From living in "vibrant" neighbourhoods and forced dieversity
Your statements bullsh!t btw. Even babies show a predilection to other babies and adults who look more like them. Humans from the dawn of time have shown prejudice toward an outgroup. This has been common knowledge to any non wishful thinking sh!tlib. Ease up on the "equalist" femcunt boilerplate eh? These are grown men you're speaking with here.
Now? I should send you a screenshot of my user CP, you'll laugh your ass. As for gaylan's racism. His/her "bigger government, more political correctness, more welfare whitey, whitey's the debbil" memes aside It's probably the only thing I honestly commend the ..guy? for. Race always comes first, no matter what. That goes for fatal jay, BB, warrior and pretty much every black poster we have here. For that I take my hat off.