Plenty of Fish quick number grabs Vol. 2.Hoe!

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Plenty of Fish quick number grabs Vol 2.Hoe

I’ve updated the POF quick number grabs and added it to this discussion forum as most read the tips section like I read the chicks profiles I’ve spammed= Not at all.

Pictures/ Profile:

Step 1) Like it’s been stated COUNTLESS times you need to have your absolute BEST pictures up. Four is fine. Use one shirtless at the beach/Gym ONLY if you work out and are cut up. (It will definitely improve your response rate no matter what chicks claim to ‘not’ respond to on their profiles.) Hide your shirtless picture in the images section of your profile after you’ve been on the site for a little while or sooner (you can still see it and click to send it with your copy and paste email to chicks) because if ONE chick who emails you unsolicited and you don’t respond because she’s hideous she can just report your profile and the picture will get deleted and your ability to upload more blocked by POF. (You can also hide your profile from searches and just email chicks with your shirtless pic as if need be and some chick sends you a nasty response you can just block her instead of not restraining yourself in replying (if you reply you can’t block her unless she replies back which she may just report your profile instead.)

Step 2.) Make a brief funny profile. If you find ideas off other people posted profiles use them. Add a LOT of interests. Whatever your height is ESPECIALLY if below 6’ always add two inches to it. (Chicks won’t notice nor care if they meet you and you look good to them in person.) you always want to play the game and VERY IMPORTANT: be seriously searching for someone, always want kids, your longest relationship was at least two years, you do not do drugs, and you drink socially. (Do not give them any reason to disqualify you off your profile.) Play the game.

Step 3) Use a popular funny/ hot/ serious movie T.V. character or any good movie character’s name as your username. (Tony Soprano/ Leslie Chow (from the Hangover) whomever you choose. (It’s much more effective than a boring random username that chicks will forget.)

Step 4) Google a popular funny movie or popular movie/T.V. quote that is short enough to fit as your headline. Or something like: Help! I’m being held hostage in a Starbucks! :run: / Satisfaction guaranteed or your orgasm back!

1) Great eye catching action pictures and one shirtless beach or gym pic. (You’ll see a difference when you email without a shirtless pic and then when you add one. IF you are cut up and look good shirtless.)

2) Popular movie character username that chicks will know and remember.

3) Popular funny or any popular movie quote that chicks will know and remember. (You can always change the quote up if you find something better or from a more recent movie/T.V show etc.

4) Brief funny profile with a lot of interests, and all the ‘intents’ and ‘stats’ filled out to please chicks: seriously searching for someone, always want kids, your longest relationship was at least two years, you do not do drugs, and you drink socially.

First email to spam:

You want to send and try to get the best copy and paste that works for you in getting positive replies that isn’t burned out and hasn’t been spammed to chicks by others using it. Below is one I made up and a couple of members of So Suave have used in different states. (If you use it make sure another poster of So Suave isn’t using the same one in the same state. Otherwise make up your own or find another one.)

Ex: My roommate came into the room while I was looking at your profile and told me that if I didn’t message you, she would.

Now, she’s straight, so that’s probably an empty threat but she does have an eye for pretty chicks so I’m totally going to trust my mom’s judgment on this one.

Let me know if she’s correct or else I swear to sweet baby Jesus I’m going to fulfill my promise of shipping her off to the “resting” home...It's up to you to be a super heroine and save mom or else: Jello time for my mommy...and a side order of strained peas and carrots..:devil:

The :devil: turns into a devil with a pitchfork in email on POF.

***DO NOT rely on one, two, three etc. chicks who respond with their phone numbers. KEEP SPAMMING YOUR INTRO EMAIL to as many good looking chicks as you can. (About ten to fifteen a day or you’ll get blocked by POF for spamming.) Chicks online have extremely short attention spans and the “one” in their view is only a better looking thumbnail pic attached to the next email away. Do NOT bother reading profiles. Spam first. Quick conversation for six emails. THEN when you get their name and number you read their profile BEFORE you call with a PLAN to meet. If chicks can read/delete based off thumbnail pictures then why waste YOUR time reading profiles then sending emails? EFFICIENCY. You read their profile AFTER you get their number and then call them to set up a meet as soon as possible. No time for email chit chat tennis. If a chick doesn’t send you her number? Keep spamming to new chicks. Don’t waste time. By the time you’d waste trying to get one chicks number who plays games with giving it out you can get four, five or more numbers from other chicks.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Now the SIX email till number grab:

1) First email: Spam your intro: ONE funny intro to chicks, (do NOT keep trying to be funny afterwards or sending ‘c0cky/funny replies because even if she does give you her number she may think you’re a clown or aren’t ‘serious’ and if you look damn good shirtless your profile could be ‘fake’ which will end up in a meet FLAKE.)

