Pickup in school - for university


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
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I don't know about you... but in Canada, university starts on the 13th... I'd thought i'd write something to help my fellow classmates. lol. here it is.

1. Sit next to your target

The first two weeks of school is when everyone is most vulnerable. Most people come to lectures and sit two seats away; but this creates distance and uncomfort. You need to sit NEXT to your target. Do not sit two seats away. When you sit next to your target, you establish that you're comfortable in your space. That's important to your first impression. The other reason that you sit next to your target is this: people are creatures of habit. That sexy girl will sit in the same seat for the rest of the simester (unless you creep her out). So sit next to your target.

2. The first two week is the most important time in school to make friends

The first two weeks are when people will make the first impression of you. When you form friends, you are forming alliences. Reasons for forming friends fast: they can help you study, occupy your time when you eat lunch, invite you out to parties, and do assignments together. Alliences are important because the more people in your allience, the more other people will want to JOIN you. Though, I know that using the word "alliences" is sort of corny; but think of them as your group of friends - your clique, if you will.

The other reason to make friends during the first two weeks, of school, is that during the beginning of the simester, people will be nervous. People all feel the same nervousness, doesn't matter if you're the sexy girl, or the ugly nerd. So expect the girl next to you to feel the same way, awkward and nervous; like she doesn't want anyone to look at her. BE DIFFERENT, look at her and don't be afraid to say something. Get her attention and snap her out of that awkwardness - you will find that she will be quick to reciprocate.

Of course, if you're in your 3rd week of school (or more), there are still other places to meet people on campus... go to my website (bottom of this post) and follow me in my adventures (in my blog), as I find my next girlfriend.

3. Don't talk during class - once lecture starts, it's too late.

You must come early to class and talk to people before lecture starts. I hate when people talk during the lecture.

4. Have a reason to talk to the person next to you.

If the proffessor instructs you to turn around and talk to the people around you. Then use that time to do so.

Don't worry if your (target) girl doesn't have anything to say. If she doesn't carry the conversation, then it's ok to talk about yourself until she feels comfortable to talk about something she enjoys. Say what ever is on your mind; be bold, and have fun!

Have a reason to talk to someone. The reason I use all the time is this, "Hi, I don't know anyone in class, I thought i would use this time to introduce myself... I'm Lee," (She'd state her name) then i'd follow up with, "I don't want to be like everyone else in the room, who'll look at their cell phone, anticipating class to start," (She would agree) then i'd follow up with, "this is nice (talking to you), tell me about yourself, you have any hobbies?" (She say no) then i'd talk about the subject (if i'm in chemistry, i'd talk about chemistry). Simple and not that hard, right? Of course, you can always compliment her on what she's wearing; most people try to look good during the first days at school.

The important thing is to KEEP TALKING... It doesn't matter if you talk about yourself the whole time... At least she'll be comfortable, remember, she's just getting to know you, so she won't say much anyways. If she has something to say, let her talk!

Also, the first time you meet her, remember to just introduce yourself, and to make a good first-impression. You don't have to go all out and tell your whole life story - after all, she's just a stranger. After the first week, then you can talk about more personal things.

You can just start talking out of the blue; if you have a random/upbeat personality. But many guys do not have this gift, they'll need to have a purpose to talk to someone. If that is the case, then here's a list for reasons to talk to someone new: Want to start a study group, want to make friends, want to get to know people, want to collaborate, want to avoid awkwardness, bored of sitting alone and waiting for class. I'm sure there are people here who can give you more suggestions (and expand that list).

5. Ask for your target's number right away!

BEWARE - DO NOT WAIT. It will be more natural to get her phone number as fast as possible; because if you like her, and you want something more than a friendship, it will be harder to say: "can I get your number, so I can call you on my free time?"

Instead, when you first meet her, and you're about to part ways, say this: "Hey, what's your number? that way i can call you if i decide to skip class, or start a study group."

Ok, a quick plug - if you don't mind.

I've started a forum and blog for highschool/university students. Join me in my forum, i build a website and dedicated it to you guys (people in school). In my blog, I'm going to write about my adventures to meet and select girls to become my new girlfriend. I'll be using things like love letters, plain pickup, and other ways to meet girls. The website's brand-spankin new, and I'd love to create a community for collage students (website below). If nothing else, be the first to post something on my forum.


p.s. ralph is not my real name. lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Sit next to or a seat away from the hot chick, and be socially proactive, is basicly what you're saying.

