Pick up at club and she messages me next day


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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Just out for a boys night last night, wasnt really trying to pick up. We were drinking heavily, I had about 4 pints of beer. We're in a place with a massive sausage ratio, only 5 girls and like 20 guys.

Just for the record, I dont do cold approaches at all.

My friend challenges me to go and chat with 3 girls across from us. lol I just realised that they could have sat in many other empty seats away from us, but instead they chose to sit next to us. Pretty much an approach invitation in hindsight.

Wasnt heaps attracted to any of them off the bat, 2 were average, and 1 was cute. I did this as a challenge to myself and for some fun. Even if I get blown out, I would just laugh at myself.

I ask if their seat is taken, and they say no, positively. I sit down, and make a joke about the sausage ratio, I tell them I like their odds and theyre outnumbered 6 to 1. They all smile/laugh. One of them does most of the talking, the redhead, who is the motherhen. There is a cute looking blonde who is a little chubby, but has a nice face. And a quiet brunette, who is 'sick' and doesnt say anything.

We banter back and forth. The motherhen challenges me multiple times in different ways, but I demonstrate they cant affect me, I laugh along and tease them back. The conversation doesnt really stop, just good vibing. . I didnt bring them into the convo, never occured to me. All of my 3 friends are taken, except one of them, maybe I should have just brought him in, to disarm the hen. But hes an inexperienced wingman.

I chat with the girls for about 30-40 minutes, then my friends (across from me), want to venue change. The girls tell me where theyre going, we're going some where else. We exchange pleasantries and we leave. We go to the other place, we stay for an hour. Then my mate wants us to go the place the girls were going. I didnt really care...probably why im single. So we go there, and my mate finds them on the dance floor LOL.

The sick brunette went home, and its just the redhead and the blonde left. My and my good looking mate (taken) start dancing next to them, while we all make eyes and laugh at each other. My mate disarms the redhead chick for me by dancing with her and I dance with the blonde.

We have a break, and get a drink. We come back, and start dancing near them again. The blonde is getting hit on by some random single guy (dancing), and rejects him in front of us with body language. My mate who is a natural keeps whispering in my ear about how much the blonde girl is into me, turns out he is dead on the money.

I start actually dancing with her, like spinning her a few times, and dancing while holding her hands. I dont know what im doing but I make it fun, and shes loving it. She laughs at my dancing, and we keep mucking around for like 20min. Then its just us, our friends have taken their leave for a reason or another. I stop her, and drag her over to the side of the dance floor. And I go in for the kiss, we makeout for a good 12-15 seconds, and I pull out first. Shes smiling. She starts asking me questions about what I do and such.

Her friend is outside the place, and is hasseling her with text messages. I take her hand and lead her out. She says she has to go home with her friend. So I try to get her number but my phone is being retarded and she sees that. Instead I give her my number and she puts it into her phone. She doesnt want to kiss me because her friend is watching. They leave.

I didnt actually expect her to contact me, because I know girls get apprehensive after hooking up at a club.

The next day, today, in the afternoon, shes messages me.
"Hey, its Ness from the ***/***.
Hope you had a good night and not too hungover haha.
Twas nice to meet you."

I wait half an hour to reply.
"Hey, had a great night hah.
I still felt drunk when I woke up. Yes it was nice to meet you too,
we should hang out sometime."

no reply for a couple of hours

I wasnt heaps attracted but I think shes cute. She has a nice face and a little chubby.

So if I want to see her, whats my next step? how do I play this?

In my other unrelated thread, I ask for help also.
Im also doing a little online dating, I mention in my other thread. Im trying to create options for myself. very inexperienced and im 23.




Wildebeest said:
We were drinking heavily, I had about 4 pints of beer.
You call that heavy? :eek:

Wildebeest said:
no reply for a couple of hours
What did her reply say? If she sounded warm to the idea of hanging then arrange a meet up. If you want to go for coffee tell her that, if you want to walk around a shopping centre (mall) do that. Do whatever you want to do and if she is into you enough, she'll go along with it.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
yea im a lightweight with drinking, but that isnt relevant I dont think

She never replied at all


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
Wildebeest said:
yea im a lightweight with drinking, but that isnt relevant I dont think

She never replied at all
Don't feel the need to message her again, if she has high interest I am sure she will contact you. You've already suggested meeting up, don't message the girl twice.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
I didnt send her another message

is she playing games? I think its likely.

Its a little strange, she displays high interest by taking initiative, and I think im rewarding her by telling her id like to see her again...and she goes cold? so weird. she seeing if I act desperate and msg her?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Wait for her to respond. Don't text or call her for a couple days.

If she texts you back, immediately pick up the phone and call her. The sound of your voice will rekindle those positive emotions she felt with you. Chat for a few minutes and ask her out.

If she doesn't text you back, text her "I just met your twin" on Tuesday around 9pm. This always gets a response. Once she texts you back, immediately pick up the phone and call her. Chat for a few minutes and ask her out.

Let us know how it goes captain.


Wildebeest said:
yea im a lightweight with drinking, but that isnt relevant I dont think

She never replied at all
I'm a lightweight, two beers and I'm tipsy, four beers and I'm drunken, six pints and I'm putting £20 notes into a stripper's G-string, and then I carry on drinking some more.

She never replied at all? Oh well, that is the common case when pulling at a bar/club. You often need to seal the deal there and then or the chance is often gone afterwards.

Lord Sidious

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Well, my opinion is for you to do nothing until she answers your text. You did a good job. However, to be perfect (in my oppinion, of course), instead or writing "... Yes it was nice to meet you too, we should hang out sometime." I would have answer "...I know it was! We should hang out sometime."

Let us know the updates.

Take care!


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
she waits almost exactly 24 hours from my previous text,
" Yeah sounds good "


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
do I just ring her whenever and ask her for coffee?
any other ideas or is that cool?

I have not been on many dates, but I already have attraction and comfort built with this girl from the first night


She doesn't come across as being particularly interested. You should have struck will the iron was hot, should have grinded with her, should have gotten off with her, left a bit of an impression. I'd just move on mate, just use this as a learning curve, if nothing else.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
that doesnt sound right to me, no offense, im sure you know more than me.

I never had her number, she could have never seen me again, but instead she messaged me and said she had a great night.

For me theres 2 possibilities,
1. shes a little interested
2. shes very interested and is playing it cool/ busy

To me, her not being interested at all doesnt figure in here at all.
As for hitting when the iron was hot, its been 1/2 a week.

I think you're too used to telling guys to move on lol.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
ill tell you what,
instead of that last post just potentially being me mentally masturbating my ego,
ill ring her today and let you know

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
"we should hang out sometime" is too vague

next time have a time and a place for the meet

don't defer to her

as the man, you are expected to have the plan

be the aggressor and the initiator


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
im making a plan now
up until 2 months ago, I had never made out with a girl or taken a girl on a date, im 23

so far im made out with 3 girls while drunk, and been on 2 dates


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
I just rang her, we were both a little awkward but I lead through it.
She was giggling slightly, like pacifying, so I think her interest is still high.

I just small talked, then asked her for coffee not far from where I know she generally lives. She said yes, but she asked me to remind her ? It is on saturday afternoon at 3 oclock at a coffee place she knows.
When she asked for a reminder, I asked if she was forgetful or something. Then I repeated Saturday at 3.

Do I send her a reminder text message on the day, or do I just go to the agreed location/time?

Is her asking me to remind her a way of her gauging my interest? or am I a paranoid parrot?


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
when I asked her if shes forgetful, it wasnt a scolding tone, it was probably firm, but gentle I think...im not sure how I said it.