Ex: My roommate came into the room while I was looking at your profile and told me that if I didn’t message you, she would.

Now, she’s straight, so that’s probably an empty threat but she does have an eye for pretty chicks so I’m totally going to trust my mom’s judgment on this one.

Let me know if she’s correct or else I swear to sweet baby Jesus I’m going to fulfill my promise of shipping her off to the “resting” home...It's up to you to be a super heroine and save mom or else: Jello time for my mommy...and a side order of strained peas and carrots..:devil:

2) Second email (her reply) Chicks who reply will usually be laughing and send a short reply. No matter what she replies your next reply third email will be below:

3) Hey! Lol How’s the site been treating you so far? =) (your real name)

4) Chicks reply: (Always complaining about the site) Ex: “Oh this site svcks. Too many creepers!

5) Your reply 5th email in exchange: (Respond in a quick one sentence reply to their ‘complaint’ along with : I just joined a few days ago. I’m not on here much. You seem like a pretty cool person. Give me your number and I’ll give you a call sometime. =) (your real name)

6) Chicks (especially if they think you are good looking enough though won’t mention it) will send their phone number and name in that sixth reply.

The part of the fifth email in your copy and paste reply: “ I just joined a few days ago. I’m not on here much. You seem like a pretty cool person. Give me your number and I’ll give you a call sometime. =) (your real name) “ Tells them you are a “newbie” to online dating, seem “unaware” to the B.S, and aren’t a desperate long time user. It also tells them you aren’t on here much so they think you have better things to do and aren’t desperate. You’ve also had the “balls” to go for what you want quickly which is their number and aren’t going to be online email pals. The smiley face chicks love that crap. And you gave your real name.

Call the chicks number the next day after you read their profile quick to remember her profile nonsense. Make it a quick call and have a PLAN to meet before you call.

That’s pretty much all there is to it. Rinse, Cycle, Repeat. Keep getting numbers and don’t rely on any chick. Take nothing about online dating seriously nor anyone who uses it though never let on to it. Play the “I believe everything you say game.” EASY WORK.

Don’t believe me? Ask Incognito how many pages of replies from good looking chicks and numbers he’s gotten in about a month.

As for the meets keep playing the game in person of believing everything they say. Escalate when appropriate and WRAP IT UP don’t try to wife them up or you just might get what you’ve ‘wished’ for. Chicks who need to use online ‘dating’ are on there for good reason and there’s nothing ‘good’ about it. True story.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
wow, I went from two replies in 70 messages to many reply's. I guess my opener was to creepy. I just ask how is your day going. I still added that part with a complement to the end of your opener. Amazing turn around thanks so damn much. I love this place.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
on the 5th mail I have been going for a text close and not number. Been working really good for me. just my 2 cents. Thanks man.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Here are only SOME of the actual chicks responses to the intro copy and paste message:

My roommate came into the room while I was looking at your profile and told me that if I didn’t message you, she would. Now, she’s straight, so that’s probably an empty threat but she does have an eye for pretty chicks so I’m totally going to trust my mom’s judgment on this one. Let me know if she’s correct or else I swear to sweet baby Jesus I’m going to fulfill my promise of shipping her off to the “resting” home. It's up to you to be a super-heroine, or else it’s Jello time for mommy….and a side order of strained peas and carrots. =). :devil:

This is the best message I've ever received! Haha defiantly cracked me up! I was always the super hero type :)

Lol wat?

lol thats sweet

LMAO Nice message!! I usually don't respond back to many people, but your message definitely made me laugh.......So your roommate is your mom or you confused me haha


That is by far the best opening message I have gotten on here. So I guess your going to have to keep her around a little bit longer. I'm Sam by the way. So how's it going ?

Ok... I'm ready to negotiate a plea deal on behalf of your beloved mother. Lets talk, see where it goes, and possibly prolong the trip to Gods waiting room for your lovely youthful looking mommy. Deal? ;)

Lol. Dont ship ur mom off. Lol. Most parents know there kids better than we know ourselves. So how are you doing?

Lol I'd have to say that has to be the best message i have gotten on here! I read your profile and definitely interested in getting to know you :)

Aaww that's awesome :), Alexandria

bahaha Now i cant be wonder woman everyday. but dont start swearing at dead babies and go turning your mother in to pudding or jello...or some other sweet treat. anyways lol...I'm Kristy, and you are?

