Puahate.com and other bullys that make fun of u when u try to improve yourself


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
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sodbuster said:
Dont go to the site stupid. WHY invite grief into your life? I don't go to a womans site and pick fights there-don't need the grief. Find new friends who are better than your old ones. repeat the cycle until you have supportive friends. If you still hang with them, it only means you don't want to get better.
I didnt chose to go to that site. What happened is someone got some private pictures of me and some girls and posted them on there. Then i got a message at RSD to a link there, and i saw a thread where they started to make fun of me, and calling me all sorts of evil names and racial slurs. I got a message on Facebook from one of the guys, and he put my real name on there. How he found me i dont know.

But they are not my biggest problem. they are retarted and i will be forgotten. My problem is that im a virgin, 27 years old and didnt really learned anything about girls i high school or the university i went to. I recently graduated from college, and i have my own pad... my social circle comes from the guys at work. I work at a grocery store, and ive met most of my friends there.

I have reaized that before i improve my dating life, i need to make new friends. Most of my old friends from college are fading away and living their own lifes. I just moved to los angeles, california from dallas texas...

and its like im starting over. I am living by myself, and i am the new kid on the block. How do i make new friends.. i feel like California is a different country.

In Dallas it was more of a community, but in L.A everyone is doing their own thing.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
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kody_starr said:
I was going to write something rude (i..e, blunt), but I can tell that you are young, naive and rather sensitive to boot.

It's not them, but your over reaction to them, which is the real source of the problem.

Translation: you're making a mountain out of a molehill.
I think i might be making a big deal of this. I dont really have any friends besides the people at work. I moved to Cali 3 months ago. My uncle was the store director at the grocery store, but he was transfered. I am a realy sensative and kind person, really timid and one thing i noticed, is that i dont really fit in with my friends. But i dont know where to meet new people. Caifornia is a very different place than dallas.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2008
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stop worrying about what random dudes on the internet think of you

focus on just getting laid

the less you post on internet forums the less crap u'll have in ur head in field.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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people like that thrive on the attention they get. Starve them of that attention and most of them will lose interest.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
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mcpwn said:
stop worrying about what random dudes on the internet think of you

focus on just getting laid

the less you post on internet forums the less crap u'll have in ur head in field.
I dont care about that site anymore. I started reading the Book of Pook, but do you have any resources on how to control approach anxiety? That's my biggest issue.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
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synergy1 said:
people like that thrive on the attention they get. Starve them of that attention and most of them will lose interest.
Well one of my friends Eric, is the real bully. I understand he does it because his insecure, but he verbally tells me to get him his starbucks coffee, and all of my close friends are in the same social circle. All the friends i know are back in Dallas, and the reason why im living in California is because a company called Blizzard offered me a job as a general manager. I got accepted to a graduate business program at UCLA, and thats the reason why i moved here.

My question is... how do i start making friends in a new city?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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Yes, I enjoy the site as well. Nothing more annoying than a bunch of college and high school boys from suburban America talking about how they can be a "stud". What is even more annoying are all the gurus that are out there. Selling e-books and courses. Insane. Nothing but scams. Nice to see some balance.

Hate? I feel there is more hate from the young boys on this site. Calling guys who don't agree with them "AFC's". That isn't hate? Making fun of others for not meeting their standards. That is all hate if you ask me. This coming from some young pimply faced children in school whose idea of exotic is watching the BBC.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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iSuave said:
Well one of my friends Eric, is the real bully. I understand he does it because his insecure, but he verbally tells me to get him his starbucks coffee, and all of my close friends are in the same social circle. All the friends i know are back in Dallas, and the reason why im living in California is because Blizzard offered me a job as a general manager. I got accepted to a graduate business program t at UCLA.
So cal sounds warm and there are a lot of hot broads. take advantage


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
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Puahate? Hahaha wow give me a break...i'll be money that site is just a bunch of fvckin losers who totally failed at trying to get better with girls lol.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
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Australia, ?
No, PUAhate.com is the best thing to ever happen to Pick-up.
If you can't handle 'the nasty, online bulliez!' how on Earth are you meant to deal with that hot bitc> at the nightclub.

How 'bout a nice cup of cement Sosuave?

They're right on the money.
You know what happens when someone starts reading PUA stuff?
Hordes of creepy men go to their nearest shopping centre and throw around some of the most mechanical, embarrasing stuff I have ever seen.

What's worse is that they feel that the more they 'practice' the more natural they will become.
In reality, they just become huge losers with an even nerdier vocabulary.

Half of the regulars here are still virgins with post counts in the thousands.
That's not improvement -- they are still no closer, infact this place has probably harmed more than helped.

The most important lesson I've learnt here: 1. Don't listen to people on the internet and 2. My advice may be excellent but by the time it goes through someone else's fa>-filters, honed from eons of retarded articles, it is rendered useless.

