I truly believe that improving my life is the only step i can take to actually living it. I have been dedicated to self improvement over the past 6months now. I still feel inadequate sometimes because of my special condition. Now i am not looking for emotional support im just seeing if there is a way that i can still reep the benefits of djing as a person without a physical disability would. So i will not encourage any pity just a say on it.
At birth i developed a condition known as congenital cataracts, for all you googlers its where the lens of your eyes get foggy and you go temporarily blind. For me, being so young it has had long term effects. I lived with it developing for four year before i got the opaque effect. I then underwent surgery and had my lens cleaned, which ment at that technological time, they had to be removed. I then had to ware the equivalent thickness of the lens in your eyes in my glasses, which are very thick. I also developed nyastagma aka slight shakeyness of the eyes since the cataracts fogged my vision and my brain told my eyes to be continuously looking for light i.e it moved constantly until it became involuntary.
Now i am wondering is with the condition contradicting my game(eye contact mainly) and even social status and success with women. Would it disturb you if a persons glasses was unusually thick making their eyes look big and kinda shaky affects you impression from that person?
At birth i developed a condition known as congenital cataracts, for all you googlers its where the lens of your eyes get foggy and you go temporarily blind. For me, being so young it has had long term effects. I lived with it developing for four year before i got the opaque effect. I then underwent surgery and had my lens cleaned, which ment at that technological time, they had to be removed. I then had to ware the equivalent thickness of the lens in your eyes in my glasses, which are very thick. I also developed nyastagma aka slight shakeyness of the eyes since the cataracts fogged my vision and my brain told my eyes to be continuously looking for light i.e it moved constantly until it became involuntary.
Now i am wondering is with the condition contradicting my game(eye contact mainly) and even social status and success with women. Would it disturb you if a persons glasses was unusually thick making their eyes look big and kinda shaky affects you impression from that person?