LOL well thank you both I do appreciate that haha! I wouldn't send her quite yet talk to me for a bit and then you can see haha

That was an amazing first message lmfao.....omgggggg hahahahahah I choose heroins..

Haha that was the funniest message I've gotten. I'm Brooke btw and it's nice to kind of meet you! Thanks for actually reading my profile :)

First don't send your mom away your mom doesn't look like the jello type I think shes more ice cream and cake so sending her to a place with jello will just make her sad. I am Rachael, and happy belated 4th of July

lol wow

Hey so u call ur mother, your roommate? :D if u were telling the truth I'm very flattered! Haha. I'm sorry but now I'm on my way back to NY. I was in xxxx for 6 days and unfortunately did not have that much fun. Maybe the next time I come and if u will be single. 100% you'll be saved in my messages. Or if u come to NY, I'll be here for u :))!

Haha your cute lol

Dear sweet baby Jesus please let that resting home be run be shirtless male nurses! Lol also I happen to be super woman! Lol

hands down, by far the best message i have gotten on this site. glad someone on here can make me laugh. im kat, btw :)

Lol hi

i cant stop laughing. thanks i so needed that. I am jenny by the way and don't send your mom to a home.

Lol yes she is correct haha dnt do that to your mom

Hahahaaa omg I literally laughed out loud right now!!! This is the greatest message I've ever received. I'm going on a ledge here and telling u, u need to text me! Xxx-xxx-xxxx, bc I don't ever gey on here and I just hid my profile, so I need a super hero avenger in my life, so u.should text me, we don't want to disappoint mom! 3 Lucy

Awwww that was sooooo cute I love it

hahaha...well i will just have to save her day! lol but i really enjoy your humor!

I absolutly love your message!!!!

Hahaha lol I'm Andrea :)

Haha were you laying in your car bed when your roommate told you this??

This is probably the first message I had to read and re read lol! Just from your message you seem like a fun guy... how are you?

Lol so ur mom is your roomate? So u definately caught my attention :) do u know where zephyrhills is?

Lol that's the best first message I ever gotten

Hahaha dont send her off... My name is Ashley!

haha your funny, thats cute.

Haha well I'm glad you listened to your mom :)

Hahahaha this message made my night. Hahahahaha

lol thats great. is it your mom or roommate. how old are you?


Heyy, my names is Traci. Your profile made me laugh =) A good sense of humor is important. Hows life treatin ya on a Saturday night???

****No matter what chicks respond (or how short) you then reply to them your second email (third in total so far) copy and paste >>> (respond to their question if asked along with.) Hey there! You just saved my mom! How’s the site been treating you so far? =) (Your real name)

The chicks next response (fourth in total) is always a complaint about the site.

Your third and final email: A one sentence response to their ‘complaint’ along with this copy and pasted reply: I just joined. I’m not on here much. Give me your number and I’ll give you a call sometime. =) (your real name.)

The chicks last response will be their number. ***If not keep spamming the same routine and grabbing numbers then calling them in a day or two with a PLAN to meet before you call. EASY WORK.


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
I think this would help some guys here who are average guys getting below average results in real world game. Guys who come here and gain knowledge but struggle with anxiety or for one reason or another cant implement the things they learn here in real life. Even though these aren't exactly normal chicks, they are still chicks: nurses, teachers, waitresses, pharmacy techs, etc. It makes me realize that if I got anxiety before when thinking of approaching one of these chicks in real life, that they may be on Pof and even if they're not I realize they're easier to deal with than I thought. I now get almost no anxiety in real world interactions with women, or anyone for that matter. I'm much more willing to just say what I want and be carefree and less stressed out by women

I keep things in perspective for what that site is and who the chicks are, but this is an opportunity for guys who may even be really bad off to at least get some practice with women. With this strategy it's next to impossible to not get some chicks to respond
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hey NN- that's interesting (not surprising though) that POF has cracked down on the cut-and-paste "spamming" mass openers. My guide that I wrote up, 2008-2009, you could pretty much fire at will. My friend even had a robot that auto messaged girls, we'd come home and he'd have 10-15messages of interested girls. Still works, obviously, but some guys reported that they are limited 50 of the same messages.

A possible way around this limit on cut-and-spam might be this:
it gives you another IP address. Not sure if it works because I don't use POF anymore these days.

good writing btw :)

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
good looking loser said:
Hey NN- that's interesting (not surprising though) that POF has cracked down on the cut-and-paste "spamming" mass openers. My guide that I wrote up, 2008-2009, you could pretty much fire at will. My friend even had a robot that auto messaged girls, we'd come home and he'd have 10-15messages of interested girls. Still works, obviously, but some guys reported that they are limited 50 of the same messages.

