Really, that is not a question that is really relevant to anything...
For number closes, the last 5 times that I asked, 4 of them accepted.
For kiss close, the last 5 have all returned the kiss.
Out of the last 5 girls that I had the opportunity to f*ck, only 1 has refused me... but she's a catholic virgin, and not completely out of the picture, so I could technically still turn this around, and am actively attempting to do so (while I am still 'dating' (one is long distance) 2 girls right now...)
So out of the last 5, I've had a pretty good luck, but the reason isn't that I got lucky any more then before, its' just if the signs weren't there I didn't bother trying.
Whereas, if you took an average of all my rejections, its probably MUCH closer to 2/5 of an average. Really though... there is no way to answer the question. I hope you still find use in this post tho.
EDIT : Really, once you get better at reading people, it becomes, to paraphrase P_S, 'I don't go after someone thats NOT buying what I'm selling, so I only go for the ones that are buying, and so I'm always successful.'