On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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The concept of 'Self' image is a false idea of the 'self-help community' pandered from the perspective of the ego. To make this widespread and simple will be my goal, as once it is understood, you will achieve greater clarity, and perhaps a new found interest in religion, spirituality, or metaphysics.

Are you your body? Are you your leg, your arm, or your head? We say "I" as if we are 1 thing. But are we?

We're not our body, because our body changes. Every 7 years, every cell has been recycled. Every thing that's occurred in the past changed anew now. This moment in fact, cells are dying, and cells are growing. Your body is not constant, so therefore there exists no definitive "I" component.

Are you your mind? Are you that 'thinking' piece? That intellectual piece that thinks day in and day out?

How can this be? You can observe from the third perspective your thoughts and actions. You can observe your feelings in the moment, or FEEL the feelings in the moment. That being said, how you can be your mind, if you can do 2 things at once, observe the feelings your body has, and CHOOSE to act or not. You can't. You are not your mind.

Are you your beliefs? Are you the values you hold? Are you the opinions you maintain? The politics you keep?

Can this be where "you" are? No. It cannot. Beliefs change. Minds change. Opinions change. Values change. As we grow, our minds become aware. They open up. What we one didn't know, we now know chaning our perception of the world.

At this point, where is the solid "you". The piece that holds the key to who you are. It will unlock eveything you are meant to be. It will unlock your dreams. Your hopes, fears, your career, your woman. Everything.

Alas, we are nothing. And yet, we are everything.

The Ego is the piece of you that actually believes you have an identity. It's the piece that seeks to defend everything as if YOU are that thing. As if, you believe in the Iraq war and defend our position. Or believe in abortion and defend it. Or believe in non marriage and defend it. It seeks to find your identity, as if it even exists, in everything outside yourself. It's the Ego that leads most guys here, too. It's the piece of you that believes there's a piece to defend, that gets into fights over a piece of you that doesn't exist. It's the piece that gets hurt when you're in love and get dumped, or when you're at a bar and your set gets blown.

It's the piece that seeks rewards, has demands, and has needs. It's rewards you with good feelings, and berates you with damnation when you don't as it asks, and don't deliver what it wants. It's your best and worst friend.

Guys are trying to build a rock solid, tenable 'self' a self that will only be an illusion.

Consider this...

If mirrors did not exist, and nothing could enable you to see what you look like, how would you know what YOU look like?


You wouldn't. Only through other people's eyes do we know what we look in that case. And, in this world, through various ego's, do we know what we look like. When we look in the mirror, it's your ego judging you. While your Gf, or lover, or family, or friends, thinks your attractive, it is your ego, which is a compilation of voices and nonsense, judges you. Or maybe IT loves you, and nobody think your beautiful. You see, in THAT world, looks matter.

Guys, we know full well women fit 2 categories. Bangable and not bangable. There's no 10 versus 1. Any girl with a decent look and the right attitude is bangable. And with the right qualities, is girl friend material. It's we men who are rated on looks by women. Why? Because it truly doesn't matter to them. If they've bit the bait of attraction and see's you as man as presentable, and comparable to her looks, she's your's. If not, there's nothing you can do about it. Women are trapped in the deepest ego world, yet seek to be set free the most. They judge things more, they validate looks, they're catty. They're defensive.


The biggest pain foisted upon young kids and even adults is that they must become SOMETHING, when, we've just realized, SOMETHING doesn't ever exist. We're nothing, nothing can't become something. Sure, you can have interests and passions and loves, but these must be done for enjoyment, not because they will give us a medal or a status. Those are false ideals.

See if you're NOTHING, how can you EVER be effected by anyone? How can a girl bother you? That's the biggest C&F enlightener you could ever have, if you choose to realize it and use it. That we're nothing, and yet everything, so anything she says means nothing. You're not beaten down, because there's nothing to bruise or beat.


A tip in anything, to me, is just a bandaid to the Ego. It wants to have a 'fix'. To know a new tactic of getting a girl, because each lay is validation that we're men. Each number is a new notch in the belt. To 'quick fix' something we're not inclined to learn. A mentor is entirely different. A mentor is the long-term view toward mastery. A tip is the self fulfillment of the Ego. It doesn't build you up, it merely gives you a quick bite fix. The process will continue because the mind constantly doubts. The intellectual world of the Ego will never cease to question, deny, or disbelieve.

If you notice the glut of dating advice sold is sold to appeal to that piece of who we are, and not to changing the true internal mechanisms and awakening the mind. It's sold by telling you you're not good enough, that you can be better. Well the first step of getting better is accepting what you are and what you're not. Denying that part is merely going to cause pain, because some days you'll be different and do different DJ things, and some days you'll do AFC things and condemn yourself for it. "Oh how I've fallen back to my old way." You must relish in both parts of you. You can't gloss a new shiny image over the old one and try to be anew. It will be temporary. The ego will beat you down and say "see, i told you."


The hardest piece of accepting anything of this is realizing that...your ego will fight that. It will fight the fact that no "you" exists. It wants to exist, but it doesn't. If the ego existed, IT would be a fixed piece, that comes with blueprints and directions and sense of solidarity. But IT doesn't. It never did. Sure, you might play an instrument, or you might practice martial arts, or you might lift, but these are things you do, not who you are. When you can do SO MANY THINGS, who are you then? We can change anything we want, and with that in mind, how can we be anything but NOTHING?


How does this relate to anything DJ-related?

Stop trying to find something that doesn't, and never did, exist. Stop trying to fix something that was never broken, because it was perfect before. Stop trying to build something, that cannot be built. Anything built can be destroyed. This is the ego's world. It behooves dating guru's to always say THERE'S MORE to learn, because they sell more products and they continuously keep you down. While they tag 10's, you tag 5's. A natural attraction is always present, and you can alter that slightly by awakening your mind and caring for your body.