A possible way around this limit on cut-and-spam might be this:
it gives you another IP address. Not sure if it works because I don't use POF anymore these days.

good writing btw :)
All you have to do is tweak your copy and paste messages by a word or add a smiley etc and you can keep spamming new chicks. I read your site and the videos on POF are DEFINATLEY on point.

Don't bother offering advice to any of the dudes on the forums of POF though. The phaggots there will report you if they see you have shirtless pics( hide them and send them with your messages so you don't get busted) and the foreveralone chicks on that site will go all out trying to get solid advice threads removed and immediately have shirtless pics taken off by tattling to the mods there.

Most dudes who use that site are clueless and only take advice from chicks. As if a chick is going to tell you solid advice on getting chicks off there while she's stuck on the forums complaining.

Incognito (poster on POF in this thread has been DESTROYING that site.) Everyday I check his inbox he's got like 15 replies and must've gotten over 100 numbers in like two months. I don't know if he's calling all these chicks or what though. hahahaha.

Good vids on POF. Looking foward to more. If you want use any of my advice. I do it for the fun of it.
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
incognito42 said:
I think this would help some guys here who are average guys getting below average results in real world game. Guys who come here and gain knowledge but struggle with anxiety or for one reason or another cant implement the things they learn here in real life.
yeah i agree with this 100%

we have all our guys hit up POF, OkCupid and MeetMe while they are working on beating AA. It helped me a lot in 2008


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
good looking loser said:
yeah i agree with this 100%

we have all our guys hit up POF, OkCupid and MeetMe while they are working on beating AA. It helped me a lot in 2008
I've not tried the online game much, because it focuses so much on looks. I'm not a bad looking guy imo, but it's tough online when the girls have so many options. It also gives women so much power. They can deal with guys out of their league and i feel that it contribute to girls sense of entitlement. Which is a problem today.

It can be a nice source though, but i live in a small town and i feel like i don't want anyone to know that i'm on those sites. Especially when it's such a numbers game. I'll definitely burn bridges and create awkward situations. I think i'll stay away for now.
Last edited:
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
Interesting post. I made a profile on OKcupid months ago but deleted it awhile back because I just couldn't figure out how to get meetups on it. I blame myself for having an old school approach to meeting women. After reading several posts on SoSuave including Bradd80's incredible journey post:

I decided to give OC and POF another chance. A question though. When putting up the shirtless picture you say to put it in your image gallery. Would the picture be more effective if I leave it public or save it for a few emails down the line and let the girl "get access" to a shirtless private photo?

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
BlackEricNorthman said:
Interesting post. I made a profile on OKcupid months ago but deleted it awhile back because I just couldn't figure out how to get meetups on it. I blame myself for having an old school approach to meeting women. After reading several posts on SoSuave including Bradd80's incredible journey post:

I decided to give OC and POF another chance. A question though. When putting up the shirtless picture you say to put it in your image gallery. Would the picture be more effective if I leave it public or save it for a few emails down the line and let the girl "get access" to a shirtless private photo?

Post a good shirtless pic. (Gym, beach are best) You can keep it private and send it with your intro message or wait till the second email and send it attached. If you are below 6ft just add two inches to whatever height you are. If these chicks think you're good looking enough they won't care when you meet them. (If you keep up a shirtless pic as your main picture some whale or mod etc. may come across it and report your profile. Especially if you blow off some h0rny whale.)

All you need is about four of your absolute best looking pictures.

PM me your password, username, and real first name. Your mind will be blown at how fast I'll get replies and numbers. Sunday nights are best as chicks are checking their emails and getting ready for the new week.

You have to use your absolute best looking pictures. (Lift them off of your Facebook if you don't have any taken right now) right click and save them to your desktop them upload them on your POF profile. Try even using some funny picture of yourself as one of the four pics you use. Like you in a Halloween costume or something.

This is another email intro below I made up that you can use on chicks (tweak your intros by a word or two every eight emails sent to not get picked up as spamming). What it does is teasingly "Accuse" them of being "trouble" but knowing you emailed them thinking of them as a possible future "wifey" and a quick compliment on their looks.

A lot reply to it either asking "why do they look like trouble? ;)" or saying "Yes I am trouble. ;)" which is a quick "screen" to teasingly see if they are sexually available and attracted to you off the bat.

