True "DJ's" are rare indeed. Basically, if you want to know their traits, just take the opposite of what AFC's are like.
A DJ is:
confident (duh)
a leader (there goes 95% of men, who are either easily pus-sywhipped or too weak to stand independently).
intelligent and mature
smooth talker (comes with intelligence), especially apt at being sexual and/or funny
sociable, but I think most people misinterpret the word bigtime. Sociable doesn't mean having a lot of close, exclusive friends. It means being open to talk to everyone and not being afraid to meet new people all the time. A truly sociable person (there aren't as many as you think) generally has many acquantainces at one time but most of his relationships with people are short and casual. Limiting yourself to a select group of people is NOT being sociable like a true DJ.... it is actually closer to being antisocial.
interesting and intriguing. Drinking booze every weekend with the local morons is not considered interesting and intriguing, no matter how many stupid drunk stories you have of how you tried to fu-ck someone in the as-s when you were high on gin and marijuana.
MASCULINE. This is the king of all traits, embodying all others. If you hand your balls over to every hot girl you see, you're nothing to them.... they don't respect someone unless he's a man first and foremost. They will probably overlook some of your less desirable traits in many cases because it is becoming increasingly hard for them to find real men in this world.
Uncontrollable, Unpredictable, Dominant, Ambitious, independent.....
There are of course many more things to list, but what is the point? You have the information you need somewhere in your brain, use it....
It helps sometimes to put yourself in a woman's shoes to see things from her perspective. If you do this, you will realize right away that all men who kiss your ass are the absolute most annoying men ever, and you give them no respect. You respect the loud-mouthed *******s more than these guys. As I said before, it all boils down to respect. As a MAN, women are supposed to be intimidated a little by YOU, not the other way around. They want someone they admire and who can lead them. With respect comes attraction.
Women HIGHLY respect a man who can crush them physically, intellectually, and emotionally. Think about that, it says it all.
Sorry I wrote a lot, but I hope someone can benefit from it.