Puahate.com and other bullys that make fun of u when u try to improve yourself


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
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everywomanshero said:
Being timid would seem to suggest to me that you don't believe you have the right to just take things in life... What will it take for you to wake up to your own value? Will you let others continue to occupy your rightful place in life or will you stand up and take charge? Will you worry about other's feelings at your own expense? Will you continue to deny that you are as important as anyone else? Will you subjugate your feelings to others?

You will respect yourself a lot more (as will women) when you decide to take a stand for yourself and make things happen in life. How others respond in any single instance makes absolutely no difference. It's about having pride in yourself and a willingness to believe that you have something to offer others and showing that you're interested in others. What right do you have to deny yourself and others such a great experience, anyway? The sooner you drop the PUA crap, the sooner you can get on the road to recovery. I would suggest you do daily affirmations, work on assertiveness training, and most importantly do not try to be something phoney-- show genuine curiosity about others and their lives, not phoney tricks that will backfire and weird them out.

Remember the norm of reciprocity-- if you begin by being genuinely interested and friendly to others, they will start to do likewise, but it will only work when you drop every ounce of PUA BS and begin to rid yourself of anxiety, low self worth, and depression. Everytime you do "that line" or use "that AMOG" you will be destroying your own success
Real Social Dynamics sadly, did not help me at all. My issue is that when i was in high school, i was one of the smartest guys. But being smart also gets you into trouble. I remember that i would help some of the really cool guys in my English class out with their homework after school, just so i can fit in. I thought we were friends,( we would eat together at lunch), but as soon as the semester was over, they wouldnt talk to me anymore. I admit, i did it because i thought hanging out with the coolest guys at school would get me girls. The reason im timid is because im scared of being a failure. I dont look like a nerd at all, ive been called good looking a couple of times, and my bmi is 23.5. I spike my hair into a mohawk, and i listen to hiphop, and dress urban.
But im so scared of faliure, that even even offered sex, i would turn it away. If you saw me, you will cry to the moon if i told you i was a virgin.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
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Accension said:
Boy did we get trolled.
How does that make a troll. I have a legitimate problem and you call me a troll. Imagine if you have a problem, and i called you a troll. People.:moon:


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
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Accension said:
[*]Normal people are hard to find on the internet.
Hello! Is it me your looking for?

Oh... no? Okay I'll just leave then... *backs away to door*


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
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some kinda joke you need to be to spend your time contributing to a site that serves no other purpose than hating on a different lifestyle. What the hell you doing looking these people up? psshhh I wouldn't pay them no mind if I met them in person


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
Sometimes you need to fire one for"effect". To let them know "there's a new sherrif in town." Just don't fire the assistant manager yet-you'll need to replace him and you don't have a good enough handle on who can do his job. Learn the proper way to fire-so you don't get involved in a wrongful termination suit[may not be good for YOUR career.
DON'T date a co-worker you can hire or fire-can you say "sexual harrassment?" if it goes wrong?
The Wonderlic company makes a 12 minute IQ test[given by the NFL and others].I use it because it WILL tell me how trainable someone is[had the daughter of a lawyer take it and fail-hired her anyway because I Knew the family-had to fire her].Done on the FIRST interview. They also do personality tests that will let you know what kind of employee the will be-learn more in 10 minutes than in an hour interivew[they can take it home and bring it back. How can you cheat on a personality test?don't pass the first test, you don't get the second one.

Bobby Rio

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
New Jersey
Im lost... what does the term "troll" me on here?l

And yea, I have a tough time tolerating people who want to be pitied... if you don't get laid. I don't feel sorry for you.

You live during a time where there is endless information on the subject. videos you can watch of guys actually doing it. Bootcamps, seminars...

I had none of this when i was 19 years old...

man, you guys don't know how lucky you are.
Jan 12, 2010
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i tried going to this site, and every single post on there seems to be a 1 line sarcastic nerdy joke that only virgins could understand.........went straight over my head, these p*ssy's are losers of the worst kind


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
iSuave said:
Shes a receptionist, and she looks intimidating to talk to. But she smiles at me when i pass by... but i dont think shes good enough for me thou.
based on what? are you physic? This sounds to me like a typical self defense mechanism which copes with being unable to pull the trigger on a worthwhile chick. Easier to have sour grapes than to be able to try and fvck up.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Bobby Rio said:
Im lost... what does the term "troll" me on here?l

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
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This guy being in a bathroom stall with the cool guys coming in and talking sh*t about him and not inviting him to a party is some rejected 80's teen screenplay BS. I'm not buying any of this.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Forty0ztoFreedom said:
This guy being in a bathroom stall with the cool guys coming in and talking sh*t about him and not inviting him to a party is some rejected 80's teen screenplay BS. I'm not buying any of this.
I come here to get some help. and this is all i get. Your no better than the bullys.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
synergy1 said:
based on what? are you physic? This sounds to me like a typical self defense mechanism which copes with being unable to pull the trigger on a worthwhile chick. Easier to have sour grapes than to be able to try and fvck up.
Its just a gut feeling, but i conquered my fear a little. I talked to her today, she was nice to me. It was all in my head, but after i was done with our little chat, one of the Guys,( Darek) came up to me and started high fiving me and saying Player, Player and told me he has no idea i had the balls to do that. I felt really good when he said that. She shook my hand softly.

Well Derek said that tonight i am going to get laid. He said that were gonna go to the mall and gotta go clubbing tonight with some guys from work. I will post tommarrow what happens. Lunch is almost over. He really hates Eric, and im his boss... his 22 and is very charismatic.