A girl like Miliana, trump's new wife, will ALWAYS be into a guy like TRUMP, and no CF, no SS, no Mystery method would tackle her for anything more than a night, IF you could get that close to her.

Don't look for a sense of self, it doesn't exist. Seek to go do things that delight, inspire, invigorate, enlighten, enjoy, appeal, and enliven your life and others. More goodwill and life is created by selfless giving, than be selfish taking. The process is more important than the progress. Time is only a piece of the ego.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Interesting Point

I concur that sometime that relentless self involvement in our being or self as as you put it, can distract us from living in the real world and taking action (as I would put it). But as far as not existing, I would have to disagree. The idea of self/being is one that goes beyond just mere experience and should be considered transendental. We all need to reflect on ourselves and the world around us so as to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of those things.

I agree with your main points, though.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter.

Your points provoke deep thoughts, A-Unit.

I agree that things don't matter in the end. For we all are shadow and dust. Humanity could reach its Golden Age only to be annihilated by a comet. Who cares if someone turns you down? Who cares if you screw up and don't get laid? Your ego does. Why is so much empashis placed on the ego nowadays?

Because we think we are important when we're really nothing.

Now don't get excited and quit your job, abandon your friends, rob a bank, and not flush the toilet.

I also believe that perserverance, discipline, compassion, and other mindsets are worth fighting for. For example, a team that has struggled uphill for years, giving their blood, sweat, and tears, that finally wins the championship is something to admire. A solider, a rebel, a man with a gun fighting for what he believes is right is something to admire.

Don't overlook the most important thing though. There is a reason why we are here. There is a reason why you are reading this. There is a reason why. There is always a reason why. But we are not required to always know why.

There is a thin line for those who are "enlightened". The path is hard and not everyone will complete it.

We must live knowing that everything we do is in vain. That is life. We are choosen to live it. Let us do so...like the men we are supposed to be.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by *29*
For we all are shadow and dust.
You must be another fan of the movie Gladiator. For that, I like you already. ;-)

Also, I like you because you seem to share the same values that I share. You seem to understand seduction from my veiwpoint. Would you be interested in helping me work on Project T? It is a new "DJ Bible" that will focus on creating new leaders as well as seduction.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
I agree with the post above this. I personally believe that after the fall of man in the garden that human beings are constantly trying to evolve to that state we were in. That is why every year brings greater, and greater technology, and new knowledge. I think just like everything else humans possess the ego is something that can be used for good as well as evil. I believe the ego's true purpose is too keep man looking forward, and evolving because the ego tells you you can always do and be better. Without the ego stagnation would be easy. I just think people use the power of their ego, as well as the mind foolishly. Like it reads in think rich and grow rich-the mind is the most powerful tool known to men, but some of us use it for growth and some of us use it for detrimental purposes.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I appreciate your intelligent reply, Sazuki. Some of Watt's stuff is pretty far gone, and some pretty grounded. Like anything, the idea can fit or not fit, based on YOUR own beliefs. Only through practicing and experiencing meditation, training, and experiences, can YOU truly validate anything.

That's like saying...

What is love?

You cannot know love until you have been through it. It changes you. It reshapes you, never to be the same again. And once you have experienced it, it is near impossible to convey such a feeling as all life is different through different eyes.

Books like "The Book of Secrets" by Osho, "The Disappearance of the Universe by Renard, and "A Course in Miracles", are hard to bite into, but offer a widespread look at Tantra, the Ego, and Spirituality on the whole.

The hardest part of any of 'this' is that, it cannot be proven or disproven, as science is something of the mind/ego seeking to prove an idea, that will fit some minds because they WANT it to, and not for others.

Perfect example...

Many guys here will debate how WOMEN are to blame for their problems, how they say 1 thing and do another. How they ONLY WANT BADBOYS. They want the world to change for them and put it outside of themselves to alter the world, rather than doing the easy thing, CHANGING THEMSELVES AND THEIR BELIEFS to work in ACCORDANCE with the universe and natural laws.

Other guys, who are successful in their own pleasant way, realize girls are nutty, prone to irrational decisions, and want a man/badguy. They accept things as they know them to be and don't seek confirmation of a false reality. They know what reality is based on the outcomes seen around them, they observe the laws that bring them what they want, and work IN accordance with these laws.

Now...I could go on about Ego vs Universe vs God vs spirit/atma...but I might be seeking my own confirmation of information.

If you judge something, you negate understanding it.

In Watts case it seems like all you have to do is realise that you are one with the universe, as he explains that it is just another way of looking at things, like he shows with the cat behind the fence example. Here are some problems, where mainly science comes in. Good science is the equal of religion and has no conflict I belief.

Watts is one piece of the puzzle. Wilde is another. No journey can be made without steps. There's no spiritual text I would or could support that to effect a change all you do is believe. Even "acting as if" type stuff requires ACTion, so even if you were faking something, you're still acting, which ingrains the behaviors, outcomes and feelings. THIS is why it can be powerful.

Let me pose these thoughts related to self...

How would an all knowing, all powerful, all loving being create a universe that IS not perfect?

Is it possible HE didn't create this, and instead it's all a dream of the EGO separating the spirit self from GOD himself?

Dreams are vivid, and the most vivid dream to be had would be where we didn't know it was occurring because our protective shell, dubbed the EGO was so strong, we haven't yet realized we could awaken.


I've watched as my own grandmother's health or physical health has deteriorated. While her body has slowly gone downhill, her energy, lifeforce, or mana, spirt, has not. It is present in her eyes, even if her body does not support such things. She can write, acknowledge conversations, and comprehend, though her sense are not 100%.

Body's in this sense work this way. A consciousness is had in the 'being', even in coma patients, accident victims, and the seriously debilitated.


