Nocturnal, I've gotten fairly good at reading people. Whenever a girl is interested, she'll be giving some buying signals, sometimes I miss them, sometimes I think they are there when they are not... Its not a perfect science, BUT alot of the times, you can see little hints that the person is interested...
I really don't often care though... I don't go to bars EXPECTING to pick up a girl, I go prepared for it, but I always have 0 intentions. So, if a girl isn't showing me in a clear enough way that she is interesed, then in my eyes she is NOT interested ENOUGh,and I leave it at that.
I'll still ask girls sometimes even if I'm quite certain to get shot down, just like I'll still ask girls that I'm quite certain are interested just to get shot down; for the most part if the signs are there then I go for it, if the signs are conflicting I go with my gut, and if the signs say no, then I don't bother.
Haven't you ever made out with a girl, then decided that she wasn't worth pursuing just because you know that all you could ever get out of her was sex (I by the way am not looking only for sex, I'm also looking for the potential relationship)... Or, everything is going good then the girls starts talking about her vast mental problems and you are simply turned RIGHT off??
If you have then you might understand where this is coming from... you won't find this in the bible, but I AM talking from my own experience. It's best to find girls that are really intersted, and have a couple girls that are challenge girls that aren't all that interested but could be worked on...
Before I repeat myself anymore...