All these rants and diatribes about how these poor innocent men get ripped off by having to pay child support cracks me up. The vast majority of you guys don't even have children, have never even paid child support and get your information from bitter divorced men who only biotch about it because they are still made at their ex.
I actually have experience with the child support system and have since 1994....about 12 years. The most my ex ever had to pay was $600 a month for 3 kids. He was making twice that in a week. He was paying his wages for 2.5 days a month to help support the children he helped make. That is hardly unfair. Now he's only supposed to pay $100 a week. It takes twice that a week to feed my two teenage sons...if not more. I've never used child support to do anything fun. It's gone towards food, living expenses, school clothes, shoes, stuff that my kids have needed. Most of the time I don't even get child support. Despite the fact that my ex went 7 years straight not paying a red cent and now only pays sporadically at best and not an unfair amount at all...he STILL pisses and moans about how unfair it is and how I take his money and spend it on myself. Oh please...he has nothing to biotch about because he hardly ever even pays it in the first place. Oh...and I have never taken him back to court, either.
My 5 year old's father had to pay all of $50 a week, and I had that case closed because if I ever need anything for her I just have to tell him and he'll take care of it if he can. If he can't, he will as soon as he's able to. I went out of my way to make court go easy for him...and I even insisted on things like shared custody, taking turns claiming her at tax time, taking turns on holidays, inviting him to spend any holidays he doesn't see her with us so he can see her. I don't do any of that for my ex husband. The reason I don't is because he chose to be a d*ck about things. My 5 year old's father chose not to be a d*ck and it paid off for him.
Don't listen to guys who don't even have kids and have never even been in this situation before. They are just repeating crap they have read written or heard spoken by miserable, grumpy, bitter old fools who chose to bite of their nose to spite their face.