jophil28 said:
"I am interested in you."
That smacks of emotional manipulation to me.
A possible 'womanspeek" translation -
" The way you have been behaving lately is confusing and upsetting to me.
I liked things the way they were . I had you signed up as my personal domestic slave, and I had guitar hero as my "entertainment".
So I am going to 'hint' that I have found renewed sexual interest in you in the hope that you will slide back under my control .
I am in a panic now because I fear that my life will need to change back to being a wife and mother. Damn it, I will provide an Oscar winning seduction scene if I have to. What ever it takes."
Just my take.
I was going to post something similar to the above. Luckily Jo did it with a whole lot more style then I ever could. This is the pendulum slowly moving back your way.
Her behavior is an attempt to drag you back into a comfort state. That means giving you crazy sex, being extra nice, attention etc. She may be doing it for genuine reasons, but I'm not interested in speculating at this time. If she emotionally hooks you before you do it to her - then game over. So you have to be a bit of a challenge and dictate the terms.
Be playful, funny, ****y but let your actions speak (avoid her gigs till things are in your favor).
Keep doing your own thing and find something you are passionate about if possible.
You also need to hook her first. Hot and cold can work.
If you can, a day before a gig take her aside and kiss her passionately before you have to go and do something, keep it short but intense. Make sure there is some kind of time restraint so you have to leave. Try to hold out from having sex all the time at the moment as well.
Before she goes to the gig try and do something similar.
The idea behind it is you are trying to hook her emotions back your way. If she is thinking about you in the back of her mind while with Guitar player it will slowly poison their connection. As stupid as this sounds play like you’re the man on the side, that’s the attitude.
The downside of this method is you make her hot and horny and she bangs him:crackup: jk
Don't isolate her to much or she will look for comfort elsewhere.
Don't overplay the DJ stuff to her to fast.
Don't fall for sudden signs of normalcy in her behavior
IMO things are moving pretty fast so don't get too ahead of yourself as that can be more disastrous.
Flirting is for your confidence. It will show without saying a word to her. All flirting should be at this time is to build the confidence that you can easily have other options. You don't need to be getting numbers or anything at this time.
Keep up the interaction with other women but don't force it down the wife’s throat to much.
I could care less if you stay or go, it's your life. All I'm interested in is you getting into a strong frame to make a decision from. That means covering all bases be it emotional, finances, game & strategy, body and confidence. It also means returning you into a favorable position in the relationship. When you are in control again then you decide.
Like I said previously she needs to be trained. It sounds bad saying it like that. But it’s a strong but discreet technique to clue her in on your expectations of her without directly saying it. That’s something for down the track anyway. Enough on your plate at the moment to keep you busy.
One more thing
Do not fall into old patterns again through comfort and laziness.
This marriage is over in less than seven months. I don't care even if he had to hire actresses to play the role of other women interested in him. He has made severe mistakes. She has, and will continue, to have sex with other men. I had sex with a married woman last year, I know exactly what she's doing. She has the cards, and she knows how to use them. She's a smart one. By the way, even if she has sex with him everyday, it still doesn't subside her craving another man's covk.
Or this may come to pass.
She has dipped her toe in the water. And unless you get your frame right now and in the future, she may just do it again. Good luck with it hope it ends well.
PS anything I have posted here is for the OP's situation and not necessarily the advice I would give to others. Just a heads up for the lurkers.