Purple dress opener
OK, I've tried this one three times and gotten great results from it twice. Let's call it the purple dress opener. It's longer than most normal openers, but it works like a charm if your body language is right. The power of this opener lies in how well it fits with the typical chick-flick romance setting, without making you look like an AFC (once again, so long as the body language is right).
You have to be at some clothes shop for this to work. Go to the ladies' section and start browsing around until you see a girl you like. Don't pay too much attention to her for fifteen seconds or so, just focus on the clothes around her, maybe lift a couple off the rack and pretend you're checking sizes or something. Then bump into her or make eye contact to get her attention while you're still holding the clothes.
DJ: *holds the clothes up like he's asking whether they'd look good on him* What do you think?
[Short pause here. Chances are she'll give you an odd look...after all, they are women's clothes]
DJ: *suddenly becomes very aware that he's holding up women's clothes* *laughs* Oh, these aren't for me, they're for a friend. It's her birthday tomorrow [or whatever]. But I'm terrible at picking women's clothes out. Think I should get this in green or in red [or something to that effect]?
HB: [Gives advice, hopefully]
DJ: [check her out for a few seconds, long enough to make her nervous] I also like what you're wearing, though. Might be better than what I had in mind. [Walk up to her and feel the fabric on her clothes]. Hmm...and that's really soft [or something to that effect...just make sure you're slow and not too hasty about the whole thing].
HB: [Usually they'll say "thanks" or something along those lines, and yes they WILL be taken aback. Which means now it's time to break the tension before she labels you as a creep]
DJ: *takes hands off her and laughs* Wow, thanks for putting up with me, you must be really embarrassed. I'm just not used to shopping for women's clothes.
HB: [Here they usually don't say much, they just laugh and say "oh, that's ok" or whatever. But I guarantee if your body language was right you now have their full, undivided attention]
DJ: *make eye contact with her and hold for a few seconds*. I'm [name]. What's your name?
(transition into any other convo you might have prepared)