I want to converse on the topic of stagnation. In many business and sucess books you read about...the guys who vaulted ahead did it out of love, a passion for what they were doing. Much the same I seek to improve at golf, or investing, my LOVE of it, just of the ACTUAL practice, drives my success.

In a book titled Mastery, we learn to love the plateaus and forsake the quick hits we come to believe falsely. Michael Dell didn't seek his goal of being a Billionaire. Could he? He started so small. Same with Gates. It's not Ego that would drive such heights. How about the owner of the Mavericks? He went to make a website where he could view his favorite team and now is a multi billionaire.

Tiger Woods? He started at 2. If his Ego was his motivator, then he would have a FIXED cap on his potential, because the EGO poses limits. Love, poses, no limits. Passion, poses no limits. We see this everyday when someone sacrifices life and/or limb for another being.

Ego is quite often the antithesis of progress. We must afix our eyes on the end goal, but it also limits progress. We do not know the heights to which we can aspire, and setting a specific goal can negate that. Yes, we must have a deadline with measurable progress, but this must not be the be all end all of life.

American culture is the perfect example of this. From birth to death we are churned out to 'progress' as if there's someone where else to be. In reality, people aggrandize monumental amounts of money, to truly lead a simple life. They buy toys which are obsolete, to fill the void of working unfulfilling jobs, not utilizing their talents of love. When you are purely 1, and purely love, there is no consciousness outside the moment. No 3 rd person perspective. No other mind. You are there. It is experienced when we do a great pick up, a great lift at the gym, an awesome conversation. It's the process, not the progress. Your passion, your love, your drive, will get you further than your progress or your ego.

What does greater technology do for man's condition? What would going to the stars prove to us? Would expanding into space bring more life, or just more space? Sure we have bigger tv's, faster cars, dvd's, computers, but essentialy, man is very simple. We encumber the needs, which are really basic, by calling wants, ALSO needs.

Fundamentally, a tribe living on another continent and a family living in premier country, are very similar. But the supposedly civilized culture will take the circuitous route of aggrandizement to achieve simplicity.


A story...

A businessman was visiting an exotic island during his supposed vacation. Still walking the beach in his suit, he happened upon an older man fishing. This man would catch 3, 4, 5 fish each time, easily, mind you. He'd bring them home, cook them up, and sell what wasn't eaten to keep his lifestyle and family going.

He had a wife and 2 sons. On the second day, the business man approached the fisherman...

Bman: How are you sir?

Fman: Very well thank you.

Bman: May I ask you, what is it you do?

Fman: I fish and live with my family on this island.

Bman: I've noticed you have much success catching fish. What do you do with them?

Fman: I eat what I need, and sell the remaining amount to provide for my family.

Bman: You seem to catch alot. Why not open a business?

Fman: What for?

Bman: What do you mean what for, what do you do besides fish?

Fman: Each day I fish early before my family rises. I come back, we eat breakfast and walk the beach. I will fish in the evening, and walk with my wife on the shore as my sons play, do shores, and learn trades. I go to sleep in leisure and pleasure. My health is strong from a good diet and good company.

Bman: I see. With the fish you catch you could start a company!

Fman: Yes, I could, and then do what?

Bman: You could hire employees and make more money and catch more fish, providing a better lifestyle for your family.

Fman: Yes, I could, and what would I do then?

Bman: You could send your children to the best schools. You could open an international fishing company, complete with stock on the exchanges. You would become rich.

Fman: I suppose I would. Then what?

Bman: You could send your sons to college, and offer them the company to continue on.

Fman: Even better for them I suppose.

Bman: Yes of course!And, you could retire in lavish wealth anywhere you want!

Fman: Anywhere? What would I do?

Bman: Anything you want, you would have enough wealth for 10 lifetimes.

Fman: Yes, could I fish!

Bman: Sure

Fman: And live with my family on an island?

Bman: I suppose so.

Fman: And I could spend my evenings walking the beach with my lovely wife?

Bman: Anything you want, sir.

Fman: Very well then. {he walks off}

Rather shocked and stunned, the Businessman was left thinking the man crazy. And the fisherman left thinking the businessman rather crazy.

The moral?


Now What

Don Juan
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re:

Originally posted by A-Unit
Fundamentally, a tribe living on another continent and a family living in premier country, are very similar. But the supposedly civilized culture will take the circuitous route of aggrandizement to achieve simplicity.
A cute story, however the reality is somewhat different.

The reality is that people are ambitious. And even if you are happy to fish and walk on the beach, someone else may, and probably will envy you and then problems begin. Even if that doesn't happen, other factors like ill health and hurricanes can drastically change the scenario.

What happens if the fisherman becomes ill with malaria? What if a flood drowns his children? What if investors start moving in and building beachfront condos? What if other fisherman think he has an ideal fishing spot, and start (over)fishing there too? What if someone someone else fights him for the land, a tribal battle, a world war, a band of thugs? What if the police or government suddenly decide he can't fish there anymore, or must give all he catches to them, or else they kill him, or his wife?

The reality is that modern peace is directly or indirectly enforced by the United States, which is backed up by tons of money, and plenty of firepower. "Independent" island nations or similar places where our fisherman lives would not exist as we know them without the United States or something similar (i.e. Roman Empire).

And even if they were politically stable (a big if), challenges from nature would be more than enough, disease, storms, droughts, etc. There are reasons people used to die at 30 (and only the strongest made it that long).

So enjoy a simple life, just realize that it is something of an illusion. An illusion which is made real today (directly or indirectly) via the United States and its money and weapons.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Too True.

Which further serves to demonstrate the destructive power of the Ego. We're ambitious not because we must be, but because we're trapped in 1 world.

