Jeeeeesus. Not getting into a flame war here, but from a purely unbiased vantage point, let me pour some water on those flames...
Starman, why do you care so much about what P_S says? It seems like every thread where he is having a discussion is degenerated to this level on your arrival. So why bother? To be honest - and again in a non-biased and non-flaming way - your posts aren't that productive. And not that funny either when they just hijack entire threads of their original topic. Why not try to be constructive? Or at least less offensive. Or post on another thread. As my mamma always said, "If you got nothing good to say..."
Player_Supreme, someone else has a point here. Aren't you a little old to be getting into pathetic little flame wars? If someone's pissing you off just ignore it. There are other people who benefit from a topic staying on topic. As my mamma always said, "If you ignore it..."