Over 50% of single guys won't interact with women for fear of being labeled creepy


Sep 1, 2022
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The workplace is where many people meet their SO.
True! But it's usually not in a creepy way just going all out cold approaching and hitting on them at work. Typically you become friends with a group of people at work, then start hanging out and eventually click with a girl. Not just walking up to a hot girl at work and instantly hit on them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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I actually had that pop into my youtube feed the other day, some of you guys really missed the point.

The point is that a significant number of men feel so discouraged by their interactions with women that they don't even bother. Imagine approaching a bunch of women and just getting flat out rejected repetitively, or getting numbers that lead to nothing. Or maybe going on dating apps and getting few to no matches/responses or getting flaked on over and over and over. This is a very common thing now for many men and has absolutely NOTHING to do with "game" or any other such nonsense, this is just the reality of the current dating market. Even unattractive and overweight women have literal harems of men at their fingertips, if for some reason you don't fully check all of her expectations she can quickly next you for the next guy on her list. With the exception of a small minority, this is not something that men have going for them.

I've seen/heard so many examples of this in the real world.

- "If you don't get your master's degree I'll breakup with you"
- "You realize that I could have a new boyfriend within a week, right?"

Or stuff like fat women refusing to go on a 2nd date with a man she was set up with from coworkers for him being overweight. Or just outrageous expectations they can't live up to.

Why do you think these youtube channels and videos about this topic are getting so many views? It's because it's an extremely prevalent issue young men are facing right now.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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This shows that 53% of single guys refuse to interact with women because they could get into trouble if they find them creepy.
It's OVER for CreepCels.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
Not surprised by this statistic but covey has changed the playing field there is no new normal this is the new game working from home and hopefully avoid being sued for sexual harassment or taken to HR I got a lot of us did pre-covid


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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There is no contradiction since I did distinguish sub8 with and without game in my precious post. With your sub8s some of your contacts have it and others dont. I only said sub5s have problems. I did a photo rating on photofeeler and have consistently have 3s. Not 5 or 6 but 3s, at least twice,which is just too discouraging.
It's OVER for 3Cels.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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It's OVER for 3Cels.
Except that statistically, you can't say that 52% of the guys in the survey are sub5s. Also @characternote is a successful sub5 himself. It's not just looks, but I have virtually everything else going against me when it comes to meeting, attracting and dating women. If I were to put up a check-list of every possible seduction-killer I'd probalby end up filling out over 90%. For example, even if I lost body-weight and went from 40% to 12% bf, my living set-up would still be a seduction-killer, then what's the next advice? Just go and get a six-figure salary. Maybe you might get 1-2 below your looksmatch (and that's if you are lucky).
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bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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Very good video, likely from a MGTOW-blackpill angle. This shows that 53% of single guys refuse to interact with women because they could get into trouble if they find them creepy.

This is just any intearction like saying hello, opening the door, saying "you look good" or any complement or casual interaction, or even, as in the case of Australia, even steering.

Are there really that many sub-5s around?
That's it, I'm not opening doors any more. I suppose I'll just stay in this room.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Think about it....Guys that actually approach women have enough confidence not to care what women may label them. The types mentioned are the types that have 50 excuses on why they don't act and never will be successful with women.

Knight of Roses

Senior Don Juan
Apr 17, 2018
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You only get called creepy if you ugly. Good looking dudes aren't creeps. Either the girl likes the attention or she ain't interested, its left at that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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You only get called creepy if you ugly. Good looking dudes aren't creeps. Either the girl likes the attention or she ain't interested, its left at that.
That's true, but it doesn't excuse a woman abusing any power dynamic to ruin a guy's life. One she makes it clear to the guy she's not intersted and he persists anyway or tries another backdoor approach, then it's fair at that point. However, if she complains on a guy who does this one time and makes a big stink over it and the system backs her, then it's an issue to a large amount of guys. Unless a lady gives a massive amount of IOIs, which is not normal for most girls to do even if they are interested unless they are a hoe with a high body count, (ie and even that's not certain and she can change on a dime or turn), nobody is sure she's not interested, and if someone is made to feel small, or even get complaints on even neutral social interactions, then it's a powerful disincentive for over 50% of guys to do nothing and treat them like they have the plauge.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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For me I honestly let opportunities to cold approach or strike up a conversation pass me on by because what’s the point? I don’t need to practice my social skills, they’re fine. Me talking to some random women the chances are very low that it’ll go somewhere past that so it’s wasted effort on my part. I know you have to be outcome independent but let’s be honest, everything in life you do depends on a certain outcome and that’s how you determine if something is worth your effort or not. If I work hard, I’ll make money…..outcome dependent. If I work hard and never make any money then why the f would I keep working hard? Women are the same way, if I strike up a conversation even with a woman who’s been giving me the eye and appears interested, gives me her number but I never hear from her or she cancels the day we set up a date then that’s just wasted effort. Guys don’t want to keep doing that, you go through negative experiences like that enough and you’re going to be like “fvck this” because you’re human, it’s natural to stop when you’ve experienced enough negative experiences without the desired results. That’s what’s going on today with men approaching women, what’s in it for us……not a whole lot.


