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Osama Speach

Who's the biggest EVIL???

  • Osama!!!

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • USA!!!

    Votes: 16 53.3%

  • Total voters
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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speakeasy said:
None of the hijackers that attacked, even the masterminds come from the countries you said we meddled in. None of the hijackers have been Iraqis or Iranians. They were Egyptians and Saudis. And it's not like we've ever done anything to Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or Egypt.

In fact, if we're talking meddling, I'd say we've done MUCH more in that regards in Latin America, yet I don't see any suicide bombers from Chile or Nicuaragua coming up here. Oh maybe because there's no Moslems there.

By the way, anyone care to explain why moslem radicals have attacked in so many other countries as well in the last decades? Phillipines? India? Morroco? Nigeria? Russia? Thailand? Algeria? Indonesia? Egypt? There was even a terror plot in Canada last year, and they don't even have any troops in Iraq. I guess tha'ts all because of American Imperialism too, right?
So if by your logic, the Egyptians and Saudis were responsble for the attacks, shouldnt Saudi Arabia and Egypt be held accountable as well as Bin Laden? Isnt Saudi Arabia and Egypt the source of extremist Wahabbi Islam? Why are they our allies then?

Iraq and Iran had nothing to do with 9/11. Why are we confronting them?

The Latin American countries that we meddled in are too busy making money smuggling drugs, violence, and possibly terrorists through our borders that the federal government refuses to secure.

So tell me this, why are you so concerned with what goes on within the borders of half around the globe foreign countries that had nothing to do with 9/11 when your own government fails to hold the real masterminds accountable and wont even secure our own borders?!?!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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armadon said:
You can't be takin serious in an argument when you say **** like this. Anyone with an opinion other then yours must be brainwashed. That's such an awsome way to declare yourself the winner no matter what.
I can't take any of their arguements seriously when all they remind me of are O' Reilly Talking Points


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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The level of ignorance on this thread is very disturbing.

There seems to be this prevailing attitude we Americans must continue to sacrifice our blood, money, and liberty until all the "evil Islamic terrorists" are stopped.

When will we all realize that our own government has become a greater threat than the enemies they claim to protect us from?

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"
-Benjamin Franklin
Mar 18, 2006
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Some just hate - racists - while others are braiwashed by the fake media matrix!!! Same thing - label was given -to Native Americans, Africans, Asians etc...


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
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FutureSpartan said:
So if Osama just hates the West so passionately that he wants us killed, why did the United States supply him arms and intelligence during the Cold War to fight the Soviets?

If the government cares to protect you from evil Saddam and evil Osama why were they openly supporting him before?

Oh I forgot, Sean Hannity and Bill O' Reilly told you otherwise so it must be true.
just like US invasion of iraq. Ofcourse the US knew Saddam had nuclear weapons, they gave it to him to bomb iran.

as immortal technique states "bin laden didnt blow up the towers, it was you nigga tell the truth nigga, Bush knocked down the towers"
Nov 8, 2005
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***** palace
Ricky said:
People are becoming such a group of paranoids schizophrenics.

Everyone doesn't want to be wiretapped, and we find out why, as in the case of the ACLU lawyer and his love of child porn. They are leading the fight against the Patriot Act so groups can plan terrorist acts and download kiddie porn.

Face it if you have nothing to hide you dont have to worry about being spyed upon. Who are you to think your life is so important that the government is watching you.

The US is like any other country it has its good and its bad. But you never get so many opportunities as here. Try it in another country. Get back to me when you become a big success there. It won't happen. For the most part other countries tend to protect their own. There are places in countries like Japan that they don't even let foreigners in. Are you going to become a millionaire there? Highly doubtful. The best you might do is get laid alot by the locals.

Osama is one ant that is from a violent group that hasn't changed since they started the Crusades. Remember the Muslims did initiate the first Crusades. This isn't well documented, but it is true.

Osama: His mind is pretty simple. He is like alot of us. He thinks his way is better than anothers. He just wants to force people to change their way to his and killing people is fine.

Alot of you on here probably think you have all the answers on foreign policy, how to run a country, how to get huge, how to get rich, how to get the girls.

