

Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by MinDFreeZ
Does anyone here have kids?
Is it really as expensive as I think? ..... The Girls parents are saying it wont be as bad as we expect, plus the fact that her house is 1 house away from her mom's house.. so we have a babysitter, and someone to spoil the hell out of the kid, haha.

I am worried about roomates though.. she has a 3 bedroom house in Lake Mary, $1500 a month.. she planned on 2 roomates.. now she plans on me and a baby, but hoping for another roomate...... is a child really that expensive?
One child isn't that expensive...especially early on. They don't get really expensive until they get closer to their teenage years. Almost all working families qualify for a program called WIC. It basically provides you with free formula, juice and infant cereal and then helps with milk, cheese, juice, peanut butter and cereal up until your child is 5 year old. Babies outgrow their clothes quickly, but they aren't that expensive to buy. When you have a child, if you don't have insurance, almost every state has state paid coverage for children and pregnant women. So...the main expense for the first year will be diapers, clothes and the initial purchases of a carseat, crib, stroller, highchair, swing, etc. Those are one time expenses except for the carseat, which you'll need a new one once the child gets a bit older (around 2-3). have time to get on your feet financially before you have to think about a child becoming really expensive.

As a single mother of 4 children, I can say that even without any child support, I managed to do okay. Times have been tight sometimes, but you make do. And most of the time it's been fine.

I'll say this much...once you see and hold the life you created you really won't care how much it's going to cost you. And no one is ever really prepared to have their first child. Babies don't come with an instruction manual or owner's guide. You learn as you go...and it's one of the most rewarding things you can ever experience.

My 5 year old daughter does and says the cutest and funniest things. When she was about 4 we were going into the local Walmart around Christmas and there was a Salvation Army worker outside ringing a bell. She looked right at him, glared and said, "STOP ringing that are TOO LOUD!" At first I was mortified, but once we got inside I couldn't stop laughing.

People who abort thier children miss out on so much. You knew the risk and knowingly took them. Now you've got to man up to that choice you made. Although you're probably scared to won't regret your child being born the second you see and touch him or her. There's nothing else like it in the world.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by MinDFreeZ
right, I already searched google... half the sh!t is blocked from here at work, category:abortion .. category: sex education

blah blah blah ... but I did find one article about it being the "french abortion pill" and it explained a lot, but didnt say what I need to know.. such as.. will they know if it was taken?

so a friend of mine said if they test her blood they will find out... so that doesnt really help.. that's probably murder or some sh!t! haha
Oh my God! Don't even say you are considering slipping an abortion pill to the pregnant woman who was told she has a very low chance of getting pregnant?

My ex husband hit me while I was pregnant. He tried to punch me in the stomach. I left him and got legal counsel. The lawyer told me that if he had of punched me in the stomach or done anything to cause the baby to die he could be charged with murder.

Those pills will show up in her bloodstream and if a woman has a miscarriage they do a full blood work up. The pill will show up and she will KNOW it was you who slipped it to her.

That's the most stupid and ignorant idea anyone has ever had. My God...DON'T listen to these idiots on here about pregnancy. And don't take advice of people who advise you to commit felony murder. Remember where Scott Peterson is? Had he not killed his own child it wouldn't have been all over the news. The murder of your own flesh and blood is the most heinous of all crimes.

Be a man and accept responsibility for the risks and choices YOU took and made.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Originally posted by MinDFreeZ
I was actually letting her go...
Sounds to me as if she heard you packing and took action to keep you in her clutches.

turns out she's been pregnant for 5 weeks and 5 days...

Get a paternity test brother. Hell, I'll call the Maury show and book it myself if I have to. If you truly believe for one second that women can't squeeze in new ding-aling while you're not looking think again and then double check that same thought.

You don't want to slip her anything either. Get the test and if she starts to him and haw and jerk you around you can rest assured that you're fears are correct.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
Yah, get a DNA paternity test asap.

I read about thise guy that had been supporting a kid for 10 years when he found out that the kid wasnt his with the help of a DNA test. Guess what the courts did? They told him to continue paying up since he'd been doing it for the last 10 years.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Originally posted by Centaurion
Yah, get a DNA paternity test asap.

I read about thise guy that had been supporting a kid for 10 years when he found out that the kid wasnt his with the help of a DNA test. Guess what the courts did? They told him to continue paying up since he'd been doing it for the last 10 years.

This guy and I are on the same page. I suggest the rest of the guys here read the book.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
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jacksonville, FL
paternity test is a must. I personally am in favor of going ahead with the child and giving him up for adoption.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
Inyurvij Eina
Originally posted by Centaurion
Yah, get a DNA paternity test asap.

