Craig, while you have a point, there are a few glaring holes in what you said... If I can somehow convince random girls to do all of this for the sole purpose of somehow boosting my internet popularity on an online forum, what a smooth talker I must be...
Contrary to what you've said, I didn't put these up here months ago to boost my credibility or add weight to any of my comments on this forum. I had a few hours free, and decided to post some for entertainment. I enjoy looking at attractive women, and I'd hope that you are with me on that one. If not, though, it's okay.
You're also right about there being no proof of me hooking up with any of them. Then again, what PROOF do we have that Pook, MoTU, or any of the other "DJs" have ever even hooked up with a single girl before in their lives? None. What PROOF do we have that you aren't a virgin? None. If by "proof" you mean I should post pictures of myself and the ones I've shared "doing the deed", then I'd call you tasteless. Go visit a porn site for porn - that's not what I'm in to. I didn't post any of this as proof of anything - instead, I posted it to give a welcome relief from reading the countless "TELL Me hoW i Can Gett tha gurl" threads.
Of course the DJB hasn't covered everything - but I'm not going to sit down and type a book on what it doesn't cover... then again, by my not doing this, that also whacks your argument of me "doing this just so people think my posts offer rare insight" out of the water.
Like you said, 'Just because somebody can get a lot of girls does not guarrantee that his advice will be good or work'. What works for me probably will not work for you. If I tried to copy you, I'd probably get slapped. Each person is different, and because of that, there is no set way for everyone to succeed in picking up women any one certain way. Oops, didn't mean to give advice.
Hopefully this clears a few things up.