I didnt chose to go to that site. What happened is someone got some private pictures of me and some girls and posted them on there. Then i got a message at RSD to a link there, and i saw a thread where they started to make fun of me, and calling me all sorts of evil names and racial slurs. I got a message on Facebook from one of the guys, and he put my real name on there. How he found me i dont know.sodbuster said:Dont go to the site stupid. WHY invite grief into your life? I don't go to a womans site and pick fights there-don't need the grief. Find new friends who are better than your old ones. repeat the cycle until you have supportive friends. If you still hang with them, it only means you don't want to get better.
But they are not my biggest problem. they are retarted and i will be forgotten. My problem is that im a virgin, 27 years old and didnt really learned anything about girls i high school or the university i went to. I recently graduated from college, and i have my own pad... my social circle comes from the guys at work. I work at a grocery store, and ive met most of my friends there.
I have reaized that before i improve my dating life, i need to make new friends. Most of my old friends from college are fading away and living their own lifes. I just moved to los angeles, california from dallas texas...
and its like im starting over. I am living by myself, and i am the new kid on the block. How do i make new friends.. i feel like California is a different country.
In Dallas it was more of a community, but in L.A everyone is doing their own thing.