I read about thise guy that had been supporting a kid for 10 years when he found out that the kid wasnt his with the help of a DNA test. Guess what the courts did? They told him to continue paying up since he'd been doing it for the last 10 years.
I've heard about that.

A feminist society? Nawww....


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Lake Mary, Florida
Originally posted by Wyldfire
Oh my God! Don't even say you are considering slipping an abortion pill to the pregnant woman who was told she has a very low chance of getting pregnant?
Trust me, I'm not that stupid....
I just wanted to learn about what they were talking about... I mentioned it to her.. she's like "what are you trying to say?" ..... that could have taken a wrong turn.

It's very hard to explain a situation when all I can show you is text on a computer screen.. Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad.. I worry about how she was ALREADY crazy.. and now she has an excuse to act that way... and take it out on me, when I'm working my ass off and not spending a dime on myself... I don't know.. then theres times she just starts crying, which I completely understand.. but it makes me feel guilty for even thinking about not wanting a kid... I'll just continue with what I'm doing.... and just put up with it and try to make her happy.
-edit: and for the people that said "dont listen to the people on this forum" .... trust me, I'm smart enough to know who to listen to and who to ignore.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MinDFreeZ

but it makes me feel guilty for even thinking about not wanting a kid... I'll just continue with what I'm doing.... and just put up with it and try to make her happy.
Feel guilty for not wanting a kid? How about the fact that you're a kid yourself?

You're just going to continue and just put up with it and try to make her happy? Sounds like you're conceeding defeat.

What you need to do is become the most cunning and manipulative person you've ever been and convince her somehow to abort.

Not trying and just burying your head in the sand is not a very good idea in this situation.

Years from now, when you're in divorce court, or just regular court, and this woman is taking you to the cleaners, you will think back and say "why didn't I do more?"

Think about it. When you actually find a woman that you want to settle down with and start a family with, you will be burdened with having to pay for this past mistake.

This is not the time for you to just "put up with it" and suck it up. This is your future at stake and if you care about it at all, you'll do everything in your power(legally) to get her to abort that fetus.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
^ this man speaks the truth.

If you go on with this, you are ****ed for the next 18 years. F U C K E D. Especially if she was a 'fling' to you as you stated earlier. If it were me I would move mountains and do everything in my power to get her to take the abortion.

DO NOT LISTEN TO ALL THESE 14 YEAR OLD NERDS LIVING IN THEIR PARENTS BASEMENTS!!!! They don't have the faintest idea of what the **** they are talking about.

Sit down with this chick and have a serious conversation with her. Tell her to stop crying and give her the facts. Tell her that you are not ready to have a kid, and that she should take an abortion or adopt it. **** man, use your brains. This is not some small sh!t we are talking about. This is 18 years of your life. E I G H T E E N YEARS OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
At the bare minimum, it costs approximately $100,000 to raise one child to 18 years of age.

I hope that you're rich. Try to convince her to adopt. While you're at it, get a paternity test. If she doesn't want to get one, get a lawyer.

This is really serious business, not all sunshine and lollipops like you think it will be. Your optimism is refreshing, but unrealistic. Get the facts straight.

And if its not your DNA in that kid, drop her. Heck, sue her for mental damages.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
You should be sending at least $300 a month to support your child. If you think about it, 300 isn't much money considering how much everything costs now and days.

Just step up, and you'll be cool.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I was a teenage pregnancy. It is actually pretty common.

All of these arguments about "support" have another side as well. Someday, you are going to get old, and your child will support you. My parents are not yet 50, and they will have a free lawyer for the rest of their days. They also have someone who they can trust to see that they are cared for when they get old. There are benefits that go along with the cost of raising a child.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by MinDFreeZ
Trust me, I'm not that stupid....
I just wanted to learn about what they were talking about... I mentioned it to her.. she's like "what are you trying to say?" ..... that could have taken a wrong turn.

It's very hard to explain a situation when all I can show you is text on a computer screen.. Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad.. I worry about how she was ALREADY crazy.. and now she has an excuse to act that way... and take it out on me, when I'm working my ass off and not spending a dime on myself... I don't know.. then theres times she just starts crying, which I completely understand.. but it makes me feel guilty for even thinking about not wanting a kid... I'll just continue with what I'm doing.... and just put up with it and try to make her happy.
-edit: and for the people that said "dont listen to the people on this forum" .... trust me, I'm smart enough to know who to listen to and who to ignore.
When a woman is pregnant her hormones are in overdrive...and she's going to be moody, emotional and possibly pretty whacked at times. She can't help's part of being pregnant. It's normal to be scared...every new parent and parent to be is. It doesn't sound like she has any intentions of getting an abortion. It's pretty clear she doesn't believe in it...and based on what she's been told...this might be the only child she ever is able to have. Don't push or suggest abortion anymore. Guys who do that end up having problems with the mother of their child later on...and you really don't want that. Just tell her that you don't know if you're ready to be a father and that you're scared, but that if this baby is born you will try to be a good father and will love your child. That's what she needs to hear to feel better about the situation. Trust me...she's already made her decision what she's going to do and nothing you do or say will change her mind about that. However, what you do and say WILL determine how easy or difficult a time you have with her in the future regarding your child.