However, I'll hope for the best in giving some advice -- right now -- rather than just raging like it'll accommplish something.
  1. Don't buy any PUA product -- pirate it, you stupid, cashed-up morons.
  2. Forget all your acronyms.
  3. Don't try be a PUA -- you huge tool. Going out to 'Pick-up' girls is just about the gayest thing you could do short of going out to pick-up guys.
  4. Go to social events -- you awkward fuc>. It'll take time to become a functional person but slapping on PUA ideas onto a weirdo just makes you that little bit more intimidating.
  5. No bootcamps, seminahs, et al -- normal people simply get cool guys together and hit up the clubs. Your friends probably don't meet that description; hence, meeting better friends from step 4.
  6. You can try approach a girl but you are better off having fun with your friends and seeing how it's done -- before you do anything creepy, creeper.
  7. Become a member of a forum that meets your new 'mindset' -- good luck finding one. Normal people are hard to find on the internet.
  8. Finally, let the chips fall where they may. Stop worrying about stupid, petty BS. I haven't spoken to ONE person that can tell me HOW they got laid because it's one of those things that just happens. With that being said, PUA is for Indian fa>gots to 'seduce' really drunk girls.
Brace for shi> storm.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I am a realy sensative and kind person, really timid
There's your problem right there. No one 27 years old should be worried about dealing with "bullies". You are a MAN, start acting like one! Men are not supposed to be timid and sensitive, and especially not timid. Start lifting weights and getting some testosterone pumping. Take a martial arts course if you have to. Start thinking positive and acting confident whether you feel that way or not. Put on some swagger. Tell Eric to get his own coffee, or tell him to get yours.

You're a general manager, that's an alpha position. Grow into the role. You are a man of value, act accordingly.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2010
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Haters are your motivation, you are to prove them wrong by achieving what you want in life, when you do that they will shut their mouth. Let them doubt you, but that should be your drive. What would we be without haters?

All the people that have achieved something great in life were once doubted by others, but that didn't put them down, instead it gave them motivation to continue and and prove all the haters wrong!

Haters are only jealous because they don't have the same drive as you. When I told people I one day wanted to become a professional footballer (soccer player) they used to laugh in my face.. Today, after some years and allot of training, I have the ability to go pro.. And now all the haters are coming up to me licking my ass and telling me how good I am.

You can change your life, it's up to you.

Nothing is impossible.

And what concerns your friends who are making fun of you, me and my friends make fun of each other all the time.. Even with racial comments, I have black friends and Asians and I never hesitate to call them a ****** or chink just for fun.. we just laugh over it.. I've noticed being ****y and funny and laughing over things connects you better with people instead of being nice all the time, which I think is only fake.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
Accension said:
No, PUAhate.com is the best thing to ever happen to Pick-up.
If you can't handle 'the nasty, online bulliez!' how on Earth are you meant to deal with that hot bitc> at the nightclub.

How 'bout a nice cup of cement Sosuave?

They're right on the money.
You know what happens when someone starts reading PUA stuff?
Hordes of creepy men go to their nearest shopping centre and throw around some of the most mechanical, embarrasing stuff I have ever seen.

What's worse is that they feel that the more they 'practice' the more natural they will become.
In reality, they just become huge losers with an even nerdier vocabulary.

Half of the regulars here are still virgins with post counts in the thousands.
That's not improvement -- they are still no closer, infact this place has probably harmed more than helped.

The most important lesson I've learnt here: 1. Don't listen to people on the internet and 2. My advice may be excellent but by the time it goes through someone else's fa>-filters, honed from eons of retarded articles, it is rendered useless.

However, I'll hope for the best in giving some advice -- right now -- rather than just raging like it'll accommplish something.
  1. Don't buy any PUA product -- pirate it, you stupid, cashed-up morons.
  2. Forget all your acronyms.
  3. Don't try be a PUA -- you huge tool. Going out to 'Pick-up' girls is just about the gayest thing you could do short of going out to pick-up guys.
  4. Go to social events -- you awkward fuc>. It'll take time to become a functional person but slapping on PUA ideas onto a weirdo just makes you that little bit more intimidating.
  5. No bootcamps, seminahs, et al -- normal people simply get cool guys together and hit up the clubs. Your friends probably don't meet that description; hence, meeting better friends from step 4.
  6. You can try approach a girl but you are better off having fun with your friends and seeing how it's done -- before you do anything creepy, creeper.
  7. Become a member of a forum that meets your new 'mindset' -- good luck finding one. Normal people are hard to find on the internet.
  8. Finally, let the chips fall where they may. Stop worrying about stupid, petty BS. I haven't spoken to ONE person that can tell me HOW they got laid because it's one of those things that just happens. With that being said, PUA is for Indian fa>gots to 'seduce' really drunk girls.
Brace for shi> storm.
Wow, that sounds like something I would have typed...of course if I did, the sissies in the high school forum would proceed to flame me. Bunch of pansies...:rolleyes:


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
zekko said:
There's your problem right there. No one 27 years old should be worried about dealing with "bullies". You are a MAN, start acting like one! Men are not supposed to be timid and sensitive, and especially not timid. Start lifting weights and getting some testosterone pumping. Take a martial arts course if you have to. Start thinking positive and acting confident whether you feel that way or not. Put on some swagger. Tell Eric to get his own coffee, or tell him to get yours.

