Problems continue


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
I've been talking to various girls online and it's always the same....I get initial interest but it goes downhill because I can't seem to know what to say on a consistent basis and even when I'm on the right track, I err by not knowing when to shut the f*** up! I think I really screwed up the other day when I asked this girl for her number and she turned it around on me....I resisted at first but she promised she would call me and that she wouldn't just put in her "pile of forgotten numbers" like I said she probably would when I was resisting. I sent her a message yesterday and asked her if that was her who left me a cute message on my phone, thinking that would definitely get a response. She just read it. Tonight I sent her another message asking her what she was up to....still no response. And half these b!tches aren't even that attractive. I just want to get laid to take the edge off....and I'm not aiming that high/asking for too much (or so I think lol).

Even talked to a long-distance girl tonight just to have a friendly chat/flirt, work on seducing and for a while, she was eating up my witty observations and interesting questions....but after a while, it all went to sh!t 'cause I became too forward and crossed the line of subtlety. Other chicks have left comments on my profile but I seem to get resistance from them once I ask for their screen names so I can instant message them. I'm pretty sure my profile was too over-the-top like Stallone before so I switched it up but I feel like half the girls in my area have seen it and mostly are unamused. I just started reading "The 48 Laws of Power" and trying to become more mysterious but I seem to forget all that and just act according to how I'm programmed (especially when the hour is getting late, I get goofier and more aimless)....which is to say, I have little control over how I go about seducing chicks. It either flows and I get what I want or it eventually falls apart. Usually sooner as opposed to later. I was on a roll, damn it....and now suddenly it's been almost 6 months since I've gotten laid. I hate to say it but as much as I feel like a stud, and an intelligent one at that, I stumble a lot and it does hurt my confidence. I think it has to do with keeping my desire/openness more subtle and subdued while still expressing it on a level they are comfy with.

I'm just having trouble adhering to that fine line. I wake up and feel like it's a new day and they're all there for the picking but by the end of the day, it seems like each new attempt at seduction is just an exercise in futility even though the potential for giving them one hell of a pleasurable experience is very much present. There's so much competition though and other guys who have more defined muscles/aesthetically more pleasant to the eye but I know I have something on a good percentage of them and that's why it's frustrating the f*** out of me. I'd like to keep my desire hidden but when it comes to talking online, the way you send signals is paramount. I don't want to be the "friend"....I want to be the "f*** buddy" but I think I lay too many cards on the table at once. Does anyone else have any suggestions that are relevant to this situation? Anyone who was recently on a roll and suddenly finds themself in the middle of a sexual famine, in which they can't for the life of them feed the animal that lurks in their pants? lol, so I sound goofy...but as I said, it's getting late.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
ps. out of desperation and the possibility that I could talk on the phone/meet/f*** the girl, I did what I NEVER EVER do....and have only done a few times in my life and that is give her my number. She promised she would call but just like every other time I gave it out, there ain't nobody callin' and I could've seen it coming. :down:
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Floridaboy23 said:
Anyone who was recently on a roll and suddenly finds themself in the middle of a sexual famine, in which they can't for the life of them feed the animal that lurks in their pants?.
Yes, I know famines suck, I am in one but I have a feeling this is almost over. The key to chatting online is to not respond too quickly, and also not be on long sessions, make it seem like you're busier. A couple days ago I tried online stuff, and I thought it was a lost cause, but if it floats your boat, then keep doing it.

My view is that in a famine, there are 3 common characteristics:
1) a feeling that you are wasting much valuable time, but you also feel you cannot do anything about it

2) a feeling that you have tried every option

3) maybe you're just feeling downright hopeless

The reason I said I feel my famine's ending is I have ample opportunities coming soon, and this gives me hope. Maybe you need to be open to other avenues. I'm not going to say stop wanting chicks so badly, because we all get that way, but what I will say is there is always something you can do to improve your A)self B)game C)chances

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Floridaboy23 said:
I've been talking to various girls online
That's your problem right there. How are you going to get laid at your computer?

Try to get away from communicating online as soon as you can. Just get her number or set up a meeting quick!


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Appreciate the replies, guys....and yeah I definitely know what you mean about responding too quickly and being too available. Right now, I'm just starting to look for a new job and I've had WAY too much time on my hands lately and have nothing to show for it. When I was working, it seemed like lust wasn't at the heart of my everyday thoughts so maybe that's what allowed me to seduce. In regards to getting the number, or even so much as move it in the direction of talking offline, I seem to get resistance. It could be that I'm not as smooth in my delivery as usual or it's just that it seems like it's getting redundant and almost as if I feel very little passion/enthusiasm when sending the messages and it comes across as more artificial than it usually would when I have less time on my hands (?) Or it all goes good initially and I can tell they're digging it, then I say something or they just don't respond for whatever reason when I try to push the envelope.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
It seems like my desperation just gets worse....the last week or so I've been contacting girls left and right, older ones, younger ones, attractive ones, not so attractive ones.....and my messages must really suck because I've hardly gotten any responses. It doesn't seem like I'm saying things differently. But it does seem like I've almost exhausted all my resources....and contacted half the girls in my area. Now I think when I'm out on the town, people are going to know me as THAT guy. The one who had the arrogant humor in his profile...the desperate one.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
1) Get her number. 2) Call her in a few days and ask her for a date IN PERSON. 3) Get off the fvcking computer. :p



Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
yeah, I'd like to just ask for the number but myspace is tricky....these b!tches are too resistant/paranoid for that usually. There are definitely a few of them I'd like to just cut to the chase with but if I do, they may not reply....and that may kill all chances. I've already gone through half the girls in my area 'cause of this pathetic drought I've been in.