Post your worst reaction from a cold approach

Thai Foon

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
WOW I have never been dissed so badly by a girl before. Ok so I was at the mall right, and my wing pointed out these 2 girls. One was pretty hot and her other friend was fat and ugly. I just opened with a pretty direct approach to the hot one "hey I want you to know that I think youre pretty hot". Of course her fat friend has to ****block "OMFG WOW ewww GET THE **** AWAY FROM HER". She screamed it too ><. anyways can anyone beat that?

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
I've written this one before but its pretty funny.

I don't know if I can beat you on plain rudeness or *****iness but on social awkwardness I reckon I can.

I was out at a bar with some friends. A group of girls sat next to us and started discussing ****tails.

I leaned over and was like, "you girl should give the caprioscas a go... fluff fluff fluff."

In the meantime a friend of mine tried to talk to one of the other girls. The ugly one in the group stuck her head in the way and started answering the questions in behalf of the hottie.

The girls I was speaking to went to the bar and my friend was like, "did you just see me get ****-blocked?"

"Neverfear my friend, I shall fly wingman for you." I then lean over to engage the ugly girl so my friend can hit on the babe. "Wow! you got a long island ice tea... thats going to **** you up!"

"What are you drinking?" She asked.


both my crue and hers were all listening in.

"How many have you had?"

"Dunno, three maybe four."

"yeah, well you'll need at least ten to find me attractive."

Apparantly I flinched like I'd been punched. My friends were all suddenly engrossed in the footy, hers made lame attempts to be pretend to have not noticed by having fractured conversation. The poor girl shrunk in upon herself in shame.

I made an attempt to recover the situation, "well I must have had ten..."

It was too late.

My friend patted me on the shoulder and said, "nice try."

Those ugly friends can be real tough! I feel for ya thai foon. Don't take that kinda **** personally.



Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sometimes even before I approach I try to establish direct eye contact and once I was walking down the hall at school and this girl was coming my direction.

I looked at her in eyes and smiled and she had the awfullest scowl on her face like "why is this guy looking at me"

I dont' know, she could have been nervous

Thai Foon

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:
I don't know if I can beat you on plain rudeness or *****iness but on social awkwardness I reckon I can.

I was out at a bar with some friends. A group of girls sat next to us and started discussing ****tails.

I leaned over and was like, "you girl should give the caprioscas a go... fluff fluff fluff."

In the meantime a friend of mine tried to talk to one of the other girls. The ugly one in the group stuck her head in the way and started answering the questions in behalf of the hottie.

The girls I was speaking to went to the bar and my friend was like, "did you just see me get ****-blocked?"

"Neverfear my friend, I shall fly wingman for you." I then lean over to engage the ugly girl so my friend can hit on the babe. "Wow! you got a long island ice tea... thats going to **** you up!"

"What are you drinking?" She asked.


both my crue and hers were all listening in.

"How many have you had?"

"Dunno, three maybe four."

"yeah, well you'll need at least ten to find me attractive."

Apparantly I flinched like I'd been punched. My friends were all suddenly engrossed in the footy, hers made lame attempts to be pretend to have not noticed by having fractured conversation. The poor girl shrunk in upon herself in shame.

I made an attempt to recover the situation, "well I must have had ten..."

It was too late.

My friend patted me on the shoulder and said, "nice try."

Those ugly friends can be real tough! I feel for ya thai foon. Don't take that kinda **** personally.

You know, before I went out sargin today I read your thread about the 7 cold approaches. I laughed at that last "hot dog" part lol. I just started cold approaching and I havent had any success in like 30 so far, most go ok but some are just horrible like the one above ><. Oh well I heard it takes like a couple hundred before you actually will get success, and I think the work put in will be worth it. GL to you in your approaches too

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Thai Foon said:
You know, before I went out sargin today I read your thread about the 7 cold approaches. I laughed at that last "hot dog" part lol. I just started cold approaching and I havent had any success in like 30 so far, most go ok but some are just horrible like the one above ><. Oh well I heard it takes like a couple hundred before you actually will get success, and I think the work put in will be worth it. GL to you in your approaches too
Glad you had a chuckle.

One of the things I was trying to say in that post about 7 without saying it is that a lot of girls are idiots, that you can meet heaps of girls but none of them reach your standards.

So your comment about success; what do you consider success? Is it a close?

I don't like to look it that way. When I approach (actually you probably notice that you can probably call what I do as "opening" rather than approaching) is just to see if that girl is cool enough to be with me.

If you met 30 girls who haven't met your criteria is that a failure?

I try to look at every girl I have met as a positive step towards reaching my goals.

If you look at things that way then you will feel way better about your 30 approaches.

And you'll do it with way more confidence.




Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
Most men are too AFRAID to cold approach. So this thread wont get that many responses.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
The worst actual reaction is being ignored, (eg. saying hi to someone in a line behind you and they dont take you on), especially in the context of being amoged.

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Considering the purpose of this site, Mr. rakishness, I'd say men HERE should be approaching and therefore there should be responses.

