Wheelin, I feel I am in the same situation as you.
This girl I met is 25, has her own place, car, etc. Has been on her own since she was 16, so she has some baggage.
She, however, wont have sex until its a relationship. She is fun to hang out with, but does weird things with the phone.
She has cancelled on me hours before we were to meet, only to call me later and talk.
Sometimes she calls a lot, sometimes I'll call and she will take days to call back. Its all really frustrating.
I, too, am ready for a somewhat LTR. Hell, after being out of college I do want a relationship, whether its long term or not. I have been 'actively' single for quite some time and am looking for something a bit more. This girl is somoene I Could see that with, but plays phone games.
We had a bit of a weird convo on Thanksgiving, where I had called her over, because she doesnt have any family to spend time with. She thought about it, only to
text me and tell me she didnt feel comfortable.
This bothered me so I talked and told her that it seems when she does this cancelling that maybe I should be getting a hint.
We have a disagreement of sorts, no argument. But, I get an uneasy feeling about it afterwards.
We talk again on Saturday and she wants to meet for lunch on Sunday. Things seem to be cool after that weird convo we had. She texts and cancels. ( I know some of you are going to say she cancels a lot, but I dont feel it neccessary to list all the times we have hung out, cause its has been quite a bit.). She tells me she likes me, etc.
Anyway, she calls on Sunday, doesnt leave a message.
I call back leave a message and hadnt heard a thing.
Its weird, we talk, we make plans, and than it gets quiet for a few days. I am not sure what is up with that.
OUr last convo went well, she made plans, and now she is quiet. It seems if we had a disagreement and it turned her off she wouldnt have called saturday night to make plans.
She even says a text on saturday telling me i am really sweet, etc.
I am not sure if she is just busy, if im reading too much into this, maybe she is just playing phone games. There is nothing worse than ambiguity. If a woman doesnt like me, I would like to know that it is the case, instead of waiting for a phone call, wondering if i did anything wrong, or if this is just another phone game.
Usually I dont like girls that much. This one seems different and I dig her, so maybe I care a bit too much.
Just wanted to let you know that I am in a similar situation.