Hey guys, nice thread and some great input here! Oxide you sound like you are fun as hell to party with. If I ever end up in Minnesota, I will be giving you a shout, holmes!
Now, as a Disc Jockey, I consider myself somewhat of an expert on this. So here's my 2 dollars worth of advice.
Rule #1 - Perfecting your groove
Decent dance skills are a MUST! Take some classes, or do what I did and make friends with dancers and learn by observation/mimicking. Practice at home in your undies (a la "Risky Business") Oh, and its not gay if you buy a full-length mirror to perfect those moves..all professional dancers do it. Whatever you do, make sure you dont fall into the zone of the two-step Wanker Shuffle, You know, those guys that only step from side-to-side all night long. Learn to do some turns, twist those hips to the beat, VARY your movements because dancing is a sexual analogy. Many girls read this as
Repetitive dance moves = boring lay
Evolving dance moves = multiple orgasms
Most importantly, go to clubs where you are actually FEELING the music. It is imperative that you have a GREAT time while you sarge !
Rule #2 - Dealing with dancing targets
Keep escalating things and don't give her a chance to change her mind (3s rule). Start with eye contact when you are at arms-length away. Lock eyes and smile while you dance. DON'T take your eyes off her as you approach. Fear should not be a consideration because at this point you are having the time of your life, remember? Get closer to her and keep that eye contact/smile. Once you are in her personal space put one hand on her waist. If she is cool with it, keep escalating the kino and draw her closer to you until your legs are intertwined. Dont hump her leg! twist your hips and get her to follow your movement until you are synchronized. You will get a nice sensual grind going for a minute and then pull away slowly while holding her hand. FOLLOW the music. Raise your arms at the peak moments of the song and dazzle her with your newly acquired moves. Don't touch her ass or tits. Twist your hips as you lower your body and touch the sides of her thighs with your fingertips. Twist your way back up and let your hands trace her sides until you reach her ribs then circle your arms around her and pull her close. Now you slow the pace of the dance and lay on the EC real thick. Do triangular gazing by looking at her eyes deeply while stealing furtive glances at her lips. I sometimes bite my lower lip a little since it is a way of saying "Damn, I am so hot for you". with out having to say it. If you have made it to this point without any resistance, you are almost guaranteed a kiss. If you dont get the kiss, one of my fave moves before I head for the next target is to do a take-away, lick my finger and place it on her hip or shoulder and make that PSSSSSHHH sound like she is hot as hell. They always love this and giggle like crazy!
Rule #3 - Actions speak louder
Talk is cheap and clubs are TERRIBLE for convos. I have picked up girls without saying more than a few words to them. Those words are usually, "Let's ditch this joint and go to the VIP afterhours party my place
" They come to my place with zero rapport because (A) kino beats rapport any day (B) They are already turned on by my dancing/confidence/spontenaeity.
If you must blabber, get her as far away from the speakers as possible and put your mouth close to her ear and you hand around her waist. Deepen your voice and let your lips grace her earlobe every once in a while. A lot of times she will circle her arms around you and you get full body contact (Does the light get any greener?)
Rule #4 - Keep your head up!
Don't get discouraged when you get turned down. It is easy to let these things get to you and you will feel your energy drained. This is why I suggest going to a place with good music, it will keep you pumped because the girls are just icing on your fun cake! Getting turned down 5 times in a row? It's just tough luck, man. This is a numbers game so keep it moving and dont take sh!t personal. Occasionally you will get a good vibe with a girl and then something will happen to separate you (c0ckblock or whatever) Dont sweat, it..Keep her on the back burner for the night and dance with some other lucky ladies. It's a big turn-on for her to see other chicks having fun with you. You guys made an excellent point here, alot of these girls love to be chased around the club. Circulate your attention and keep visiting your top picks. Persistence destroys resistance!
I could keep writing but I am tired from last night's partying. I came up with a nice C&F routine on the fly though and I will leave you with this:
I approach a hottie I had danced with previously...
ME: So where are you headed now?
HER: I am so tired, I am going straight home.
ME: Do you live far?
HER: Not really I live at XYZ.
ME: Cool,...damn you really do look tired (kino on shoulder) You are going straight to sleep aren't you?
HER: Yeah I am pooped.
ME: You sleeping alone tonight? (sly grin)
HER: (smiles back) Yes.
ME: Really? With all these handsome guys here tonight (point to self) you couldn't find anyone to take home with you?
HER: (laughs)
ME: Now that's a crying shame.
HER: (laughs and shrugs)
ME: Tell you what, I am heading out as well and your house is on the way (blatant lie), let's split a cab!
HER: Sure!
We fluffed a bit in the cab and I put my arm around her because she was cold. I talked about how I love parties and the rush of excitement I feel when I am dancing. As if I am making love to the music and we are one. She was totally DDB on me as we pulled up to her apartment. I asked her if I could use her bathroom because I couldn't wait till I got home. She paid the cab driver and I told him to wait for me. The poor bastard never saw me again!