So you are saying it's not easy to diagnose someone with BPD, that you need absolute proof? And what proof do you have that my girl has BPD? Besides the fact that I said that she said that someone trained by Big Pharma said so. Do you take Ritalin for ADHD by chance? There is no test for ADHD btw. They made it up to sell drugs.You realize all of us have had our BPD cherries popped right? We all have the same story in varying degrees of severity with slightly modified presentations of the same thing.
Did you read the thread? Half the people are agreeing with me that BPD is WAY overdiagnosed here. You guys are saying "I did everything perfect, but just my luck, my girl was clinically insane so it's not my fault". Own up and take responsibility.
From what I can see, I only want to date girls with BPD. The mask comes off after 3 months, not 7. Remember: I have a photographic memory and ESP. She has integrity.