Sadly, (for the purpose of this thread) the worse reactions I've received to cold approaches have generally been either being ignored or brushed off and having the girl walk off to talk to someone else. Really mild. At worse the already low IL fizzles and I eject, usually.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
The worst was during college.......I asked for a girls number...she said no....then she walked away. I wasn't too pissed because I already had a successful one the day before.
I later found out she(girl who dissed me) was one of those college jock groupies.
She probably had every STD known to man.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Honestly, my worst was far from bad
I just go up to a girl, say hi, and she says hi and walks away while im about to say something else. I then loudly say to her, "Excuse Me" and it gets her attention. I say "i think ur cute" and she doesn't really respond to it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
I think she was bashful about it, since the previous girl i said it to told me later that she was blushing and felt embarrased since people were around but smiled at me when she saw me again.
Funny, as those girls looked at me days later.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
I just had a pretty ****y approach two weeks ago. I was at the food court in the mall with my best friend getting some grub. Anyways we see these 2 girls at another table maybe 15 feet away and they are talking and one is looking very sad. I'm still really new to the cold approach as I just found this site and am recovering from AFC syndrome from my last LTR, but my friend is pretty successfull with women and he says we need to go talk to them.

Friend "Hey you guys look way to sad and its too nice a day I think you need us to come sit with you and cheer you up."
HB7.5 "Actually we would rather be left alone thanks though."
Friend "There is no problem an Orange Julius can't solve, my treat."
Me "I've got some Patron in the car that will solve more than any ****ing juice drink, my treat.":D
HB7.5 "Thanks but we are girl talking right now and were about to leave."
Me " Oh I see someone got dumped, well nothing gets you over the last one like the next one." not a very good thing to say I guess but its what popped into my head.
HB7 runs away crying to the bathroom
HB7.5 "**** You. Her Fiance just died in a car accident last week and I hope the same thing happens to you, *******s."

We both appologized just to be civil but neither of us felt too bad about it. How could we have known. I guess its not a good idea to approach girls when they look sad and serious. This was in the middle of the food court at like 1:30 so there was a lot of people lol. We just sat back down and were like wtf just happened lol.

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Worst was when I approached 2 girls at the beach. They screamed (not too too loud) when I approached acting like they didn't see me coming. Lame convo ensued with no answers whatsoever. Looking back on it, they may have been underage though so it was bad judgment on my part.

Also, about the ugly friends, they are often enablers to attention *****s so even if she's with a hot friend, it might not even be worth the risk.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Yea man, its weird...girls who don't respond feels worse(not so bad anyhow) than ones who insult/make fun of

Thai Foon

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
DonJoseCantosie said:
Yea man, its weird...girls who don't respond feels worse(not so bad anyhow) than ones who insult/make fun of
yeah girls ignoring me happens alot.. it sucks


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
But i couldn't say as i haven't been insulted i dunno wat would be truly worse.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
I've gotten mean looks when I went up to women. I'd go up to the DIRECTION of them, looking at them, and they give me a stare like I am the sickest, most disgusting thing they have ever seen. I was at a bar and I must have touched a girl with my drink on the shoulder or something, she turns around and wipes her shoulder off and gives me a dirty look. I wasn't even approaching her. I said something to her and she just ignored me. Does that ever happen to anyone?

Also, I approached some girls from behind, started talking to them, they didn't even turn around and look at me.

My response to these women is: f-- them. I've never had a problem with rejection, once it happens. I've still had problems approaching though. Just recently I approached a girl at the drugstore, we were inline at the pharmacy counter waiting to pick up/drop off prescriptions, with a few other people in line... nobody was talking. I started talking to her and EVERYBODY has to turn around and look at me trying to talk to her. That gets kinda akward.

The Shocker

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
With my parents, Visions that is hilarious...I would have been just standing there like wtf...


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
To be honest, I think some girls get off on trying to belittle guys when they come on to them, like a power trip. Especially the ****blocker ugly friends.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Visions007 said:
I just had a pretty ****y approach two weeks ago. I was at the food court in the mall with my best friend getting some grub. Anyways we see these 2 girls at another table maybe 15 feet away and they are talking and one is looking very sad. I'm still really new to the cold approach as I just found this site and am recovering from AFC syndrome from my last LTR, but my friend is pretty successfull with women and he says we need to go talk to them.

Friend "Hey you guys look way to sad and its too nice a day I think you need us to come sit with you and cheer you up."
HB7.5 "Actually we would rather be left alone thanks though."
Friend "There is no problem an Orange Julius can't solve, my treat."
Me "I've got some Patron in the car that will solve more than any ****ing juice drink, my treat.":D
HB7.5 "Thanks but we are girl talking right now and were about to leave."
Me " Oh I see someone got dumped, well nothing gets you over the last one like the next one." not a very good thing to say I guess but its what popped into my head.
HB7 runs away crying to the bathroom
HB7.5 "**** You. Her Fiance just died in a car accident last week and I hope the same thing happens to you, *******s."

We both appologized just to be civil but neither of us felt too bad about it. How could we have known. I guess its not a good idea to approach girls when they look sad and serious. This was in the middle of the food court at like 1:30 so there was a lot of people lol. We just sat back down and were like wtf just happened lol.
wow thats some ****