With the Internet its easy to think that a large number of guys with relationship problems are going to Google it at some point.

When common PUA 'knowledge' enters mainstream Western society, the game will change.

Any thoughts? Anyone else agree?
Take a look at the websites for the main companies in the seduction community. Almost all of them are moving away from routine-based game to something more natural. Truth is, it was never about the routines. Routines never got people laid. It was all about the confidence that came along with thinking you now had great game ("all I need is this routine and I can get any girl in the club"). As teaching methods in the community have become more effective, instructors are better able to bring this confidence out of students without the need for the routines.

So to answer your question, the game has already changed. But change should not bother anyone in the community. The only change that can ever affect us is if women decide to stop having sex with men, which will never happen. People who are concerned that women are now onto us just don't understand. Women have always been onto us. They know what we are after when we talk to them and yet they don't mind because they want exactly the same thing. TV shows won't ever change that and as long as you are genuine you will not have anything to worry about.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
I agree that will be harder for anyone running techniques.

Anyone running "natural game" like myself. It won't effect it at all.



Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
SinJester said:
When common PUA 'knowledge' enters mainstream Western society, the game will change.

Any thoughts? Anyone else agree?
Human nature doesn't change, and a man who is a "DJ" will always be in control of himself and his life situation. He has confidence. That radiates out--wards and women are attracted to that, will always and have always been attracted to that. It's not so much a "skill" as it's a way of being.

I think many people look at PUA as a bandaid to mask the self-confidence that shouldn't need to be faked. I'm no PUA but I believe it's better to really develop that sense of confidence and self-mastery, so that you have a strong foundation. Then it may be a little easier for you to approach that girl and "break the ice", which is what PUA stuff is good for.

But remember, there are tons of guys who are successful with women who don't even know about PUA. They just do stuff that works, and I'm sure much of it is opposite of the "tricks" you're supposed to follow. But they dont' think that way. They're confident so they approach and make contact and take it from there, the whole time letting their TRUE personality carry them. That's what everyone here should be striving for, in my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
wutangfinancial said:
Just like "get rich" books will have nil effect on the distribution of wealth.
disagree with that statement,

You cannot honestly tell me that "Think and Grow Rich" hasn't had an effect upon mankind just like many other self-improvement books.

A good one is Think and Grow Rich, How Win Friends And Influence People, and Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude.

But I digress, even if the "market" is flooded with imposters with fake game. They will NOT be worth a damn, plus most individuals are too lazy to follow the information like dozens of people on this website.



Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
It makes being more unique in your routines the way to go, but the same linear format you follow will always be the same.

if women pick it up and learn how it's done, and they be come defenseful to it, it's only their loss, and they will remain lonely for the rest of their life. Not my problem.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I use to worry about it, but then i realize competition has always been around and it will always be a good thing for us as men.

I like seeing naturals lose every once in a while.

Plus there are guys leaving the game all the time, guys getting married, etc. I'm in an LTR so technically I've been out of the game as well for almost 2 years.

I like staying up to date with what is going on however.

We should all be about self improvement. If anything this is kind of a rebound against the feminist moving and male bashing.

Guys who get a bit more experience with women will be able to make better choices.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
comic_relief said:
I agree that will be harder for anyone running techniques.

Anyone running "natural game" like myself. It won't effect it at all.

Survival of the fittest.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
who cares?

PU is pathetic anyways and doesn't work.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
PUA is slowly slipping into the public. But society in general looks down upon the PUA culture. Yet there are plenty of resources for women to seduce guys "cosmo, etc etc etc."


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
I think some people are misinturpreting what I've said a little bit. I never said that it would create a generation of real men or womanisers. If anything it will just create a lot more guys with fake 'game' but no inner game or real confidence. I'm thinking we might go out to a club and see a bunch of guys using canned routines. And even if it does intergrate into popular culture (we might see a "Players Monthly mag or somethin :p) most of the people who read it wont act on it.

