Aargh Im gonna shoot myself if one more person says the United States is a democracy.
The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic! The Founding Fathers would be rolling in their graves with all this "democracy" babble!
Democracy=rule of the majority=mob rule. The Founding Fathers were very afraid of mob rule, worried that it would oppress the minority. Thus they drafted the Constitution along with the Bill of Rights to ensure that the Federal Government, the State and Local Governments, and the People checked and balanced each other.
Nowhere does the Constitution give the Federal Government the power to nation build.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved for the States respectively, or to the people." -Tenth Amendment
Now that the history lesson is over...on to Osama Bin Laden
THEY DO NOT HATE US FOR OUR FREEDOMS! Why do you guys keep chanting this! If they hated us for our freedoms then why have they not attacked Switzerland or Sweden, also FREE countries???
If any of you read Osama Bin Laden's fatwa against the United States. One of the reasons stated was continued American meddling in Middle Eastern affairs.
You guys need to put yourselves in their shoes for once. How would you feel if the Chinese started bombing and attacking your cities and then decided to occupy your lands in the name of Communism or whatever. The Chinese insist that they are only making the world safe for communism and that the American people are liberated. Meanwhile, Chinese soldiers raid your house and patrol your streets.
All of you would be rushing to find the nearest gun shop to get them out! So why expect any less from the Iraqis or Arabs in the region to not be angry at the worlds superpower disregarding their sovereignty??
And I know all of you are probably foaming at the mouth for more war (Iran??), but the fact is pre-emptive war, especially this war, creates more enemies than it does destroy them. To add on top of that we are going to war on borrowed money, basically mortgaged the United States to China and Japan.
When all you guys are gone, your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be born debt slaves of the government, thanks to your blind support of a government that only cares to fill its own pockets with the support of military-industrial complex. Way to screw your future generations over huh?
We need to stop this unconstitutional policing the world and defend our borders and reform our government so its FOR the PEOPLE, not the POWERFUL!
I will be anticipating a typical neocon response to my post... but don't i have done all the rebutting for you!
For those seeking the solution:
Ron Paul: Stop Dreaming
Ron Paul: When in the Course of Human Events...