Pics - Post a pic of what you think is HB10

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Phyzzle said:
Very Interesting thread.

Of all the scores of pics of REAL photos of the hottest women anyone here could possibly find, maybe, just maybe, 3 of them were both REAL and reasonably HOT.

Killapetehog, me, Sonofthemosthigh, hooray for us!
Get over yourself. There's nothing at all special about your taste, given what you seem to like in this thread.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
This thread epitomizes how clueless the members of this forum can be. I am most ashamed by the responses from guys who are on here 5+ yrs and still refuse to recognize that looks are a matter of opinion.

The whole purpose of this site and the bible is to open the minds of boys and allow them to grow into men who have enough self respect to not judge their own worth by the value of the women they are with - right? So why are you guys wasting time talking **** about pictures of girls that no one on this site has ever even meet let alone had a chance to ****? And why is this forum in such a state that people are only posting pics of girls from the net and not girls that they are actually dating or at the very least personally associated with?

What is the point - besides stroking your own ego - in trying to convince people that models are 7's and you can get that caliber girl but refuse to provide any proof? As many haters as there are on this thread makes me realize that I am never again going to post any of my own pictures on this site since I will have a bunch of guys who couldn't even muster up the courage to talk to girls that I am with talk mad **** about how their virgin asses have had 3ways with playmates and I am a symp.

WTF is the point in arguing over pictures of girls that no one here knows, or arguing over an obviously subjective numbering scale? If one of my friends starts to date a girl that he thinks is a HB10 and I happen to disagree I am not going to tell him that. Really I would just be happy for the guy to find the type of girl that he considers a 10 and have the balls to follow through with it. The same principles should apply here. If you are with a girl that you think is a 10 then who the **** cares what anyone on this forum has to say.

The idea of being a man seems to be lost on here nowadays. The pack mentality prevails and most guys who come here desire some superficial reassurance that they are actually targeting what ss would consider a HB8+. When the pack is the majority and everyone is looking for acceptance what is the point? If people actually followed the lessons of this site than a thread like this would possibly contain at least one picture of a girl that the poster has actually has sex with instead of celebs and pornstars. What does it say when believe in something and have never actually seen results? What does it say when negative responses to anythings regarding the following of things learned on this site are the norm?


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
lol at the guy who posted airbrushed photoshopped to hell pics of melyssa ford...

lets do an experiment. one of you guys send me a pic of YOU, and i will photoshop you into a 10+.

professional pics are NOT real. they are based on lighting, and then whatever lighting can't fix... photoshop can.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Master Bates said:
Get over yourself. There's nothing at all special about your taste, given what you seem to like in this thread.
I will not get over myself! My taste is very special indeed. I like only those photos that are REAL. Most people are fooled by the professional photoshopping.

Plus, I posted a Real Picture (TM), which means . . . like . . . I win.

So far, there have been a few more real pictures, but they're pretty grainy except for that one at askmen.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Hey lighten up, belvidere, I think there is a good purpose to this thread:

belividere said:
As many haters as there are on this thread makes me realize that I am never again going to post any of my own pictures on this site.
Bingo. The statement I was trying to make here is that it's a bad idea to post any pictures of girls you know here. You will not get honest feedback or appreciation, just a bunch of bile from guy who have never, in fact, spoken to anyone hotter. (It's partly a still photo thing. Still photos on a digital camera just don't look good, so all these virgins come out of the woodwork to say that your fiance is an ugly skank.)

And why is this forum in such a state that people are only posting pics of girls from the net and not girls that they are actually dating or at the very least personally associated with?
There are a few here. Some damn fine ones, too.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
iqqi said:
lol at the guy who posted airbrushed photoshopped to hell pics of melyssa ford...

lets do an experiment. one of you guys send me a pic of YOU, and i will photoshop you into a 10+.

professional pics are NOT real. they are based on lighting, and then whatever lighting can't fix... photoshop can.
Why dont you do an experiment and photoshop yourself into a 10?
This thread is about women that are 10s, not men. I don't see how it is relevant if a photo is airbrushed or not for the purposes of demonstrating a 10. If perfection didn't exist in concept than one could not airbrush toward perfection. That doesn't prove that the 10 doesn't exist just that particular person in the picture isn't really a 10 in real life.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Phyzzle said:
It's partly a still photo thing. Still photos on a digital camera just don't look good....
Digital has nothing to do with it. It's all about lighting and technique. The top pros are all using digital - they just know how to use the tools.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
ketostix said:
Why dont you do an experiment and photoshop yourself into a 10?
This thread is about women that are 10s, not men. I don't see how it is relevant if a photo is airbrushed or not for the purposes of demonstrating a 10. If perfection didn't exist in concept than one could not airbrush toward perfection. That doesn't prove that the 10 doesn't exist just that particular person in the picture isn't really a 10 in real life.
I think I actually understood what you were trying to say for once! A breakthrough!

However, I thought someone said they wanted real pics posted, but almost all of the pics being posted are not real.

Someone else said that photoshop and lighting and all that, didn't have that much of an effect.

My point was, yes it does.

So I guess if this is a thread about fantasies, then disregard what I said.

In that case, I think Scarlett is totally hot. But I think that even when she is not airbrushed and lighted well. Its her personality and something unspoken!


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
iqqi said:
So I guess if this is a thread about fantasies, then disregard what I said.

In that case, I think Scarlett is totally hot. But I think that even when she is not airbrushed and lighted well. Its her personality and something unspoken!
OK I agree, that girl is actually one of the few beautiful girls posted in this thread.