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PUA/cold-approach will make a return within a decade


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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How many woman want to be the side chick of a chad? Even if you say half of them, you still have the other half of the women wanting LTRs with emotional attachment -- the stereotypical relationships. After all, isn't this the reason why a lot of woman complain that dating apps suck? This is after all what currently is happening in dating apps. All the chads are "dating" the majority of women in the dating apps. After a while, most of these women quit the dating apps. They quit being with the chads and get "dating burned out". This situation is not sustainable. This is also why match group's stock has gone down aby 50% year to date and most smart women don't use datings apps aka "hook up apps" (besides not having to use them in the first place; high value attractive women don't need dating apps - mostly hoes and unreasonable women).

In the long run, these average women either wise up and match with average guys or they become spinsters with no family. Women maybe emotional, but after a while, reality will hit them. As mention before, why do most younger (college age) women no longer consider themselves feminist? According to search, I think 85% of college women don't label themselves feminist.

About only 46 percent of college women use dating apps and most have a negative view of them:


At the end of the day, most people who reproduce are in loving relationships. They are not into casual sex. A lot of these people are conservative with conservative values having offspring's that are mostly conservatives. So in the long run; incells, women who have high standards, PUAs, etc.. these people don't reproduce. They don't pass on their behaviors or their ideas to the next generation. It's basically Darwinism. According to Darwinism they are the true losers in the genetic game. That being said, people usually find a way to get with each other and have good families. Life finds a way even if it takes the removal of a generation of idiots and their genes from the gene pool.
By definition you are saying there will less incels because the apps and current dynamics are unsustainable. How do you factor incels into this if more women will become available in a post feminist society?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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While exceptions do exist including an awful case last year or so with an incel shooter, Toronto does not suffer from the same issues that a lot of US cities and colleges do. You do not have the constant shootings and extremism in Toronto that you do elsewhere. IMO, I think legalizing prostitution will be one way to fix the incel issue but the long-term solution is metaverse, sex robots, and a herbivore society. I mean let's not think that these socially awkward leeches are going to find a wife, god help whatever woman has to be married to that.

I say, push a herbivore society, let 90% or so of the weak men that cannot be bothered to improve themselves, improve their mindset, improve their game, and go all in just fade into the background. The most practical solution for the US will be what Japan is doing.
The reason Toronto does not suffer from these issues is because there is no "second amendment right" to legally own a firearm. If you have a firearm in public you'll get arrested and potentially sent to jail period. You can only use guns for hunting, a gun collection, and for shooting ranges as a hobby, but can't use it for self-defense or to protect yourself and your family. You have to get a license before you own a gun and if you eventually do, the police will have you on their database as a registered gun owner and you could be monitored by them, etc... the point is guns are very tightly regulated. In the US it's not and in a place where everyone and anyone can own a gun, even if they have mental problems, you end up with constant shootings, and worst, suicides. Do you realize how easy it is to end your life if you have a bad day and revolver next to you? Guns are just dangerous to have for even the gun owner.

Extremism can't flourish in Toronto if over half of the city are racial minorities and doesn't lend itself to extremist movements. It's not part of the culture. But in terms of prostitutes, I'm really trying to wrap my head as to the positive impact you are claiming they have on society.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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Move to Afghanistan
Yeah, if people really, really want pu55y. Convert to Islam and move to Afghanistan, etc.. You will automatically "power up" and gain 50000+ experience points. Unlike some people here, I don't want pu55y that badly :) Just giving answers to questions that are vexing people which could easily be solved by out of the box thinking.

Heck, give it a few more generations (or years???); France and Britian are slowing turning Islamist. People wouldn't even have to go all the way to the middle east.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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By definition you are saying there will less incels because the apps and current dynamics are unsustainable. How do you factor incels into this if more women will become available in a post feminist society?
There will be less incels -- they will either die off or get "ensnared" by thirsty women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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Do you realize how easy it is to end your life if you have a bad day and revolver next to you?
I live in Chicago. People step in front of the Metro trains or jump off of buildings.

To be honest, I think a revolver would be a better way to go. One of my co-workers complained that he missed work because some idiot killed himself at his train stop.

Guns are just dangerous to have for even the gun owner.
Guns are dangerous. But yet millions of people have them in places like TX, Ohio, etc.. and they seem fine. Oh well.. if people can't handle them, they shouldn't have them. Those that can handle them should be allowed to have them.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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The reason Toronto does not suffer from these issues is because there is no "second amendment right" to legally own a firearm. If you have a firearm in public you'll get arrested and potentially sent to jail period. You can only use guns for hunting, a gun collection, and for shooting ranges as a hobby, but can't use it for self-defense or to protect yourself and your family. You have to get a license before you own a gun and if you eventually do, the police will have you on their database as a registered gun owner and you could be monitored by them, etc... the point is guns are very tightly regulated. In the US it's not and in a place where everyone and anyone can own a gun, even if they have mental problems, you end up with constant shootings, and worst, suicides. Do you realize how easy it is to end your life if you have a bad day and revolver next to you? Guns are just dangerous to have for even the gun owner.