As you pointed out, the US is reponsible for much of the World Policing going on (though sources indicate deeper reaching connections that uses the US as a police department for its own intentions).

We live in the wealthiest nation in the world. Wealth, fundamentally, is merely the application of natural laws and principles NOT taught in schools. I wonder why that is? Fully 5% of Americans achieve financial independence.

While it's a simple illustration, the reality is little if any 'free' land exists that could be had for anything but a princely sum, meaning, that freedom is not free, and is in fact, ONLY possible when the individual sheds the shackles of the ego. One cannot travel to any known parks without some rule or regulation. And with the prospect of id and dna tagging on the horizon, greater privacy laws are broken.

A simple life is achieved with the awareness that...

-extreme needs are a vice and a trap.
-that freedom begins and ends in the mind.
-AND can be had with proper and intelligent planning.


The reality is that modern peace is directly or indirectly enforced by the United States, which is backed up by tons of money, and plenty of firepower. "Independent" island nations or similar places where our fisherman lives would not exist as we know them without the United States or something similar (i.e. Roman Empire).

I would suggest that we're not policing much though, our intentions in IRAQ are to secure Oil, as its the most precious commodity this planet has. Even if you had all the gold, you would still need oil to do anything with, and therefore the oil baron would be the richest and most powerful. The US needed an illusion of insecurity to attack, because it could not lay out its selfish plans to get its hands on oil and democratize the middle east. As much was said at a Financial Conference presented by 1 of my vendors as one of Bush's top advisors began with...

"iraq, it's about the oil. now let me explain why."

One would like to believe that the world is good and great and grand, but it isn't. Night time news has about 1 in 20 decent stories, and only the Simple Life is more disgusting than it.


Off topic anyways...

What happens if the fisherman becomes ill with malaria? What if a flood drowns his children? What if investors start moving in and building beachfront condos? What if other fisherman think he has an ideal fishing spot, and start (over)fishing there too? What if someone someone else fights him for the land, a tribal battle, a world war, a band of thugs? What if the police or government suddenly decide he can't fish there anymore, or must give all he catches to them, or else they kill him, or his wife?
Everything you listed here is spot on, and only serves to support the idea behind the Ego wreaking havoc. There isn't a bit of logic behind making any of the above decisions. And if disease strikes, so be it. It effects all regardless of age, income, race, or sex. Aside from natural, unpreventable events such as disease or disaster (which you can recover from, if not fatal), the others are diseases of the evil side of the ego, where the insecurity and fear of a person erupts, and they seek to act to fill such a void.

From the book Choke....

"Any time you have a good reason to do something, you'll find a way to cut it down to no reason at all and not do it."

Ayn Rand walked through the vileness of the Ego in her book "Atlas Shrugged". The Producers and Minds of the word produced as they did out of pure love and ingenuity. They never cared for the money. Certainly, it was an ideal world where capitalism ran rampant, but the pedestrian citizens had high paying, secure jobs with loving employers. Once the GOV stepped in and enacted socialism and tried to balance out production, the world collapsed, generally from the standpoint of the Ego, because those who DIDn'T have cried...

"What about me? I deserve this, this, and this."

It broke into 2 sides, and eventually the Ego side lost out. It couldn't survive in a world of conflicting Egos when everybody was looking out for each other.


The funny part about the Ego is, it only obtains power from other Egos. Meaning, you can't fight a guy who doesn't care to fight and finds it pointless no matter the basis. When you're in that world, you're in the petty world. It's like...when you meet a great girl, you can either play games of challenge the whole time, and see who will cave first and try to fain interest, OR, see how truly deep, and loving, what great sex, what freaky things, and what you can see. Sure the dance is part of and you have to evaluate a girl and her prospects...but as I say it, 'the best is yet to come.' The games, the chase is THE LEAST favorite part. The better parts are parties, dances, bjs in the car, holidays, whatever.

Enough for now...........



Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by NowWhat

What happens if the fisherman becomes ill with malaria? What if a flood drowns his children? What if investors start moving in and building beachfront condos? What if other fisherman think he has an ideal fishing spot, and start (over)fishing there too? What if someone someone else fights him for the land, a tribal battle, a world war, a band of thugs? What if the police or government suddenly decide he can't fish there anymore, or must give all he catches to them, or else they kill him, or his wife?
Yes, good point, that is what we call reality. But what I got from this post was that we must live with those burdens in mind and yet know that all those things are not important.

A DJ cares and loves his achievements, his goals, his friends, his love, and his life. But he also knows that everything can be swept away in an instant, leaving no trace of evidence behind. So what? Does he stop living in fear? Because his life is in vain? Hell no. He is out doing what he likes.

Originally posted by theSpeculator

Would you be interested in helping me work on Project T?
What do you have in mind?

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2004
Reaction score
What do you have in mind?
First I need your social security number, bank account number, and credit card number. All for security purposes of course. ;-)

On a serious note, I need good writers that are willing to look over dozen of old posts, redit them for clarity, and write entire new posts. Basically what you usually do, except you will be doing it for the new Testaments.