In reality wisdom is in knowing we don't have all the answers and becoming paranoid, or demonizing other people including our own government isn't the solution.

If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Acting crazy and blaming your country isn't part of a solution. Partisan hacks are creating chaos in the news and in our lives. Thats why it's time to tune out the stupid news and live a life of honor yourself and work hard. Tune out the negativity and work to make things better in this order, your own live, your families, your friends, your local community.

Thats being part of the solution.
Wow I didn't know sosuave was filled with so many racist ignorant morons. Ever been to Japan? Do you even know their culture? I bet you never even talked to anyone who is Japanese. They are more tolerant than the US... I know people mostly Mexicans who waited 20 years and still can't get in the country, because they decided to actually fill out papers instead of going in illegally through Florida or Canada.

It's so funny that people think US is always BETTER and RIGHT in a conflict. Why can't people think what the Iraqis are going through? They have family members getting blown up everyday and probably listen to gunfire when they fall asleep. Some wars are justified like World War II, someone needed to stop the Nazis. But, Iraq war is completely unnecessary...
Mar 18, 2006
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All conflicts and wars and boogey men (including Hitler and Osama) are manufactured!! Don't be mentally manipulated!!!
Nov 8, 2005
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***** palace
Falcon said:
I strongly believe USA is the bigger evil right now. We have to empathize with the civilians over there. Currently we have something like 5 PERMANENT military bases in Iraq, with about 10 more on the way. If that doesn't scream occupation and invasion then I don't know what would. If the Iraqi people really wanted democracy, let them stage their own revolution to reinstate a different kind of government. Then the USA could play a role like France did in the American Revolution. We are not doing that; instead, we are playing the role of policing the world. Completely different.
Ya and people wonder why the number of "terrorists" aren't going down. Most of the citizens are joining the "terrorists" because they're fighting for freedom from the "invaders" aka US.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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I'm a little surprised at how many of you adhere to DJ ideals in your personal life -- Yet when it comes to your country, you're willing to act like a total pvssy:

"Sure, Saddam, you can completely violate your agreements with us for over a decade, flaunt it in our face, shoot at our planes, and claim (somewhat believably) to have WMDs...We won't do anything about it."

Yeah, FutureSpartan, the government should seal the border, and we should stop spending so much damn tax money. Those are two smart things that you've said.

But we also should kick the ass of anyone and anything who messes with us. It's the manly way. The fact that our citizens are getting so pissy about losing three thousand volunteer soldiers just goes to show you how feminized our society has become. Grow some ballz, gentlemen.

And to the idiot who said that democracy isn't good for everyone...

armadon said:
Democracy is good for you and me but not everyone which is what people seem to forget. Forcing democracy on a civilization has to be one of the most obsurd things going on.
Democracy is good for EVERYONE. Democracy allows a man the freedom to reach his own potential. You can't be a Don Juan if you are a SLAVE to your government. Only a free man can ever hope to be a true man.

Economically speaking, you can't be a true Don Juan if you depend on the government to subsidize your healthcare, give you welfare checks, or any other socialized nonesense.

And we're not forcing democracy on anyone. Democracy and freedom are natural. It's despotism and socialism that are artificial constructs. When 60+% of Iraqis turn out to vote in elections, that's the people taking power themselves. We simply allowed it to happen by deposing Saddam and killing thousands of terrorist criminals within the country.

Why didn't we just allow the Shi'ites to revolt against Saddam Hussein -- and then fund them like the French did during the American Revolution? Oh wait, we tried that... George H. W. Bush (in 1991) told the Shi'ites to rise up against the government, that we would support them. Then the United Nations wouldn't let us enter Iraq to help them. So Saddam killed thousands of his people with helicopter gunships, after WE TOLD THEM to rise up. That's one of the main reasons they don't trust us now.
Mar 18, 2006
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Obsidian, expand your mind!! This is not about "countries" - it is about humanity - yes, the duality that creates life!!! You, we. are NOT a country - we are HUMANS!!

Since you are human, see this from the human perspective and not from a country perspective! PLEASE!!!!! People, humans are dying!! We do not have authority over other humans - we don't!!! You say you are a christian - then damn it, think and act as Jesus would!!! Jesus wasn't for so-called democracy!!!!!!!!

