Post your successful relationships with women with BPD


Oct 20, 2006
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You realize all of us have had our BPD cherries popped right? We all have the same story in varying degrees of severity with slightly modified presentations of the same thing.
So you are saying it's not easy to diagnose someone with BPD, that you need absolute proof? And what proof do you have that my girl has BPD? Besides the fact that I said that she said that someone trained by Big Pharma said so. Do you take Ritalin for ADHD by chance? There is no test for ADHD btw. They made it up to sell drugs.

Did you read the thread? Half the people are agreeing with me that BPD is WAY overdiagnosed here. You guys are saying "I did everything perfect, but just my luck, my girl was clinically insane so it's not my fault". Own up and take responsibility.

From what I can see, I only want to date girls with BPD. The mask comes off after 3 months, not 7. Remember: I have a photographic memory and ESP. She has integrity.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Why don't you guys leave Neil alone. He's happy with his girl. Let him enjoy her. I think he knows the risks, and so far it isn't so bad, and I don't think he wants to marry her or anything. She might still eventually cut him off, though.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2016
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So you are saying it's not easy to diagnose someone with BPD, that you need absolute proof? And what proof do you have that my girl has BPD? Besides the fact that I said that she said that someone trained by Big Pharma said so. Do you take Ritalin for ADHD by chance? There is no test for ADHD btw. They made it up to sell drugs.

Did you read the thread? Half the people are agreeing with me that BPD is WAY overdiagnosed here. You guys are saying "I did everything perfect, but just my luck, my girl was clinically insane so it's not my fault". Own up and take responsibility.

From what I can see, I only want to date girls with BPD. The mask comes off after 3 months, not 7. Remember: I have a photographic memory and ESP. She has integrity.
Big Pharma? Dude... There is no medication for BPD. It's an attachment\personality disorder, not a mood disorder.

"The mask comes off after 3 months, not 7."

Wrong. It comes off when you find out who she really is when you emotionally invest or catch her. I kept her at distance until we had our first kid and thought "hey, maybe I can relax." Just like many other guys on here, you'll hear us say "I can't talk about it." It took 11 years to find out what BPD was. Most of us had no idea what BPD was and had a "lightbulb moment." You have the advantage of not only knowing up front, but people to guide you and you're still just absolutely clueless to what you're in for.

After that you'll see the time you had together in an entirely different light. One where everything you thought about this person was wrong. And eventually, if you're not too NPD about it, you'll go through your own transformation to fix your issues and offer the same advice to another naive young dude who is blinded like you.

If she does actually have BPD, you are in a bad bad spot. I was never this in love with my BPD, ever. I was never that dumb. And even still, I was easily led to slaughter.

You know when a guy just up and kills himself and everyone wonders why? We know why.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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I wish 5strings would post his story. His officially diagnosed BPD ex wife was an absolute angel with the proper meds, according to him. But even eventually that fell apart and he had to divorce her.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2016
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I wish 5strings would post his story. His officially diagnosed BPD ex wife was an absolute angel with the proper meds, according to him. But even eventually that fell apart and he had to divorce her.
Yeah I've plated mine, and she's homicidal. Holds a doctorate degree. She fooled everyone, she was smart. But like all women with BPD, they just keep ****ing up their life harder and harder until you literally have no choice. It makes no sense until you wrap your head around the extremely complex coping mechanisms and realize they aren't neurotypical. But until then, it really ****s with your head.

No need for the story. Any of the guys that have long term BPDs have the same story.

"Something weird about her, but she's perfect otherwise."

"Holy shiiiitttt! What is this... thing? Was it ever real?"

"How can I shoot heroin recreationally?"

"NC for 6 months, still the phone calls, texts... shots of her ***** every day... so weak... going to give in."

"Went for that sweet ***** and she told me her new boyfriend's **** is bigger, he makes more money and I never made her ***. HELP"

"Met a normal woman. I'm good. WHEW"


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Why don't you guys leave Neil alone. He's happy with his girl. Let him enjoy her. I think he knows the risks, and so far it isn't so bad, and I don't think he wants to marry her or anything. She might still eventually cut him off, though.
Leave Neil ALONE! (remember leave Brittany alone)?

Seriously, it's like an anti-dating forum sometimes here.

I was never this in love with my BPD, ever. I was never that dumb.
And you spent 11 years with her? That is dumb. "Love is not a choice. It is an involuntary response to virtue". (Stephan Molyneux).

She and I fell in love the first time I held her. We both admitted having a crush that moment. There is an energy there I can't describe. She's my true love. She reciprocates everything. I'll do almost anything for her. I hope you find a girl like this, even if for one night. I never knew what the term falling in love meant until I held her.

As someone who had his pick of the litter in most environments, I've always dated the most beautiful women I knew. Most are crazy. I lost my virginity to a hitchhiker who was 18, I once had a girl force my friend to go in the other room so she could have sex with me (and he was in love with her). My first love was bisexual. So was my second love. (Bisexual women that is).


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Leave Neil ALONE! (remember leave Brittany alone)?