Listen, I'm serious about the project and do not have time for people who aren't. If you want to be involve, I need to know SOON.

oOh Nasty

Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
the ego is probably one of the most conflicting entities you'll ever encounter during your whole lifetime. no matter how much anyone would like to disagree with me, everything and anything has to deal with ego. all these posts that talk about getting over your fears, being ambitious, being indifferent and so on...it's all about ego. the newer and younger don juans, from what i've seen so far, haven't really grasped the importance of understanding exactly how this concept of ego works. and until you're unable to eliminate ego (or enough of the destructive sort), you'll never truly understand exactly what you're aiming for or why you're doing it.

i agree with every post made so far and all are rational. but with that being said, i believe that it is to each their own. props to whoever made the post about the garden of eden and relating it to the pure indifference of things (i think it was a-unit).

from Genesis 3.22:

behold, adam has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. and now let him not put forth his hand and take of the fruit of the tree of life and eat and live forever.

from the Hsin Hsin Ming Sutra by Sosan:

The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. when love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised. make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. if you wish to see the truth then hold no opinions for or against anything. to set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind. When the deep meaning of things is not understood the mind's essential peace is disturbed to no avail.

it's still a big mystery to me as to how and why our egos even exist. even as i type, i'm doing nothing but building proof for my ego to show myself and everyone else on this board that i do exist and that i do have something to offer...but for what? self-confidence? personal gratification? i'm not much on the technical side of psychology, but acceptance from society is considered a human need. perhaps it all boils down to being assured that there will always be someone to catch you when you fall. maybe? what about celebrities? why are they so concerned about having the whole world care about them? do they really need that much support?

i agree completely with a-unit. action inspired by complete unconditional love for something is more powerful than action inspired by something of face value, such as your appearance or popularity. love is misunderstood and what most people experience when they think they're experiencing love, is something a little more selfish than love. unless there is sympathy involved, love from anyone usually expects something in return.

as a law of ego, nobody is going to willingly engage into anything without expecting results. even when we donate money to charity, we are still expecting something in return. we're expecting to make ourselves feel better. we can clear our consciounce for a temporary amount of time, because we know that what we did was something of virtue. but was it really? would you feel the same way for donating money to the charity of "poor but greedy men who lost their wealth?" we do good things because we feel better about ourselves right after. and for a lot of us, our ego makes it so that we want to create a chain of good moral actions that will keep our confidence up and enable us to keep on doing good. so i guess in sazuki's sense, there actually is some good in ego.. the only problem perhaps is the question of honesty in our actions and initial intuitive feelings and thoughts. but i'm pretty sure 99% of the world could care less about such things.

everything in this world is judged. everything you see and everything you do is judged and pre-thought. i'm not saying that it's irrational, but i'm just proving a point, like in genesis when God stated that adam has become like a god himself. he has brought the judgment of things into himself and now thinks like god. now he knows when something is good, but he also knows when something is bad. he can now learn to like certain foods, but he can also learn which foods he'll want to stay away from. he is introduced to favoritism in the people he will soon encounter. and of course, that has its opposites. he will also dislike. everything he looks at will automatically create his opinions of it in his mind. instead of seeing an object in its true and honest form, he will see it the way he wants to see it. he will hear things the way he wants to hear things and the beauty of nature has been taken away from him.

the reason why this thread and many others like this is so important, is because this has everything to do with everything. we're all here to exist for ourselves whether we'd like to admit it or not. why do you think sosuave members will stop at nothing with the flaming and arguing just to prove a point which probably wouldn't matter in the next few seconds? it all has to do with ego and an undying perserverence to dominate, and people like a-unit and sazuki are bringing these common dj philosophies to a new level. purity is the source of humility and balance. and without that, you'll never be able to find your true self under a conditioned and externally-influenced mind.

- j


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Excellent points, Nasty.

My intention, and still is, is not to make it religious. We have all walks of life here, and the ego exists as much as the spirit.

The greatest prison most people maintain is a mental 1. This was PERFECTLY demonstrated in "Way of the Peaceful Warrior." The protagonist, Dan, was the typical college student, with 1 plus to his scorecard, he was potential olympic gymnast. He was driven, goal-oriented, intelligent (in a book sense), yet unhappy. He constatly stove for the next hurdle, BUT NEVER enjoyed the plateau. In the books he practices for years, until 1 day he becomes solely responsible for the victory his college has in the Nationals. He's offered a coaching job and a birth to the Olympics.

In addition, many women flocked to him, not because of WHO Dan was, but because of WHAT he represented. He'd lay nurses, and hot college gals, and trainers, and a few days later, those same chicks would be laying someone else. He never made any real connections with women because much of his life was superficially lived through his mind.

If someone attacked his intelligence, or his skills, or his theory, or his life, or his beliefs, he defended them. He acted as if he was THOSE things, that Dan was those beliefs, theories, those women, those accolades. His emotions rode the coaster of the whims of his mind. His thoughts trailed anything he felt.

MOST people live like this. As if they are all these EXTERNAL things. They expend energy, thought; their mind is not present. Mind is never present. It is always searching, seeking, forward or backward...

"What did I do in the past? How do I get back the past feelings?"

"What will happen in the future? What if...."

And then your emotions runs AWAY>>>>


A quote I once heard....

If you stand for nothing, you fall for anything.

Not true. If you stand for nothing you're left unaffected. Many people wage their financial futures on the economy. The only economy that matters Is YOUR OWN economy. How's your own financial life. Your decisions. If you have a savings plan, and you maintain a defensive career position, where, if you're laid off, you're still ok, then your economy will never be rocked. But how many people think that way?

We'd rather be the grasshopper than the Ant in the story.

It's the Ego that says you must have something to fall for. It's what supposedly gives you an identity, a false one. And it also berates you for not having anything to stand for.


When you do something for pure PLEASURE and love and interest and curiousity, there's no pressure to get anywhere with it, AND THAT's how you get somewhere with positive energy. Think about the little kid who had a love of sports, and slept with his golf club, who is he now? Tiger Woods.

Or the football athletes who passionately played until dark and went from 4th string to team captain. Or Tom Brady who knew passionately he had the ability and asked for the chance. Did Michael Jordon believe he'd be the best ever? Who knows. Tiger was good, but his love was boundless for golf.

action inspired by complete unconditional love for something is more powerful than action inspired by something of face value, such as your appearance or popularity. love is misunderstood and what most people experience when they think they're experiencing love, is something a little more selfish than love. unless there is sympathy involved, love from anyone usually expects something in return.