We are a REPUBLIC not a democracy!! Stop repeating the garbage you hear!! Our freedoms are being taken away at home - we are heading towards fascism!! And yet you don't see this?? I don't believe that!!!

What gives you the authority to force others to follow you?? You have none!!!! You have none!!!!

Killing people is not democracy!!!! Stop saying this!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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Killing people is a necessary part of life. Don Juan himself was a successful naval officer, if I remember correctly. The test -- and masculine men have the ability to judge this better than feminine people -- is whether the people we are killing are guilty or innocent. Imo, the overwhelming majority of the people we're killing are guilty.

Jesus had more important matters to attend to during his short life than lecture about politics, but I suspect he most likely agrees with me on this issue. Democracy allows people freedom of thought, which means Christians may preach freely without fear of unjust FORCE being used against their rational arguments. In democracy, the truth wins out. (Or if it doesn't, then at least the people deserve whatever lie they've accepted.)
Mar 18, 2006
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Obsidian said:
Killing people is a necessary part of life.
Fvck Don Juan - I said Fvck Don Juan!!!

Killing is NOT the natural order of things!!! Are we born to kill? Huh?? Nonsense!!!

So-called "christians" are not the the moral authority of the earth!!! This is a fallacy and is part of The Matrix!!

There are many errors in your thinking and statements - if you want to understand life PM me kid!!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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Obsidian said:
I'm a little surprised at how many of you adhere to DJ ideals in your personal life -- Yet when it comes to your country, you're willing to act like a total pvssy:

"Sure, Saddam, you can completely violate your agreements with us for over a decade, flaunt it in our face, shoot at our planes, and claim (somewhat believably) to have WMDs...We won't do anything about it."

Yeah, FutureSpartan, the government should seal the border, and we should stop spending so much damn tax money. Those are two smart things that you've said.

But we also should kick the ass of anyone and anything who messes with us. It's the manly way. The fact that our citizens are getting so pissy about losing three thousand volunteer soldiers just goes to show you how feminized our society has become. Grow some ballz, gentlemen.

And to the idiot who said that democracy isn't good for everyone...

Democracy is good for EVERYONE. Democracy allows a man the freedom to reach his own potential. You can't be a Don Juan if you are a SLAVE to your government. Only a free man can ever hope to be a true man.

Economically speaking, you can't be a true Don Juan if you depend on the government to subsidize your healthcare, give you welfare checks, or any other socialized nonesense.

And we're not forcing democracy on anyone. Democracy and freedom are natural. It's despotism and socialism that are artificial constructs. When 60+% of Iraqis turn out to vote in elections, that's the people taking power themselves. We simply allowed it to happen by deposing Saddam and killing thousands of terrorist criminals within the country.

Why didn't we just allow the Shi'ites to revolt against Saddam Hussein -- and then fund them like the French did during the American Revolution? Oh wait, we tried that... George H. W. Bush (in 1991) told the Shi'ites to rise up against the government, that we would support them. Then the United Nations wouldn't let us enter Iraq to help them. So Saddam killed thousands of his people with helicopter gunships, after WE TOLD THEM to rise up. That's one of the main reasons they don't trust us now.
NO! The blood of a thousand "terrorist criminals" (aka Iraqis who had nothing to do with 9/11) was not worth shedding one drop of American blood.

We should have captured and tried Osama Bin Laden and gotten out of their pronto!

The Founding Fathers were REAL MEN. They were willing to sacrifice their lives, fortunes, and sacred honors to declare independence. And afterwards, like true men, they drafted the Constitution and Bill of Rights to protect THEM from THEMSELVES. Washington could have proclaimed himself king if he wanted to, being so wildly popular. But like a true DJ, he reluctantly took the presidency, fearful of the potential corruption it could bring.

Reagan was a REAL MAN. Brought Down the Evil Empire without firing a single shot.

Clinton and Bush were nothing more than insecure schoolyard bullies, picking fights with weaker non-threatening nations. All in the guise of "Protecting America"

I challenge you "manly DJ's" to head to the recruiting station tomorrow and help spread "democracy" to Iraq, and maybe Iran. Go kill some Iranian AK slinging, mud house dwelling, "tuhrists" criminals while you're there.