Seriously, it's like an anti-dating forum sometimes here.

And you spent 11 years with her? That is dumb. "Love is not a choice. It is an involuntary response to virtue". (Stephan Molyneux).

She and I fell in love the first time I held her. We both admitted having a crush that moment. There is an energy there I can't describe. She's my true love. She reciprocates everything. I'll do almost anything for her. I hope you find a girl like this, even if for one night. I never knew what the term falling in love meant until I held her.

As someone who had his pick of the litter in most environments, I've always dated the most beautiful women I knew. Most are crazy. I lost my virginity to a hitchhiker who was 18, I once had a girl force my friend to go in the other room so she could have sex with me (and he was in love with her). My first love was bisexual. So was my second love. (Bisexual women that is).
Yeah, when I met my ex, who most likely is BPD, my heart was racing and I was nervous. I was jittery. That never happened before or since. Never had a girl make my heart race. She didn't like me as much at first. She was used to dating older millionaire men. I had to really try to get her, and I when I got her, I was trying to have a healthy relationship with her, and that's where things fell apart. I was trying to make her something she wasn't. If I had been willing to use backhanded tactics, maybe it would have worked out, but it's just not what I want. The funny thing about her, one time she drove me so insane, I slapped her across her head pretty hard. First time I ever hit a woman. She went running out of my apartment so fast. 10 minutes later she calls me up, tells me she never wants to see me again then 5 minutes later tells me she loves me and never wants to be without me. I think if I had just acted like more of a **** using game tactics, it might have worked out a bit longer, but it's just not what I want. I did use some tactics, however. Only saw her once a week. Never texted her much. Always waited for her to initiate contact.

This girl is the most fun girl I've been with. I felt really alive with her, unlike other girls. But I've accepted reality and that I need to move on. Her parents hated me cause of my race. She's white, and I am not. They also pulled the whole "he only sees you once a week, he doesn't care about you" card and everything else they could to ruin the relationship.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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No, you are just assuming. I did not get that from the Roosh forum. I don't go there.

It's actually 55%, close enough to 60%, hadn't read about it in a while. Excuse my memory.

Link to the document:

This is the lady that put all this together at upenn:

And according to this study, not having to do with BPD, completely separate study:
"Research has shown that childhood sexual and/or physical abuse significantly predicts engagement in sex work among selected populations, including: adult females "

But okay, former sex workers are completely normal :rolleyes:

I am not saying sex work is completely normal. The study I cited which was more recent, obviously conflicts with yours. If I am wrong, I am fine with that. I don't argue with science. In each of the studies we presented it is noted in the abstract that research regarding these topics is limited.

My main point is that its highly unlikely here everyone is dating BPDs. Its a rare mis and under diagnosed mental disorder that is often dehabilitating.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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You guys are saying "I did everything perfect, but just my luck, my girl was clinically insane so it's not my fault".
This is all I'm saying. You've guys been having BPD pity parties since I've been apart of this website.

"I remember my BPD I was tremendously in love. She fūcked my Father, son and my little brother. She stabbed me. I was with her for 8 years after..."

At what point does it become YOU who may have had the mental disorder for being involved in the toxicity?

I'm out. You can have sob stories all you like.


Oct 20, 2006
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Neil doesn't seem to understand the difference between a girlfriend and a plate.

She's not your "girlfriend". End of.

So fvcking stupid.
Like I said, it's the un-dating forum. Thanks for the un-dating advice.
  • You admit that I'm seeing her once a week without texting her, and you don't think I'm doing anything right? I must say it's flattering to think you guys are actually keeping track of how often I see her, how often I write to her, and what terminology I use.
  • You say I spend too much on dates but that I should try to see her more often?
  • You say she's crazy but I should try to lock her down to a commitment? You don't think I liked the 5 other girls I dated, average age 24? Maybe there are some details you don't know?
  • Your theory about my pretending with this girl breaks down when you look at the sheer volume of other women I have. After all, she is just a 7 as you said, so they are all the same in looks.
Now, I don't use the word "plate". I never said I was in an committed relationship (nor have I found that 21 year old women are very good at commitments). However, 3 months ago when she was the first to say "I love you", she said she thinks of me as a boyfriend. I asked her if I can call her my girlfriend and she said by definition she is.

Something tells me you wouldn't have "balls" if you were standing in front of me. But if you were out with she and I, you observe what my mother, stepfather, best guy friend, best female friend, physical trainer, her bouncer and her friends from work said when they saw us together. They all said "You two are in love".


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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This is all I'm saying. You've guys been having BPD pity parties since I've been apart of this website.

"I remember my BPD I was tremendously in love. She fūcked my Father, son and my little brother. She stabbed me. I was with her for 8 years after..."

At what point does it become YOU who may have had the mental disorder for being involved in the toxicity?

I'm out. You can have sob stories all you like.
I don't have any real sob stories here, maybe one could be on the border of that, but I am not of the type that thinks women are evil. Look through my post history. I am aware I am responsible for my actions. I'm just aware of BPD girls.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
This is all I'm saying. You've guys been having BPD pity parties since I've been apart of this website.