Very good insight, Nasty. Love is often mistaken for love when it's really infatuation, or the minds connection to something about someone. Maybe you're connected to how she used to treat you. Or how she looked. Or the sex. But IS THIS REALITY. Is she before you profressing her undying devotion to you?

Love to be love, is nonspecific. We say we LOVE our family, but if it's to be DEFINED as love, we must LOVE all. What of a person who's abused? Has a drunken father who beat him, killed his mother, and is now in jail (true story)?? Would he feel Love? No. Not of the kind you'd expect. The kind of Love most experience is Love of the Ego, from the Ego, because it's known as an EXCHANGE. Love is never an exchange. It's a gift, with no expectation of being given in return. Love, builds all around, because it supplies where there is a lack, and is boundless because you can give each day.

If love is an exchange, at some point, you will have surpassed GIVING to your GF, and become embittered...

"You haven't done for me...lately."
"I've given...."
"I've told you how I felt."

It comes with expectations and validation. It needs to KNOW that it was received and given something in return. That isn't Love. It's tainted Love at best, convoluted to someone else's definition.


the reason why this thread and many others like this is so important, is because this has everything to do with everything. we're all here to exist for ourselves whether we'd like to admit it or not. why do you think sosuave members will stop at nothing with the flaming and arguing just to prove a point which probably wouldn't matter in the next few seconds? it all has to do with ego and an undying perserverence to dominate, and people like a-unit and sazuki are bringing these common dj philosophies to a new level. purity is the source of humility and balance. and without that, you'll never be able to find your true self under a conditioned and externally-influenced mind.

It's enlightening, and due time, people get it. Alot of self-help stuff is just "help", it's not a cure, or aid, or fix-it. It's "help", like dating "help". They give you the tools, you must do the work and exercises. And alot of the information is just Ego stuff to make you feel better. Feel good because you're not good enough. Compare your talents to other's. Give statistics. You're all great and good. Well, the Ego never believes that you're great and good and so's everybody else. It's the world of ranking, of comparing, of hotornot.com, of who has more or better or faster.

Being devoid of the Ego means BEING HAPPY where you are. People say this, but then they're LOOKING FORWARD, TOO. It doesn't work like that. I am happy where I am, but I want to be THERE. Then you're not happy where you are. Be happy you're healthy, and young, and have tons of info to learn and get ahead of our forefathers, and in a free nation where information really isn't subdued, where ideas can be expressed, with some flack for them. That you were the WINNING sperm of 500,000,000 guys swimming hard. That you will some day be old and grey and wrinkly, and be able to LAUGH about life.

I always suggest books at the end of the posts I write on, or audio, or experiences, but I won't, because I'd rather people recommend me to something. Send me to a link, a book, a master, a meditation, a workout. Offer your insight to others of where it orginates.



Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
I agree with you about passion; without that, there truly is nothing, just miles and miles of entropy - your body lying there metabolizing, your brain devoid of thought, your heart devoid of feeling, all accomplishing nothing.

Everything you see and hear is dutifully filed away into your memory, never to see the light of day again. None of it breaks through the mind's bureaucracy, whose only response to it is "Been there, done that."

A man without passion lives life according to his schedule: breakfast around 8 am, leave for work at 8:30, work for 4 hours, eat lunch (the same meal at the same restaurant every single day), work 4 more hours, go home, eat dinner, take a shower, go to bed.

A man without passion cannot see beyond these obligations, and even if he could, it wouldn't do him any good. Nothing on the outside touches him, nothing on the inside drives him. The fire has long since grown cold, and only the titanic forces of the ego, and of obligation, pressure, and need, can get him out of bed in the morning and keep him out.

Some such men have a functioning pleasure principle, but it works alone, its hedonism flailing wildy like an unattended fire hose. The "love" that A-Unit described has been broken down into duty and pleasure ... powerful forces in mortal combat with each other.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I added them to my already humongous wish list.

Some suggested authors and books...

-A Course In Miracles
-Disappearnce of the Universe
-Being Nobody, Going Nowhere
-anything by Stuart Wilde
-most stuff by Alan Watts
-The Why You Are Here Cafe
-Bushido: Way of the Samurai
-The Book of Secrets

All told, there's probably 4,000 pages with just 3 of the books above (ACIM, Book of Secrets and Disappearance of the Universe). None of the prescribe to any 1 religious denomination and all have been ranked well on Amazon and received well by friends and people I've referred to them....

When reading books, unless it is fiction, I seek to be transformed by it. A book that offers religious spiritual personal or psychological change, only becomes effective if you USE, EMPLOY, and EXPERIENCE the information. A problem I always had was buying massive amounts of books (I get a tax deduction), reading them, taking notes, but not ACTING. Acting to me now is...

-rereading it to see how it aligns with my everyday life.

For instance...if you read and reread a book, you become empowered by it. It becomes a reality. Since your subconscious is a composite of all you're exposed to and your mood is generally whatever you focus on, inundating your mind with constant topics opens your awareness to the underlying world you're missing. That's why, being SO INTO PUA stuff can make you awful, unless you're only following the best stuff initially.

The other thing I've come to understand is that...unless you put it into play, you don't really KNOW what the information means. Meaning, if you're poor, and have heard of NO MONEY DOWN SCAMS and never did 1, how can you judge they work or don't work? Until you go through the experience, critique and re do, you don't really know. Same as with the DJ bible or David D. Just because you don't currently agree with the information based on your present understanding, does not mean it's by any means wrong. That's only the ego kicking in, it wants to believe it knows all it can, that it's right, because to the EGO, every not supporting it, is against it. Which is the problem with religion. Compare that to human beings, just because racially we're different, does not mean we're not human beings.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Piggy Backing. Some questions for senior members.