Extremism can't flourish in Toronto if over half of the city are racial minorities and doesn't lend itself to extremist movements. It's not part of the culture. But in terms of prostitutes, I'm really trying to wrap my head as to the positive impact you are claiming they have on society.
Except gun-related violence is often the worst in cities like Chicago where gun control laws are by far the strictest. If people want guns, they will unfortunately get them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Except gun-related violence is often the worst in cities like Chicago where gun control laws are by far the strictest. If people want guns, they will unfortunately get them.
Chicago also have lots of prostitutes. I know. I saw their backpage ads before they outlawed backpage.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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coach kyle
thought i'd bump this as my friend sent me his latest course and I watched most of it this morning.

I think his game is fine and I agree with loads of what he was saying when he was analysing his students infields, BUT the biggest thing for me when I watched his infields is how it massively confirmed the pattern that most of us know - you can't seduce a girl who doesn't want to be seduced by you, and game is played on the 'yes girls'.

The last infield I saw demonstrated it the best. She was all over him the second he said 'hi'. Stroking his arm and even saying 'wow!'. In my eyes, it's a done deal at that point, although he was really patting himself on the back throughout the infield as if it wasn't his looks but his 'game' that made her want him lol

His other pulls were similar. And then the other infields just go in the rejection compilation (when his game didn't work. Not because of any mistakes but because he just wasn't her type)


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2022
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I always used to criticise guys who said “Let the MGTOWs go their own way, all the more for us” because those guys who “choose” to check out of the dating market had that choice decisively made on their behalf, and women wouldn’t even notice them “quitting”. But maybe with how badly things are going, this statement is beginning to become outdated - the original Incels back in the 2010s and earlier seemed to consist of men with pathological social anxiety along with hideously ugly guys who tried extensively to date to no avail. But I myself joined the Incel community last year after only EIGHT rejections, none of them following an even half-decent approach, and most of the other guys had few or no approaches under their belts! So maybe the newer generation of more entitled and conditioned men who make little or no attempt to go out there and run game will be filling up the ranks of the Incel community (whether they identify as such or not) without first having tried hard and failed consistently to get laid, which will of course mean that this contingent includes a lot of decent-looking ones who, whilst not being actively approached by girls, are not eliminated from the dating market due to looks and height alone. Obviously, women are too busy banging the same few Chads to actually notice that these men have checked out and chase them down to give them another chance, but this could make real-life approaches so novel for women that the effectiveness of doing them outweighs the other crippled market dynamics and gives men who can actually approach girls a boost. Or maybe I am just being hopelessly optimistic and Chad wins no matter what.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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As the blackpill is spreading more (I mean fkin coach greg made a vid on wheatwaffles and even my normie friend sent me a wheatwaffles video), more and more men are going to opt out of OLD. In fact this whole andrew tate sigma **** means that a lot of DEDICATED normies are going to start this self-improvement redpill grind. The few who do make it will probably slay via OLD, but the majority who still don't hit that chad/top 10% of men are going to either

1. Spiral into blackpill depression and join the likes of this site

2. Will find another solution

This is where the PUAs will comeback. It is practically water at this point that OLD is stacked against men, clubs and bars are stacked against men as well, so things like daygame will be pushed VERY hard. PUA is going to make a comeback and NTpill will most likely make a return. I see in the future many men opting out of online dating and it becoming a literal chad only place - making the gender balance a bit more equal.

Women at this point are going to respond in a few different ways.

1. They will realise that OLD gives them better options and essentially more women are going to hop on tinder (unlikely)

2. They will push new laws making PUA harder (likely)

3. A hybrid between the two will occur (most likely) where women expect to be gamed at work and will only use tinder if they are feeling lonely.

But this redpill sigma grindset subset of normies, is a subset. What about the greater normie population what happens to them?

I suspect many of these normies are going to be angry. Very angry, to the point where feminist politics are going to start seeing a pushback (Roe v Wade is a good example), when abortion was pushed back many women were angry they were no longer able to have casual sex. The mask was unveiled and it made a lot of the feminist movement lose credibility to an extent. As a result the anti-feminist movement will grow, there is going to be this new neo-conservative movement emerging. It's going to consist of women who never got commitment from chad and angry normies alike, I cannot say for sure how powerful this movement will be. But it's going to have some level of impact, expect OLD becoming something less normalised and being given a bad stigma.

So in summary:-

1. Incel/blackpill movement will grow

2. Tinder/dating apps will be stigmatised due to a new conservative backlash supported by angry young men and middle aged men (that's going to be guys who are in their 20s rn)

3. PUA will thrive again because it will use this stigma of dating apps to market themselves, perhaps playing on the new con movement and disguising itself as being trad (it will romantacise itself and speak about how in the good old days it was possible to meet girls in book shops, but with my method here is how you can relive those days!)