In regard to routines rather than mental processes: That "routines" would ever be the determining factor in laying the pipe on loads of chicks I find absurd, though. There are so many guys who women will chase, beg to be with, and go to crazy lengths to try gaining the attention of, this is still the primary factor, and routines do virtually nil to help a man become one of them.
Yes but isn't it alluring to a guy that thinks they will work? It isn't going to change naturally attractive guys that women want but I can see lots of AFCs turning to the PUA community and trying to game girls.

I am not advocating 'pick up' as apposed to self-improvement or natural game. I just wanted to discuss the possibility that the lingo and theory might become commonplace.

PUA is slowly slipping into the public. But society in general looks down upon the PUA culture. Yet there are plenty of resources for women to seduce guys "cosmo, etc etc etc."
Because it's a good way for guys to put other guys down 'he goes on internet seduction sites? what a loser!" while he continues to sip his beer staring at all the hot girls and not aproaching them. And girls would see that a lower value I assume, maybe creepy, and it could make them think that you are a playa who just wants to use girls for sex.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
SinJester said:
With modern technology and the success of what I'm going to call the 'PUA phenomenon' do you think that this knowledge will become commonplace in society? Perhaps already is? I mean we have the The Pick-up Artist on TV, surely it's not long before girls go 'oh man I've had guys use that routine before, like omg how is asking my opinion on something going to get him laid, that loser'. With the Internet its easy to think that a large number of guys with relationship problems are going to Google it at some point.

When common PUA 'knowledge' enters mainstream Western society, the game will change.
That does make any sense. If the knowledge is commonplace, you still have to use it effectively and the girl and to respond to it to sleep with you.

Alot of people on here think you have to trick a girl to sleep with you, say something magical and she will get weak knees, or lie about who you are and what do you. I'm here to tell you that is so far from the truth. You will get a girl to sleep with you much faster if you like her and are honest about your intentions. She will respect you alot more.


Don't hate the player, hate the game

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score

I don't know why anyone is scared majority of people don't even do cold approaches so they have nothing to worry about. Most here are just AFCs wanting to get laid or have a gf. What I call it "They just want to be loved".

There is only the few who actually want to improve themselves as a person and so they go at this to the extreme so it becomes apart of there life. Others will try but never have the actual drive to go as hard but thats ok they'll still see many changes in there life.

The rest are just diking around and thats the majority. I don't even exaggerate about 90% not really doing much, they just like the feeling of knowing others are getting success. Think I'm lieing...
- How many people are focused on One specific Chick?
- How many people ask the most basic questions? (I'm not talking about newbies, I'm talking about guys who've been on sites like this for years)
- How many people are going out 4 or more days a week?

Like seriously, how many people actually has 1,000 cold approaches under there belt after being in this game for the least 6 months. I know the guys with there Egos always try to rationalize it as "That's to much" but those are the same guys who aren't getting no where with this and wasting there time.

There is never too much approaches because cold approaching is one of the most fun things to do and at the same time your improving yourself.

It really comes down to who wants it bad enough, if there willing to go through the pain then they will do it. It's only those who are willing to go the distance that will actually be part of that 5% who actually real good or good enough.

Most don't even realize how hard it actually is, people think its just getting laid when it is far from that. To consistently meet a chick and having sex with her anywhere from a few mins to a few hours takes skill. To meet a chick in specific situations with specific logistics takes skill. In the end you improve who you are as a person and your overall social skills. You could be anywhere, anytime and create a fun vibe in the venue. You can talk to everyone and have a great interaction with everyone, whether its a 5 year old boy to a 92 year old woman...

Your not just getting specific women you want, you are attractive to women in general. Women are Super attracted to you and they are drawn to you. It changes your overall life, the unpredictability of each interaction is what makes every set new and fresh. You never know what will happen infield.

Heck I remember the first day meeting guys from the community thinking it was just going to be a few street sarges, we bump into there friends, they're having a party, a few street sarges brings me to a houseparty with a bunch of college chicks, I was expecting to be home at 11 at night instead it was more like 6am in the morning. Same as when I playfully told a chick that she' taking to red lobster and she actually did...You never know what will happen in any set good or bad, thats the fun of it all (to me at least) but most people can't enjoy the interactions because there desperate just to get some ***** to say to there friends "I fuk hot chicks" (poor guys)

But again most don't even make it to "hi"