You're a general manager, that's an alpha position. Grow into the role. You are a man of value, act accordingly.
I starting doing the 5x5 Strongman program at stronglifts.com. I woke up early and it was kinda hard, but i started the begginner program.

I am the general manager,( but only been for 2 weeks), and today i told Eric,( who is a shift manager), called me buddy and tried to get me to get his coffee. I maybe the general manager but Eric is very athletic, charismatic, and could beat me up. He is beloved by almost everyone, and everyone seems to be on his side.

He was like Jared go fecth me the regular.
I didnt care, i told me in a loud voice, " You know what, WHY dont you get me some coffee Eric!?'. He looked at me puzzled and said, " Wow... i see you want to be the man now", and some gibberish later, he gave me a stare, a wanna fight look. He said" **** it, ill go, ill talk to the cute girls on the way, i need to see some nice boobs anyways." What a douchbag, i dont see what women see in him.

He got me my starbucks. As he starting walking to me, I was sweating big time, and he didnt say anything, and after the interaction, people were looking at me funny. Later that day during my lunch break i went to the bathroom to ****, and some guys where talking about having a party on saturday, and to not invite Jared," because he wouldnt fit in being a faggot and would scare the girls away". "He only got the job for being a full time computer geek... **** him.. did u see what he told eric today.." They started talking trash about me, not realizing i was there. I felt physically bad that i couldn't really get my job done. I had some work for the expansion of Warcraft, but i wasnt in the mood and half assed the rest of the day.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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You better shape up dude, if Cataclysm sucks I'm going to go find you!

Dude I don't know if you are trolling or not. I'll give you the benefit of a doubt.

If I got my facts right, you're a 27 year old virgin who works at Blizzard Entertainment in Irvine. A computer nerd who's got some serious confidence issues. Though you seem to be on the right track to self-improvement.

Talking back to Eric was a good start. The words were fine but there was no need to raise your voice. You should always stand up for yourself but remain calm.

Working out is also very important, keep it up.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Being timid would seem to suggest to me that you don't believe you have the right to just take things in life... What will it take for you to wake up to your own value? Will you let others continue to occupy your rightful place in life or will you stand up and take charge? Will you worry about other's feelings at your own expense? Will you continue to deny that you are as important as anyone else? Will you subjugate your feelings to others?

You will respect yourself a lot more (as will women) when you decide to take a stand for yourself and make things happen in life. How others respond in any single instance makes absolutely no difference. It's about having pride in yourself and a willingness to believe that you have something to offer others and showing that you're interested in others. What right do you have to deny yourself and others such a great experience, anyway? The sooner you drop the PUA crap, the sooner you can get on the road to recovery. I would suggest you do daily affirmations, work on assertiveness training, and most importantly do not try to be something phoney-- show genuine curiosity about others and their lives, not phoney tricks that will backfire and weird them out.

Remember the norm of reciprocity-- if you begin by being genuinely interested and friendly to others, they will start to do likewise, but it will only work when you drop every ounce of PUA BS and begin to rid yourself of anxiety, low self worth, and depression. Everytime you do "that line" or use "that AMOG" you will be destroying your own success


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
You better shape up dude, if Cataclysm sucks I'm going to go find you!

Dude I don't know if you are trolling or not. I'll give you the benefit of a doubt.

If I got my facts right, you're a 27 year old virgin who works at Blizzard Entertainment in Irvine. A computer nerd who's got some serious confidence issues. Though you seem to be on the right track to self-improvement.

Talking back to Eric was a good start. The words were fine but there was no need to raise your voice. You should always stand up for yourself but remain calm.

Working out is also very important, keep it up.
Ok i wont raise my voice at him, its that i read in The Blueprint Decoded that raising your voice helps u control the frame.. Yeah i work for Blizzard Entertainment, its a 15 minute drive from where i live at, i live in Santa Ana. Im the general managers at the Warcraft department, and its not like heaven , like some people think, its a job. We have our own little culture here, and they they encourage you to be passionate about your department. We have alot planned, and several goodies for the next expansion Cataclysm. Its going to be on store shelves on November 21 if everything goes to schedule. Most kids and college students are going to have Thanksgiving Week of for school, and its the beginning of the Christmas season.

Well yeah i do have serious confidence issues, which is weird since i took martial art lessons when i was 11 all the way to freshman year of high school. Maxtro what do you think of dating a girl you work with? Theres a girl im starting to fall for, her name is Jasmine, shes one of the cutest girls i have ever seen, and she had a really nice personality... but i go chode when shes around. Shes a receptionist, and she looks intimidating to talk to. But she smiles at me when i pass by... but i dont think shes good enough for me thou.


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
Actually I have been hanging around on the forum, and it looks like they don't actually bash on pick-up at all... More like they just post advice. It's like this site really, just with the occassional dig at the mainstream PUAs selling out.