Im wondering, why should I read your blog?


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
yes, sit next to the girl (if you're in high school, sit in front of the girl); it's easier to talk to someone who sits next to you, it's more awkward to talk to someone who sits too far away (I’ve tried, lol).

About the blog: I didn't talk too much about it, because I didn't want to plug it too much. But thanks for asking; I appreciate it :)

This blog/forum website, is a huge experiment for me. I want to see how people will respond to my private life.

I’ve had a lot of successes with pick-up and attraction in university. It got to the point where if I was studying, and I saw a pretty girl walk by, I knew she was mine; I could get her name and number anytime I wanted. I’ve had so much girls ask me to hang out with them, I had to filter the ones I wanted to see, from the ones I didn’t want to see.

The reason I keep a blog, is because I can put an audio file on my website (and the website's a comfortable space I’ve built for myself).

This year, I am going to record every pickup that I do, and put the audio file on the web.

I was thinking of sending out love letters (I’ll post what I wrote in my blog), as a new way to meet girls.

I’ll post pictures, and the status of each girl on my website; and if I feel it’s not going to hurt anyone, I will post text (message) conversations on the website.

The forum, on my website, is the direct place where we can discuss strategies with me and other people. (the websites on my first post up there somewhere)


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
hmm... i have an extra "reply box"... how do i delete this thing? lol

what the heck? I must be blind... is there no "delete" button anywhere here?


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
Sweet, thanks Norwegian, I read some of it, but not all of it - the posts were pretty boring (wall of texts. lol).

So just to keep my mouth to my words, I showed a audio demonstration of what I did in this link.

click on the link that says, "sept 12 - 1" under post, "logbook entry: sept 12"


check it out! ;) and leave me a comment, so that I know people are actually reading/listening to this stuff.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I couldn't leave a comment due to some error.

I listened to your recording while going through my morning ritual of eating and reading through new posts, but I did catch most of it. It was cool ey. 8 min of fluff talk isn't always easy to pull off. However, I constantly find myself questioning how successful you are. I'm guessing it's just to see if I should take your advice or not. How come you talked to much about biology? Any touching? Ever heard of using a mmore dominant voice? I think it's quite cool, but find myself speaking quite monotoneous when I do it.

Meh, I gtg catch my bus. Later.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
Great question! lol.

I found that it's unnatural to touch people while I sat down in lecture like that. I'm not even facing her... BUT just because kino doesn't work for me in the initial meeting (in lecture), it doesn't mean it doesn't work for everyone else.

When we stand up, and I walk her to her next class, I do a lot of kino, since we're walking/talking in a crowded area, I will usually touch the back of her arm... Soon, when she's comfortable in my presence, I'll touch her knee (in lecture when we sit), then kino escilate more.

That's true. I don't naturally have a dominant voice. In fact, I was a very timid child, and I had to grow out of that. However, I found that it doesn't matter if you have a dominant voice or not. The advice: "Be yourself" (or as I like to put it "be your BEST self") applies to everything you are.

So I have a naturally high pitch voice, and I think fast, therefor I talk fast. So that's just how I naturally sound. My body language is comfortable, and I leaned back.

For a beginner, a dominant voice might give the person a more dominant appearance; but I'm not a beginner, I already have a dominant presence, so you can say I'm an exception to that rule (needing a dominant voice). lol.

Also, there is no rule that says "don't talk about biology". The fact is, you talk about anything that SHE likes to talk about. As you can tell, she likes to talk about anthropology, so I ALLOWED her to talk a lot about that subject. We also talked about sports after, then a lot more about soccer after we left the lecture.

I've put up another audio post! check them out, it's more examples on conversation.

Go to http://leelincoln.com/blog/ and click on sept. 14 - 1, sept. 14 - 2, and sept. 14 - 3

I'm still trying to fix the comment box, sorry about that, write me a comment on the forum instead, if you have comments. lol.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
NewspaperRalph said:
For a beginner, a dominant voice might give the person a more dominant appearance; but I'm not a beginner, I already have a dominant presence, so you can say I'm an exception to that rule (needing a dominant voice). lol.
So you're saying that a dominant voice only gives you a certain amount of dominance, but it doesn't count when you add other dominant attributes to it? I think not.
Also, there is no rule that says "don't talk about biology". The fact is, you talk about anything that SHE likes to talk about. As you can tell, she likes to talk about anthropology, so I ALLOWED her to talk a lot about that subject. We also talked about sports after, then a lot more about soccer after we left the lecture.Why not do what you want? Im sure you don't wanna sit there and talk about biology or fluffy teddybears. From what I have learnt and experienced, talking about what you want works wonders, and it's actually fun.