"I remember my BPD I was tremendously in love. She fūcked my Father, son and my little brother. She stabbed me. I was with her for 8 years after..."

At what point does it become YOU who may have had the mental disorder for being involved in the toxicity?

I'm out. You can have sob stories all you like.
There's a couple components here.

1 ) There is a disproportionate number of NPD males here.

2) BPD women also seek out NPD\co-dependent mates.

The ensuing relationship either becomes pathological, toxic or abusive depending on those factors, and it can shift. In my case, it shifted through all three to finally become a pathological power struggle before becoming self aware to what is called "The Dance." Unless the guy got spit out right away and kept chasing, most of the guys with these long drawn out nightmares are NPDs or ASPD.

So you're not wrong at all. You just don't realize you share the same view, without fully understanding it.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
We're pathological now? Toxic? It's actually just been some fun dates.

And wait, I'm crazy for staying with an incredible woman who "says" she has BPD?

So, just so we're clear, your advice to the forum is: "Don't look at a woman's actions, but pay attention to what she says?"

Btw, my girl is now sending sparkling heart symbols, which (per the link) is the be-all and end-all for true love for 21 year old women.
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Don Juan
Apr 14, 2016
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Like I said, it's the un-dating forum. Thanks for the un-dating advice.
Something tells me you wouldn't have "balls" if you were standing in front of me. But if you were out with she and I, you observe what my mother, stepfather, best guy friend, best female friend, physical trainer, her bouncer and her friends from work said when they saw us together. They all said "You two are in love".
Holy cow dude... what's your dating history?

You are in what's called "limerence" or "the honeymoon period." I thought you might be a reformed AFC, but you're just an AFC.

Listen.. this is good though. When you think about killing yourself, you'll remember our posts. And then you'll remember us tell you that "other women will make you feel good about yourself again."


Oct 20, 2006
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Are you that much of a pansy that you wanted to kill yourself when your girlfriend left you? Wow. No wonder you're here arguing with a random person. You have no life or purpose.

If my girlfriend leaves me I'll text one of the other 5 hot girls pining to go out with me.

BTW - The post says "Successful relationships with BPD". Are you saying I don't have a successful relationship with this woman? It didn't say Long Term Committed Relationships. But look at you pvssies grasping for straws - saying 7 months isn't a relationship, and seeing her once a week for 7 months isn't a relationship. Anything but admit I attract and maintain hotter girls than you do.

Successful seducers know that seeing them once a week is the ideal amount of time to keep them in love with you for years. Then again, you've never dated a girl that hot or young.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Are you that much of a pansy that you wanted to kill yourself when your girlfriend left you? Wow. No wonder you're here arguing with a random person. You have no life or purpose.

If my girlfriend leaves me I'll text one of the other 5 hot girls pining to go out with me.

BTW - The post says "Successful relationships with BPD". Are you saying I don't have a successful relationship with this woman? It didn't say Long Term Committed Relationships. But look at you pvssies grasping for straws - saying 7 months isn't a relationship, and seeing her once a week for 7 months isn't a relationship. Anything but admit I attract and maintain hotter girls than you do.

Successful seducers know that seeing them once a week is the ideal amount of time to keep them in love with you for years. Then again, you've never dated a girl that hot or young.
"you've never dated a girl that hot or young"

As hot, have kids with her. The suicide reference was for you buddy. You're not even in the same league I'm in mentally, and it was absolutely brutal to meet the real her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2017
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Not sure wether it was BPD but it was somewhere along those lines. The relationship was a roller coaster ride--

clearly she had severe abandonment issues, always ****-testing me, pushed my buttons so I can get violent with her (which I never did), insecurity, jealousy, comparing herself to other female coworkers, breakup/make up for small things, clingy.

** She would tell me that I would leave her (2 months into our relationship)
** She feared that she would end up alone
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Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2015
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Been dating a BPD for 5+ months. It's awesome. I picked up on her BPD right away ... i give her enough to CONSTANTLY want to be around me .. but also keep a safe distance knowing that all the "love bombing" she tries to deploy is BS.

I don't get emotionally involved in anyway while getting the best/easiest on demand sex ever from a total freak in the sheets.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Forgot which forum I found these. Just looking at these pics I can see many emotions and what the final outcome will be.


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Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
There's a couple components here.

1 ) There is a disproportionate number of NPD males here.

2) BPD women also seek out NPD\co-dependent mates.

The ensuing relationship either becomes pathological, toxic or abusive depending on those factors, and it can shift. In my case, it shifted through all three to finally become a pathological power struggle before becoming self aware to what is called "The Dance." Unless the guy got spit out right away and kept chasing, most of the guys with these long drawn out nightmares are NPDs or ASPD.

So you're not wrong at all. You just don't realize you share the same view, without fully understanding it.
Now this I agree with. Isn't it true though that the only people capable of dealing with a BPD is a sociopath (APD)? You become that way due to repeated psychological trauma and as a defense mechanism you develop sociopathy. Some people are more prone to it than others and some are naturally born that way, but ALL men have the ability to develop APD.