Rather than starting a new thread, I instead decided on piggy backing on my own thread. I've gone through alot of blogs lately on guys doing PU-stuff, placing their daily achievements or failures (both lessons in learning) online for all to see under the guise of someone else. Almost an alter ego.

I'm going to branch off for a moment.

If you want to be a prize, could you consciously think about it and make yourself one?

If you're making a prize out of yourself, aren't you really doing it as someone YOU would want, without considering what the acceptor of said prize actually wants?

And, in effect, aren't you actually making yourself into somebody to be accepted by someone else? Wouldn't this be more AFC than being who you've always been?

Is it possible, that traditional PUA stuff has a fake attempt on the brain, and that ANY girl you have instant rapport with would accept ANYTHING you say, giving you the false impression of success?


Let's say you approach 100 women, now knowing confidently, that some will inevitably flake or not like you, just as if 100 women approached you of varying sizes and kinds, you wouldn't like them all either (that's if they follow national averages; if the porn industry approached you, my point is thrown out the window).

A good portion of the women WILL naturally like you and vice versus. C&F would work this girl no matter what, because she already finds you fvckable. That much she knew. You only solidified your chances by being true to yourself.

To be desireless, one cannot desire to be desireless. You merely changed the object. You still desire SOMETHING. A PUA is just someone who has shifted his focus, from being an AFC who seeks a relationship, to a c0cky sun of a b!tch that wants sex all the time. It isn't that sex is bad or good, it just is what it is. It gets a bad rap because we're not OK with it, either a 15 yo is training on some hockey team, or some pastor is feeling up little boys. It's become so public, that its as if YOU HAVE to have a stance on it. Good or bad? Alot or a little?

To have women you cannot focus on the woman. You must focus on what you're getting. If you focus on her body, and she knows she has a good 1, she'll make you pay a PREMIUM for it. Cars. Money. Jewelry, etc. If you focus on HER, and HER personality as it relates to her, and the feelings you make her feel by being who you are and what you do...then you're on a LEVEL playing field. In the world of the EGO, rank wins. A HB10, or even HB7, knows that if you operate in that world of competition, you've got nothing to work with.

To me...the fundamentals of PUA work best INSIDE a relationship, or if you're d!cking around with someone you know well. A buddy of mine who's a tennis instructor and salesman, uses NLP and Hypnosis quite a bit, with splashes of Metaphysics to draw her 'fate' side in. It works, in his experience, when trust is established. For women who are jaded about the amount of shady guys out there, its built over time. "If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is" - type thing.

I've gotten alot from some member who have been seemingly banned from this site and post elsewhere. This includes, looking your girl in the eyes when you're cumming, as the bonding is on a whole other level, linking sexy images to sexy feelings. Think about it guys, don't you get sad when you're reminded of a song you shared with your X comes on??? Of course. Do you need anymore proof that anchoring something to feelings of a specific moment works over time??? It's handy to UNDERSTAND these things.

I'd compare it all to wealth. Wealthy kids either had parents that taught them, or they rebelled against the norm and learned the principles. The principles are easy, and used with the right vision, anybody CAN, the hard part is, NOBODY BELIEVES they are that easy, or NOBODY wants to put in the effort. PU-ing is no different.


The feminine essence is often compared to life. Life is often said to be feminine. We live on MOTHER earth. A feminine being to many. Dealing with women is akin to dealing with life for a man. Women, like life, waffle around. They bounce around. They shake you up. It tosses you around. It's like being in a dream. When you realize life is 1 short dream, don't you want to do WHATEVER you want in it? Don't you realize NOTHING really can hurt you? Sure, rejection can sting, but it only stings the EGO because it wants and believes in complete acceptance. However, 2 Egos never want to accept each other, unless they're GIVING each other something. it's like 2 male dogs. They very often fight unless they're working together to get something together.

If you fear women, you fear alot of what life throws at you, too. If you waffle around women, it will show you maintain control over everything (so you think). Life won't allow routines or sleeping by the wayside. The man who lives as a ranger, or cowboy, constantly moving, all the while staying with the flow that is constant life, is the true man. Man understands and realizes change. He moves on before it gets old. His body has, so must his mind. It is mind that holds you back. Isn't it?

The mind only knows of future or past, and yet, when you're in reality, RIGHT there, RIGHT now, you might feel sad for what's lost, or sad hoping the future is the same, but those are only false feelings related to a false reality. Your mind created it. And because you react to thoughts, you become sad. Artificially sad.


To me, the best PU is when I "feel" a vibe for a girl I saw, I go for her, FULL BALLS to the WALL, knowing my interest isn't just sex. Why? Because all women know a guy approaching WANTS sex. Hence, the need for cheesy pick up line. It's obvious. A stranger approaching a girl for ANYTHING but sex is ATTRACTIVE to her. After that, who you are matters.

I'll look at a girl for a few minutes, see the eye contact. 3 second rules don't matter to me, because I sense my feelings on her. Was I reacting to sex, or did I sense something else worth my limited time? I've patiently waited a year with some women I've dated to see what it is about her I might like. And there's moments where I've bonked on the 2nd date to have her unfortunately chasing me. (I like women I like chasing me, not ones who I don't).

If I see a girl who has a *vibe*, a style I like, I go for her. If it doesn't turn out, so what. At least it was someone I dug. BUT, you'll find if you sense the vibe, you'll easily succeed.


Alpha And Omega

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
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I can't belief this! Entire post gone while just about to send it. (changed my name btw from sazuki)

I'll probably re-write it if I feel like it, blah...


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Get Some Spirituality.

In passing...

I work daily with all walks of life, much you, my friends. Working with people, you realize that there will inevitably be someone better looking and worse looking. Someone richer and someone poorer. Someone more fun and someone less fun. Someone who has strong value and someone without any values. Some who like you and some who truly hate you.