Come on grow some balls and do it. Don't be a pansy like me preaching the Constitution,

After all, as our President says, "it's just a goddamn piece of paper!"


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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NO! The blood of a thousand "terrorist criminals" (aka Iraqis who had nothing to do with 9/11) was not worth shedding one drop of American blood.
Think about everything I said logically and stop spewing rhetoric. I've already admitted that we probably wouldn't be in Iraq if we'd known there were no WMDs. Maybe if everyone else was psychic like you then we could've just stayed out of Iraq in the first place.

Now that we're over there, we'd be complete assh0les if we just left the place in chaos.

And I'm pretty sure the president never spoke those words, at least not within earshot of anyone.
Mar 18, 2006
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Obsidian said:
Now that we're over there, we'd be complete assh0les if we just left the place in chaos..
Did you read my last post?

We started the chaos so we can't leave because there is chaos? HUH? :rolleyes:

We bombed and starved Iraqis for 13 years and they never shot a plane down or hurt an american - yet they are a threat to us 5 thousand miles away? HUH?

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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Obsidian said:
Think about everything I said logically and stop spewing rhetoric. I've already admitted that we probably wouldn't be in Iraq if we'd known there were no WMDs. Maybe if everyone else was psychic like you then we could've just stayed out of Iraq in the first place.

Now that we're over there, we'd be complete assh0les if we just left the place in chaos.

And I'm pretty sure the president never spoke those words, at least not within earshot of anyone.
What??! 3000 troops dead and you're worried about us looking like assh0les??

We're already assh0les for invading them anyways, if you care so much about what others think about you DJ.

And maybe if the government and the jingoistic media werent so loud beating their wardrums prior to the invasion, we might just have stayed out.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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Don't bother refuting done arguing. I would be wasting time trying to "debate" this when all im getting are Fox News soundbites and Talking Point rebuttals. The sheer ignorance is disturbing.

My views are correct and in line with the American Constitution and the views of the Founding Fathers. I don't care what you say. The Supreme Law of the Land does not authorize the United States to go around nation building. Its unconstitutional. End of Story. No more comment.
Mar 18, 2006
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For all those who think that they, or their thinking, is superior to others are in error! No human is superior to another human!! I repeat, no human is superior to another!! We are all short of being perfect - thus none of us are THE authority over others!!

Any philosophical or religious beliefs you subscribe to are not superior to other's!! Once you think that you are superior, only then have you become inferior, through your inferior and wrongful thinking!!!
Last edited:


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2007
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
For all those who think that they, or their thinking, is superior to others are in error! No human is superior to another human!! I repeat, no human is superior to another!! We are all short of being perfect - thus none of us are THE authority over others!!

Any philosophical or religious beliefs you subscribe to are not superior to other's!! Once you think that you are superior, only then have you become inferior, through your inferior and wrongful thinking!!!
1. Why do you constantly have to use exclamation marks in all of your posts?

2. Why do I get the feeling that you wouldn't be so concerned about the media if you hadn't watched The Matrix or Network?

3. Stop it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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We're already assh0les for invading them anyways, if you care so much about what others think about you DJ.
I couldn't care less what others think. I didn't say anything about looking like assh0les. I said we'd be assh0les if we left early.

Lastman, the chaos was actually already there in Iraq. Tyranny of Saddam's sort is chaos itself. You don't seem to fully grasp the evil of Saddam's regime; you oughta read Cruelty and Silence by Kanan Makiya.

You might say that chaos exists in Iraq because our troops are there -- And you'd be right! But that's not because we're doing anything wrong. It's because our troops are resisting fascist radicals who want to dominate the country and align themselves with Iran.

If we had gone into the country, removed Saddam, and left a bunch of terrorists to take over the country, how would that have been good? It would save us some money and lives in the short run, but allowing either terrorists or Iran to dominate the region would be foolish. As it stands now, the TROOP SURGE actually seems to be solving most of our problems over there. I'd say we oughta give it some more time.

And I don't really care if you're tired of arguing with me, Spartan, because you're ignoring what I say anyway.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

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