I have taken a ballroom class at my College for the last 2 years. Its an excellent change in the repetition of the school week and you do meet a few cool people (Mostly women)
If you are starting out in the beginner classes be prepaired for a larger crowd filled with a few good dancers and a lot of bad dancers. Some uguly girls that are actually fun to dance with and a few hot ones that couldnt do a box step to save their life.
Just enjoy the class and learn the moves. Work at becoming a good lead and making it fun for the woman whoever she is.
After you get the basic step of each dance try to practice it to the point that you no longer have to think about it. When you think, you mess up. Try to relax and enjoy it. In time you will be able to make it a lot of fun and look like a pro more than you realize.
Take an intermediate class (the next step up, intermediate, advanced, whatever) after you have taken this one. It will help you improve and usually only the better dancers come to this one. (90% are more attractive) and fun to dance with. Some still are not. And the room is usually less crowded so you have less of a movement problem.
All in all make sure you get some numbers with women you like to dance with (and maby a few guys too for the start) and go dance outside of the class.
Its a lot of fun and good dancers are a joy to dance with.
Like stated above. Try to get some rest before going dancing and come in a good mood. Just be happy to be there and leave everything else off the dance floor. Try to make sure you are making it fun for the woman. If you lead good, have good rythm and can do a few good moves, you will make her look good which in turn will make you look good. Just dont step on any toes.
Also a lot of girls I know hate it when a guy has bad rythm. He can spin and toss them around but if he is dancing to his own beat it just looks kinda funny and the women always need a few songs to recover a real sence of the beat lol.
(spelling be damned im tired