4. Feminism will push the overton window, chad only will be even more explicit

5. Government might have to intervene at some point but this doesn't seem likely.
I think maybe after the next nuclear war, women might be more friendly and scowl slightly less at any man that dares approach them. Especially because their homes will need rebuilding and they won't have a clue how to do it themselves. Worse than that, they will have lost all of their Instragram followers.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2022
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I'm sure you've posted it before, but maybe you can help me out.

How did you learn to cold approach? How long did it take to get proficient?

I don't do any cold approaches, but I will strike up easy conversations with women whenever possible. I am pretty socially adept, but reserved at the same time.

These two books by Alan Roger Currie changed my life/outlook on approaching women.

Mode One : Let the woman know what you're really thinking

Ouuhh Say it again

Highly Recommend


Don Juan
May 21, 2021
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Another possibility is that women will get tired of getting pumped and dumped on dating apps, and the app companies (Match) will have to change their algorithms. Sure, the apps have been extremely profitable, but is it sustainable?

SMU Brah

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2022
Reaction score
Back in the day men would go get drinks at a singles bar then when they got enough liquid courage they would approach, this was not a thing being done by alpha males, it was also being done by betas and by extension 90 percent of male population. They weren't following pickup as a methodology and studying it, they were just going to bars and chatting with women... It was the same thing back in the day if you were a college student. You would corner a cute chick after class make a couple jokes and ask her out. Now zoomers fill up PMs of peripheral women in their friend groups on IG. When that doesn't work they go swipe on Tinder thousands of time. PUA is not coming back, much life IRL approach, because men are too beta, and I'm being serious here, to approach because they're low-test and can't handle face to face. Your average dude a generation or two ago was much more socially well adjusted, savvy and charismatic that one now. If you don't believe me go watch a Twitch streamer (young male) to see how they act, and further, who other young men are emulating, or trying to be.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Back in the day men would go get drinks at a singles bar then when they got enough liquid courage they would approach, this was not a thing being done by alpha males, it was also being done by betas and by extension 90 percent of male population.
How far back in the day are you talking? Pre-2007 when the first iPhone was introduced? You're correct that betas are about 80-90% of the male population. The typical beta now is a weaker male than the typical beta of 1980 or 1990.

Now zoomers fill up PMs of peripheral women in their friend groups on IG.
Variations of this were starting even as far back as when I was in college (2001-05). In those days, some young college males were finding ways to get a woman's AOL Instant Messanger handle, email address, or early Facebook/MySpace account and message. You now have 2 generations of men who haven't been as big on cold approach. Earlier Millennials (1982-1988) at least have a little bit of hope in terms of real life approaching, but they weren't as good at it as the Gen X'ers. Roosh, Mystery, Neil Strauss, and a few other big PUA names were all Gen X'ers.

They weren't following pickup as a methodology and studying it, they were just going to bars and chatting with women... It was the same thing back in the day if you were a college student. You would corner a cute chick after class make a couple jokes and ask her out. When that doesn't work they go swipe on Tinder thousands of time. PUA is not coming back, much life IRL approach, because men are too beta, and I'm being serious here, to approach because they're low-test and can't handle face to face. Your average dude a generation or two ago was much more socially well adjusted, savvy and charismatic that one now. If you don't believe me go watch a Twitch streamer (young male) to see how they act, and further, who other young men are emulating, or trying to be.
All accurate. As stated before, this was starting to come into place with the earliest of Millennials in the early to mid 2000s.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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I really dont think guys should be cold-approaching unless their game is elite level. Much better avenues ie go to a bar, social circle, have some guy friends and socialise with women. Basically anything that allows for warm-approach vs cold-approach.

I dont think it healthy just how much effort and attention cold approach gets compared to social circle or general just meetin someone in a bar or some other place where you regularly see a girl ie at work, she works at a place you regularly frequent or whatever.

For an average guy, get into some social circle with girls, or build one, and then use those girls to learn THE GAME.

Cold-Approach is only for elite tier guys who really know what they are doing cos there are psychological issues with going up to random women and approaching on street level. It is so difficult and non-standard (socially weird) to chat to random girls in the street that going to that effort and social faux-pax really puts you in a desperate, weak position.

Every rejection matters big time. Dont ever think rejection is a good thing cos atleast you tried. When accept rejection you accept low-self-esteem. Never let a women reject you and be careful not to put yourself too low beneath a woman, and you do this by spam approaching lots of random women.

Cold-approach should be like 10-20% of your strategy of meeting women cos it really does nothing to build your game, social skills, or self-esteem.


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2022
Reaction score
Cold-Approach is only for elite tier guys who really know what they are doing cos there are psychological issues with going up to random women and approaching on street level. It is so difficult and non-standard (socially weird) to chat to random girls in the street that going to that effort and social faux-pax really puts you in a desperate, weak position.
Please take your negativity back to the Blackpilled communities where it belongs. I plan to cold-approach tomorrow in spite of all this and this forum exists to help men who share that same attitude.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I plan to cold-approach tomorrow in spite of all this and this forum exists to help men who share that same attitude.
I did 2 approaches today without trying all that much to do them.