I was thinking of a semi-perfect opening message to send you my possible future 100% Goddess wifey, then I thought to myself: Hmmm..This little heavenly blessed beauty looks like trouble...:devil:

****Florida and California are getting great reply rates. If you live in those areas try changing some words or making an opener similar to them so these chicks don't think it's a copy and paste that every dude is now sending them****


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The Wild Wigga From the West
i think my problem with this is i don't have any good pictures. I have tried this before and it hasn't work out at all. ( hardly any replies.) though i think it was because my pictures was bad.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Packers2010 said:
i think my problem with this is i don't have any good pictures. I have tried this before and it hasn't work out at all. ( hardly any replies.) though i think it was because my pictures was bad.

You need to have your absolute best looking pictures up, a good popular movie, T.V., or commercial quote for your headline with a moving emoticon like :banana: that catches they eye of chicks searching..( some funny quote they know from some pop culture that fits in the headline.)

I have one headline on a users profile: "Please leave your message after the beep tone :banana:"

another user with the gym commercial everyone knows (dude works out so it's perfect) "I lift things up...and put them down..:banana:"

The :banana: dances up and down in the headline to catch the eye.

IF you work out and look good shirtless you can use the "I lift things up...and put them down.." as a caption to your shirtless pic and the pop culture funny quote that fits of whatever you choose as your headline.

For a username pick a popular movie character as your username.

1) four of your absolute best looking pictures with funny captions.

2)Popular movie TV etc username.

3)Popular movie/tv quote that fits in your headline.

4):banana: emoticon in your headline or profile to catch the eye.

5)Brief humorous profile with a "bad boy" edge. (Five to six sentences)

The spam out to hot chicks. When they reply ask them how the site is treating them so far. Then when they reply tell them: I'm not on the site much to comment about it to be honest. Feel free to give me your number and I'll give you a call sometime. (Your real first name) =)

Keep repeating the process over and over and over with new chicks.

Get as many numbers as you can handle.

Call them/ text them have a PLAN to meet.

Meet up, escalate on meet. Easy.


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
I think leaving the shirtless pic as my main pic has been far more effective. I had troubles 2-3 months ago with my pic being continually takm down by mods, and then my account banned. I created another one (which with copy/paste took all of 10 mins to get up and running again), and in the past 2-3 months I've not once had my pic taken down or my account banned. Ive even put up very revealing pics in my boxers as my main pic, and no issues. At worst you will get banned an create a new one with little effort, and at best I think you will attract more chicks. I've deff noticed a difference when experimenting

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I've had a shirtless pic on my pof profile for several years and the pic has never been taken down nor my account banned by mods. I don't post it as my display pic though but it is constantly on my page and sends with messages. Also I've been spamming girls for several years. I never noticed there was a cut off or a spam detector, but maybe I'm only sending 20-30 messages first contacts a day at most.

I realized several years ago that the shirtless pic was money. I was using a shirtless pic way back when Myspace was hopping. OKCupid OKtrends research even now says a shirtless pic gets more replies from women. Just more proof that women are visual and looks matter.

I think NN method is pretty solid. I had been using a similar technique, spamming, best pics, going for the number and meet up fairly quickly etc. He recommends spamming more, and escalating for the number faster than I usually do, and he uses more humor than I normaly have.

Many specific aspects of NN method wouldn't work for me in particular, but the general outline is still valid.

The real problem is your age and looks are going to be the main determinant in how may replies and meet ups you get, no matter what message approach you send. Also you can have your best pics up and get some meet ups, but if you don't look as good as your pics in person then you won't get many fcloses.

POF has been a dismal disappointment. I have better response rate and more meet ups on OKcupid with better looking girls. But I rarely get closes nowadays because of thinning hair.

At any rate it's a huge numbers game, between the non-responders, girls that drop contact,flakers, etc maybe initially contacting 30-100 girls to 1 lay ratio probably wouldn't be uncommon.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
muscleman said:
Ninja, how many of these are actually translating into dates for you?

I'm not on the site. I've spammed from other dudes accounts to show them how easy it is. I was on there like 10 months ago destroying the tri state area.

I was going to say fugg it tonight and set up a new profile and get some sloots as I saw a few cuties in the NYC area looking just now..I had it up in two minutes and started to three emails and got my profile closed down. No idea why(didn't even put up my shirtless pic). I tried setting up again just now with a new email and it wouldn't let me. Must be picking up my IP address somehow. Fvccck!!!


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Damn that sucks!

I may have to check out this OKcupid I keep hearing about. haven't needed to but mine as well, if I can find some time.