You helped make this baby and it's your responsibility to help raise it.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by italostud
Feel guilty for not wanting a kid? How about the fact that you're a kid yourself?

You're just going to continue and just put up with it and try to make her happy? Sounds like you're conceeding defeat.

What you need to do is become the most cunning and manipulative person you've ever been and convince her somehow to abort.

Not trying and just burying your head in the sand is not a very good idea in this situation.

Years from now, when you're in divorce court, or just regular court, and this woman is taking you to the cleaners, you will think back and say "why didn't I do more?"

Think about it. When you actually find a woman that you want to settle down with and start a family with, you will be burdened with having to pay for this past mistake.

This is not the time for you to just "put up with it" and suck it up. This is your future at stake and if you care about it at all, you'll do everything in your power(legally) to get her to abort that fetus.
HORRIBLE advice. This woman is NOT going to get an abortion. If he takes your advice he's going to have to deal with a VERY angry and bitter woman as the mother of his child. He needs to think long term here...and he's made it very clear that he knows there's no way this woman will abort. He's going to be a father either way. He can either be a father on good terms with the mother of his child or be a fater on bad terms with the mother of his child. How he behaves right now will determine which way it's going to be for him.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
HORRIBLE advice.
Well bro it's up to you. Listen to advice from another guys who's been through the exact same thing and has seen this through a guy's perspective. Or listen to an old woman who spends way too much time on a message forum for young men. You make the call. Just do us a favor, come back in about 5 years and tell us how great your life is if you decide to keep this child. :down:


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Listen to Italostud who has been there (as I have) and not a woman's advice.. you will play right into thier hands if you do.

I cannot say whether to have or not have an abortion but I can tell you if you marry her her will not only have child support but also alimony.

Cut your losses and move on. You will have to pay child support but that's it. Do not let her manipulate you in any other way.

I cannot stand these hoes who just decide when it is time to ruin a man's life. You just fvcked her, for God's sake, why should that cost you your money, your future and your freedom?? this is an unduly harsh sentence for your "crime"

Yes get a DNA test too and do not worry if it pisses her off.. you may be saving yourself $100,000



Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Lake Mary, Florida
Originally posted by Wyldfire
When a woman is pregnant her hormones are in overdrive...and she's going to be moody, emotional and possibly pretty whacked at times. She can't help's part of being pregnant. It's normal to be scared...every new parent and parent to be is. It doesn't sound like she has any intentions of getting an abortion. It's pretty clear she doesn't believe in it...and based on what she's been told...this might be the only child she ever is able to have. Don't push or suggest abortion anymore. Guys who do that end up having problems with the mother of their child later on...and you really don't want that. Just tell her that you don't know if you're ready to be a father and that you're scared, but that if this baby is born you will try to be a good father and will love your child. That's what she needs to hear to feel better about the situation. Trust me...she's already made her decision what she's going to do and nothing you do or say will change her mind about that. However, what you do and say WILL determine how easy or difficult a time you have with her in the future regarding your child.

You helped make this baby and it's your responsibility to help raise it.
Thank you, you just took the words out of my head that I haven't said yet.
That is exactly what I am doing.. making the best of the situation, she will not have an abortion no matter what.. and really, out of the girls this could have been.. I'm glad it was her. she's very responsible and has the same views and values as me.. she'll be good for this... she doesnt even want me to ever pay child support.. just be there to support the child anyway. which is how i think..


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
lots say, oh, I have been there, get an abortion and all that, but think also, there have been many others who have manned up to the baby and supported them instead of aborting them and they are all right in the end.

I say keep the baby. IF she really is who you say she is, times might seem rough at different points, but you'll be all right.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MinDFreeZ
Thank you, you just took the words out of my head that I haven't said yet.
That is exactly what I am doing.. making the best of the situation, she will not have an abortion no matter what.. and really, out of the girls this could have been.. I'm glad it was her. she's very responsible and has the same views and values as me.. she'll be good for this... she doesnt even want me to ever pay child support.. just be there to support the child anyway. which is how i think..
Gentlemen, we lost another one. :(

PS: When she takes you to court for a 1/3 of your earnings, try telling the judge: "But she said she didn't even want me to ever pay child support!".

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