Go to http://leelincoln.com/blog/ and click on sept. 14 - 1, sept. 14 - 2, and sept. 14 - 3

I'm still trying to fix the comment box, sorry about that, write me a comment on the forum instead, if you have comments. lol.
I will. Bold.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
You know, I'm glad you brought this up.

"So you're saying that a dominant voice only gives you a certain amount of dominance, but it doesn't count when you add other dominant attributes to it? I think not."

There are no rules for these things, and all rules can be broken if you have a strong congruent personality (inner game). By not being too aggressive, and seeming a little more "real", i think she felt more comfortable with me. So she sees me as a friend (not to be confused with the "LJBF zone" - which I am very familiar with in my high school days).

If you think I'm wrong; then what would you do? and what kind of results can you anticipate?

"Why not do what you want? Im sure you don't wanna sit there and talk about biology or fluffy teddybears. From what I have learnt and experienced, talking about what you want works wonders, and it's actually fun."

I laughed at this, and not to be offensive (innocent humor); but how much girls do you know that loves to talk about fluffy teddy bears? Also, I'm in 4th year University, majoring in Biological Science (cellular, molecular, and microbial biology - to be exact). So it's actually quite natural for me to talk about biology, and about the sciences. I love that stuff. Also, I just had class with her, and she's as talkative as ever. She dressed more nicely today, and wore some makeup (she didn't for the first two days), and was very enthusiastic with me. So it's actually going quite well with the girl, even though I didn't use a dominant voice.

I enjoy this conversation you DJ, you say a lot of interesting things.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
NewspaperRalph said:
You know, I'm glad you brought this up.

"So you're saying that a dominant voice only gives you a certain amount of dominance, but it doesn't count when you add other dominant attributes to it? I think not."

There are no rules for these things, and all rules can be broken if you have a strong congruent personality (inner game). By not being too aggressive, and seeming a little more "real", i think she felt more comfortable with me. So she sees me as a friend (not to be confused with the "LJBF zone" - which I am very familiar with in my high school days).

If you think I'm wrong; then what would you do? and what kind of results can you anticipate?

"Why not do what you want? Im sure you don't wanna sit there and talk about biology or fluffy teddybears. From what I have learnt and experienced, talking about what you want works wonders, and it's actually fun."

I laughed at this, and not to be offensive (innocent humor); but how much girls do you know that loves to talk about fluffy teddy bears? Also, I'm in 4th year University, majoring in Biological Science (cellular, molecular, and microbial biology - to be exact). So it's actually quite natural for me to talk about biology, and about the sciences. I love that stuff. Also, I just had class with her, and she's as talkative as ever. She dressed more nicely today, and wore some makeup (she didn't for the first two days), and was very enthusiastic with me. So it's actually going quite well with the girl, even though I didn't use a dominant voice.

I enjoy this conversation you DJ, you say a lot of interesting things.
The thing is, I haven't even started uni yet (as much as I wish I did). I don't know how things work there. I'm happy that you have what works for you. However, (if you take a brief look at my links) they demonstrate this other side of 'game' that also works on college. I just feel that it fits me nicely, and matches what I've learnt so far. I always appreciate having several perspectives on things, I hope you do too.

About the dominant voice thing, I still disagree with that there is a 'dominant cap', but I do agree with some comfort might be nice too add instead, with the route you're going.
Have you heard of the concept of self-amusing? This is what I referred to in the last post. But then again, this is a classroom, not a college party.

I find myself rejecting everything I said last post. It's because I haven't been to uni yet really. I imagine it to work nicely, but I also see what you do work nicely too; only more time consuming.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
Ya, I agree that there's no such thing as a "dominance cap". It all comes down to the type of personality you have, and how easy it is for others to get along with you. I'm not very dominant, but I'm not a sissy either - it's just my personality.

Join uni, it's a blast! The comment boxes are now activated. I'd love it if you'd leave a comment for the sept 12th post. I appreciate your point of view.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
visit, http://leelincoln.com/blog/

I've recorded my pickups (as audio files); so it's not like I fabricated any of the stories. See what you like, what you don't like, then leave a comment, and make the verdict yourself ;)

I made that website with you guys (highschool, collage/university, and graduate students) in mind.