In the world of the EGO, you can try to logic it out, and build the best defense of yourself possible through improvements in physique, financial security, intelligence, and social skills.

Or you can realize, we're all of 1 source, of one place (planet Earth) who simply live out different roles on this gigantic 'play' of madness. In some instances I view this as one large dream that you're all a part of, and that if it is a dream, the worst that happens is I wake up (or pass off this place).

In the world of the EGO, there are people of importance, and by defintion, also people of no importance. Love is given to some, but ignored to others. There are funny people and not-so funny people. There are labels, and in order for you to be o.k. you must fit a label. Is that how you want to live?

In the long-run, you can't be truly successful trying constantly to patch up the EGO; that's why happy pills were created, because the arduous journey of self-esteem takes it toll so bad some would rather revert to ignorant bliss.


Some might say, "well why the he!! do I need this stuff, I just want to get laid?"

The same reason you got sent here for wanting to be laid, will bring you back. No getting laid is not a symptom of a lack of skills, it's a symptom of a lack of awareness and understanding. No technique would fix that.

You might come here for 1 technique, and when it stops working come back for yet another. But will it result in long-term, independent success? Meaning...you can take it with and NOT need to log-in to improve?? Who wants to be logging in all the time to know that the latest secret is to keep up with all the rest of the PUA's in the world??

I sure as he!! don't.

The understanding of this is akin to the cement foundation of a SkyScraper. No matter how great all the materials of the building are, and how flashy the building is, and how high it slices into the sky, if the foundation doesn't hold long enough to cut the ribbon on the Grand Opening, all the work is for naught.

When the base is strong, and deep, and firm, you can build into the sky where the limit is unknown.

Think thoughts of...how do I achieve what it is I desire?

What steps must I take?

Do this all the while you're making attempts to push your comfort zone. Recognize your comfort zone and push a little each day, week, month, year.

*A Secret:* You never achieve a sense of equilibrium or peace around confidence. A Donald Trump will always float another major project, bigger than the first, putting his rep and cash on the line. A TOP PUA won't stop at the HB10, he might go for 2 in 1 night, or to make 1 his wife. You might go from HB5 to HB6 and so on. There's never complacency. You don't stop inching it out. And guess what, that's all you need to do to make progress!


The same should be applied with your time with a girl. It doesn't have to be kiss first date, and then rounding the bases, but you must make progress that's measurable in progress. Why? To see how much SHE LIKES YOU. Not the other way around. Kiss her. Then KIss her longer next time. Kiss more. Kiss on the couch. Then try some grinding. Try to get her hot to WANT TO be touched by you in her most sensitive parts. Those are obvious. WISE IS THE MAN WHO KNOWS THE SENSUAL PARTS OF A WOMAN that are NOT OBVIOUS.

If you're making measurable progress in measurable time, it don't matter if you F close, so long as you're PROGRESSING. You can't be FRIENDED if you're progressing unless she puts the breaks on. Guess what, she won't. She'll be getting closer, and closer, and closer.

You get FRIENDED if you stay stale, making no progress. She'll think "Why am I here? I can date somebody who'll make progress, who'll make moves, and isn't afraid of a girl." If you're afraid to kiss her, how the heck are you going to spank her ass or pull her hair, or ask her how she likes to be touched???


There's alot to be said of Spirituality from all perspectives, in seducing and in improving your own existence here. Generally, the bigges stonewall is either, lack of acceptance because people can't believe in anything beyond what they can see, a fear of the unknown, a fear of their own EGO not accepting the falseness of the world, OR, the lack of acceptance of other's right to their own beliefs.

See, it's hypocritical of people who CLAIM spiritual enlightenment, then walk around judging people, or quoting scripture as if they know God and all else are wrong. You can't be spiritual and enlightened and all loving, if you're judging. If you're judging, how can you understand it? That's like doing a science experiment, judging the participants according to your assumptions, rather than the facts. One can't love and be selective about it. Love is not selective. Love is love. Its acceptance. It's power. Those who think it's the bond between man and woman or family members or friends, have confused connection with Love.

Guys on here can't help the Noobs if they bark at them.

Noobs can't help themselves if they judge the material and posts without attempting to really focus and understand them.

And a tip is not a tip w/out some form of verifiable prove, BEYOND 1 useful occurence. A flash in the pan is a not a tip. C&F is a tip on attitude. It's verifiable with certain women. A line that worked once isn't a tip, it's luck. A guy winning the lottery isn't a method to riches, its luck. Neg hitting a girl with some line and getting laid isn't a tip, it's luck.

You want long-term laid success, you need a track, you need to lay out the track to wreck it. Most guys come here, exchange info, that completely blow the system apart. I've done that. You begin simple, lay out routines and rituals, then blow them up. Only when you've known the rules can you break them. A system, like any system operates on rules. Learn what they are then destroy them. The education offered is a system in the US. Not to riches, but to mediocrity. It makes you capable cow for the gov and for big businesses, but not to riches, or success, or athletic prowess.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 16, 2003
Reaction score
Ayn Rand walked through the vileness of the Ego in her book "Atlas Shrugged".
Ayn Rand worshipped the ego. Her book / short story "Anthem" was an anthem to the ego. The last sentences of the book:

The word which can never die on this earth, for it is the heart of it and the meaning and the glory. The sacred word: EGO
Ayn Rand was ALL ABOUT ego, not against it. You've got Objectivism completely wrong. I disagree with almost everything you say, but I'll argue it later when I gather my thoughts better.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
You know I like your posts A-Unit, but I have to agree with derEikopf on this one. To really praise an objectivist is to call them a selfish egoist. An objectivists life is the single most important thing to them. Doing things as a collective "because it is the right thing to do" at the cost of ones own happiness is very much frowned upon in objectivist circles.