May 1, 2022
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50% of men are little bitches who respect the word "creepy" as if it's.. anything.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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50% of men are little bitches who respect the word "creepy" as if it's.. anything.
The word isn’t anything, but women can have you thrown out of places now and banned or worse. Just for approaching them if they don’t like you. All they have to say is “hey this guy is bothering me” and they’ll throw you out before you can even defend yourself. “Believe all women” is a real thing in society these days.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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Very good video, likely from a MGTOW-blackpill angle. This shows that 53% of single guys refuse to interact with women because they could get into trouble if they find them creepy.

This is just any intearction like saying hello, opening the door, saying "you look good" or any complement or casual interaction, or even, as in the case of Australia, even steering.

Are there really that many sub-5s around?
I agree to some extent what that, it is more about afraid of legal action, even out of workplace, if a woman decided to call people around her or the police, you are automatically in a very bad position, many men find it just not worth the risk, especially if they are just randomly flirting


May 1, 2022
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The word isn’t anything, but women can have you thrown out of places now and banned or worse. Just for approaching them if they don’t like you. All they have to say is “hey this guy is bothering me” and they’ll throw you out before you can even defend yourself. “Believe all women” is a real thing in society these days.
Then learn to fight and have a gun on you. I keep telling you people this. ‍♂


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Hearing things like this makes me worried about my little brother. He's 6'3 at 15 but very skinny, so he's eating 8000 cals to bulk up and get muscles, is in the gym. I know I'm thinking about this in the overprotective big sister way, but I don't want him to get hurt or abused by some crazy chick. He's a good kid with a huge heart and the fact that a girl can walk in his life and give him a lifetime of issues just is heartbreaking...
The chance of him getting abused by a crazy chick in his life at some point is like 99.9999999999%. Welcome to being male in 2022, and beyond.

Edit: Unless, of course, he is gay. Which honestly wouldn't be all that bad for him from an abuse perspective. Plus, the more gay men there are, the more free women there are for me :rofl:


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
I mean i get it.

young women are so insecure with no grace these days they cant handle a compliment, it either goes straight to their head or are so emotinally damaged they cant handle a complement and go into a outburst.

10 years ago you could call a women hot and you both forget it by the end of the day. She laugh and maybe get a smile from her. Now a days a women dwells on it post it to social media, contemplatives if she was sexually harassed, avoids you and tells a superior.

And this is the problem simp men, will agree and let a woman confide in him about how bad men are basically doubling down everything that happened.

While the young guy is told its inapporporiate to flirt with women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Hearing things like this makes me worried about my little brother. He's 6'3 at 15 but very skinny, so he's eating 8000 cals to bulk up and get muscles, is in the gym. I know I'm thinking about this in the overprotective big sister way, but I don't want him to get hurt or abused by some crazy chick. He's a good kid with a huge heart and the fact that a girl can walk in his life and give him a lifetime of issues just is heartbreaking...
Not all women are as bad as the examples I referenced but it's also pretty common. I really think young men should be pushed to achieve as much as they responsibly can. The expectations that women have of men, in regard to being open to dating them, are substantially higher than what previous generations of men had upon them. An overwhelming majority of baby boomer males in the U.S ended up married and had children. This is not at all the case for modern young(ish) men and I believe that the trend is showing further rates of decline over the years to come. If a boomer man was 6', reasonably in shape and had a decent job he would not at all have struggled forming and maintaining a relationship with a normal/healthy weight woman without children, in fact I'd say it was almost a given that this would be the case. The dating market today is substantially more competitive than ever and it's going to going to be hard for any young man today.

I would encourage all young men to do this;

- Get in shape and take care of your body. This teaches discipline and also can get a man's competitive nature going. You don't have to be some steroid pumping maniac, but try to find a sport or activity that you really enjoy and pursue it. This could be running 5ks, getting into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, swimming, etc.

- Get into a solid career/education plan, really needs no elaboration but doing well in this regard will lead to more confidence, etc.

- Work hard and make sound financial decisions that will set you up for a good future down the road. This is a much more difficult process now than it was when the boomer generation was in their prime years but still possible. Get some side hustles to rake in some extra money and invest and save that money. Go deliver pizzas at a busy place on the weekends or go mow lawns.

- Approach women when you are young in order to gain experience. A huge issue is many men are still inexperienced well past an age where it will not be an issue. This can lead to them getting taken advantage of by woman and ultimately lead to getting hurt and possibly discouraged from being in the dating market all together.

- Have a good group of guy friends that support you, this is healthy for men but many lack this as well.