Originally posted by Player_Supreme
None taken Bishop.
I take it your the ruddy faced redhead guy correct. You look wasted in one of the photos dude.
lol.. I'm usually wasted in all of the photo's - seems to be the only time a camera is handy for some reason. Everyone thinks my hair is a different color - red, blonde, brown, black... odd, I guess. Just look for the guy with the large noggin.
One of the things being in the game gives you is the ability to read peoples body language.
I have been looking over your photos you and your photo student buddy took trying to figure out which girl is your girlfriend, but none of the body languages state that?
I don't have any 'photo student buddies'. Actually, I've never taken a photography course in college (or HS) before. Everything I do is solo, and on my own. I suppose that you've heard of friends taking pictures of their other friends before?
Maybe you can tell me which one you've boned. Many are obviously friends but I just can't see which ones are intimate with you.
I fail to see the need to repeat myself on the same thread just because you're too lazy to read a few posts.
I looked at the fun times you were having and one of the girls licking your face but the body language wasn't there either.
I suppose the body language wasn't there when I was sucking on the same girl's neck (jen) later on in one of the next pictures? Or when we were kissing? Please, what exactly contitutes the proper body language? Perhaps I should post pictures of us nude?

Please, brush up on your "Body Language 1001" courses... you may need to take Remedial lessons.
One thing I do know is that when your out on the town with a digital camera or anytype of camera women love to put on a show.
No doubt about that. It's great, you should see some of the other 3000 photo's in my gallery.
I have a few videos of girls at a night club dancing on each other and actually sucking each others breast and me putting dollar bills in their bra's...and these were little white girl college students trying to act all wild and shyt.
Congrats. I've never had to pay a girl to do anything for me on cam, though. Check out the pictures of either Kerri or Vicki (the two dancers). You'll see one in which she's licking on the other. By the way, it doesn't sound like the girls you're describing were trying to be wild.. it sounds like they were doing a good job of *being* wild.
But they do love to pose don't they Bishop. Having done a few tv projects and a movie project or two, it's funny when you bust out a camera how uninhibitted women become.
Never tried that before, maybe I should follow your advice and give it a shot.
Anyways good work mayne. I enjoyed the photo's. Some of the girls were nice looking. Some of them needed to eat a meal. I liked I think her name is Lindsay. The model you had posing against the tree.
I like skinny girls. Personal preference. Some of the girls in yours, while looking nice, should probably skip a meal or two.
The one with the girl in the sexy see through outfit was too contrived. She looked like she wanted to use you for the photos so she could enter a modeling contest...oh I've trained a bunch of models in my business and done a few shoots with a photographer in San Franciso...maybe I will scan my photo's and put em up but I look to gay...to much make up and crap and the poses looked all sissyfied...
Once again, it might help if you actually read the posts in the thread. I believe that, in two of them, I mention that Amber (the girl who you're referring to) is nothing to me more than the first 'official' photo shoot I've taken of a girl before. Also, you're correct - she wanted to use me so she could have another picture or two for her portfolio, and I wanted to use her for the exact same reason.

As for you saying "maybe I will scan my photo's and put em up but I look to gay...to much make up and crap " - I'm sorry, but whether you look gay and wear too much make up and crap isn't my concern. Honestly, I never expected a self-professed DJ to admit to those sorts of things... at least I know that if I wore make-up and looked gay, I sure wouldn't...
Wouldn't do to have old taco supremo looking like the very thing he preaches against...lol
If you preach against cross-dressing, makeup wearing men who look gay, you're right... it wouldn't do at all.
Keep the photos of your models/friends/women comming man.
No intention of stopping, mate.
]On nice photographers website you guys have their. Your program that your using is state of the art. Would you mind letting me know what your using on that website?
Actually, it's my personal website - no "guys" involved... just me. As for programs, the gallery is ImageVue (
http://www.imagevuex.com I believe), and the website itself is custom-made, created over the course of about a month and a half with Macromedia Flash MX.
Oh, and DJ - Honorable? I fail to see how, based on what you know of me, you can draw any such conclusions - either for, or against.

If I'm a narccist just because I post pictures showing that SoSuave and the DJ Bible work, I suppose you can go back to whatever homosexual forum you originally came from, and leave us straight boys alone... kthxbye.