we were hanging out one night, she asked me "What I was thinking". At the time I said nothing, I really didnt really wanna tell her how I felt just yet. Was this a cue to tell her how I feel? Should I bring it up again?
When a gal asks you "What are you thinking?", it's usually because she can't read you.
This is GOOD. Women easily read men, because men are easy reads. When they encounter a guy they can't read, it's so unusual for them that they don't know what to do except to be direct and ask in order to get their answer.
No, it's not any cue to start spilling your feelings. DON'T EVER spill your feelings. That makes you look like a wuss. Even if she asks you to tell her your feelings DON'T FALL FOR IT.
Your best answer is a funny remark.
You have this need to vent your emotions, which is normal. Let me tell you however, that five minutes after you experience the relief from venting, you'll need to vent again. And again and again.
That's because your emotions will keep producing feelings that you'll feel you need to vent.
As a man, you have to be able to control your emotions. That doesn't mean not to have any, but it does mean being able to contain them. Not containing them is a feminine trait, which is why women claim to like it (they say they want a "sensitive man"), but when given one, will put him squarely into the Friend Zone (because he acts like a girl friend instead of a man).
I don't know all of what you're doing, but whatever you're doing is enough to make her want to put her hands all over you, and that's great stuff! That's why you want to keep it going the way it is - or do better. I'll tell you how to make it better.
Understand that part of the reason why she's becoming more interested in you is that, so far, you've only been dating her ONCE a week and you haven't slept with her or put pressure on her to get into bed. Most guys will try to get in several dates a week right away, try to bang her, and BOOM her interest level drops like a rock because of the overexposure.
You're seeing the benefits of going slowly. You're being a challenge, not predictable like the other guys.
Seeing her only once a week gives her days to think about you, for you to dwell on her mind FAVORABLY as she recounts your last date together where she had FUN. She talks to her GFs about you ("do you think he likes me?") Then, because of all this, she looks forward to seeing you again.
So what you've been doing has been making her more interested, and you could probably make her even more interested:
What I'd do is not get into calling her several times a week. Just call her once a week, and keep it short, arrange the date and be the first one to end that call.
Then I wouldn't be taking her out on a weekend night until she inquiries about your availability for a weekend night date. IOW, she has to work her way toward you and by doing so, show her interest.
Well, you may already have taken her out on weekend nights and such, so my suggestion would be to think in terms of going slow, step by step, giving her the onus of progressing the relationship.
Just keep your times together FUN and LAUGHS. No heavy relationship talk.
About sex: Yeah, I know that most guys' mentality here is to bang the chick a.s.a.p., that it's all about getting some. Well, there are gals good for that, but if you're looking for a keeper, you don't really want a gal you banged on the first date (yeah I know lots of relationships start that way, but that doesn't mean they're the best more often than not.) You want to be the special not-typical guy she realizes stands apart from the pack of horny men who are driven by their d1cks. You're showing her that you have self-control, mastery over yourself. How cool that you haven't vented your feelings like some puppy dog panting at her leg like all the other guys! Don't you see all this makes her want you more?
Sex will come. She'll be so driven by desire that she'll likely initiate. You should see this happening within a couple of months or so (which is maybe within about 10 dates @ once per week?) Again, she's coming to YOU, showing her hand.
I know 10 dates is too much for many guys to wait for sex (even with the benefit of driving the gal insane with desire for you). Again, I say this: I'm out with a girl not to bang her today anyway, but just to have a fun time for now and see if she's the kind of person I want around me. I'll get to have sex with her, and when I do, she'll be nuts about me and it's usually great sex. In the meantime, if I need to get laid that badly, I'll call a FB.
Just read the countless threads started by guys who get sexually involved straight away with flakes, psychos, drama queens, girls who disrespect them, girls who have issues. They post about their chaos, and then they go out and do it all over again, thinking this time it will be different or worse, they end up in a relationship with the psycho and post about their problems. But it usually never gets better. So they got their d1ck wet. Big deal. I want a great gal that is all over me and can't think of anyone else. Girls with problems, I don't need those in my life.
And what if the sex turns out to be not great? Just as with any other aspect of a relationship, if it's really that unsatisfactory, you can always end the relationship.
Just keep going slow and watching for red flags. Another few weeks of dating and she'll probably ask to see you more often and that's when you can give her a "I have to think about it" and see if she makes her move.