After 6 months of complete No Contact, and after being completely sure that I would never hear from this person again, she contacted me in the form of a few short
text messages a few days ago. A few nice texts saying that she knows we are not a couple, but she wants me to be happy and that she never wants me to remember her badly and that she does care and always has.
I didn't reply and the next day I get a message asking if I'd received her messages. I decided to reply; a nice text, wishing her the same - no questions and everything past tense, giving little hint as to just how tough this has all been for me, and nothing to make her feel bad in any way. I know most of you will think I'm stupid for replying at all, but it was an opportunity for me to give myself closure on this horrible chapter, showing her that I had no bitterness or resentment towards her. She's also on the other side of the world. She replied, saying that she's still there if I ever need anything, leaving a door open; one that she slammed in my face and locked 6 months ago. It was very tempting to reply again but I didn't and I will not. I said what I needed to say.
I did feel pretty bad after. She obviously just felt guilty or bad - after 7 months - for some reason, and wanted to make herself feel better by sending me nice messages, even leaving a door open for me. I know it wasn't about me or for me, she was doing it for herself - I was aware of this. I also assume she just 'broke up' with someone else or wanted to 'make amends' and clear the air before starting something new with somebody else. I absolutely realise this, and I did provide her with what she needed by replying with a nice message, validating her pleas. I know she didn't deserve it.
It did drag me back a little bit, rehashing some old memories and feelings, but it proved to me that she is selfish and that even though she's been fine since the breakup, quite happy seeing other people, having told me to leave her alone and not contact her, that she still felt the need to push herself even more forward by contacting me with well intentioned but sterile well-wishes, with little consideration for how it'd make me feel.
I will now continue with my recovery and progress.
I felt I should update the people who have helped me here.