Um no. People are not judging whites based on the actions of the top 1%. Look up stats, the vast majority of those with higher than median incomes are white%. The majority of folks with 6 figure and up incomes are white. So its not like its only the top 1% of the country that has influence in the nation.
That aside, Sterling's racism (top 1% racism) is not the only racism that exists in this country. Im a middle class dude and Ive dealt with bigots before. Luckily not often, and the only time Ive dealt with overt racism was from lower class bottom % whites. My brother has dealt with discrimination while looking for housing, which is why I especially dislike men who think like Sterling. And the person my brother was dealing with was no billionaire. So this isnt just about the top 1%.
Haters of all kinds (sexists, homophobes, racists, etc etc) exist through all levels of society. But because hate and discrimination is more covert nowadays, its harder to know which people are genuine or fakers. Its why we have guys like Sterling who will smile and shake Magic Johnson's hand, but still look down on him or his people in some way.
Actually the fallacy your presenting here is that minority groups judge whites (namely white males) based solely on the behavior of the top 1%. Any minority on this forum will tell you thats not the case. Most of us here havent ever dealt with a mega rich white person...but we've most certainly dealt with white people from the other percentages. With this said, this is about STERLING. I have not had one person I know say his behavior is an indictment of all white people, despite the fact that he himself behaves in a way that indicts a large group of minorities.
So no, many of us non-white people are not judging the bulk of white people based on how Sterling behaves. And heck, I dont even judge most white people based on the behavior of the low class idiots Ive met. I just remain mindful that some people may not like me because of how I was born, and I just roll with it and find out who a person really is before I choose to deal with them.
EDIT: 10 post limit.
Danger, no you miss the point. You think the perception of power and racism is based on how minorities view the top 1%. Thats untrue...because many minorities know that power and racism doesnt have to just do with the top 1%. Weve dealt with racism and power dynamics with people outside of the top 1%. So stop with your assumptions. Ive made my point, and Im not continuing this. Create your own thread if you have a problem with how whites are viewed.
THIS IS ABOUT STERLING. And he was banned because its dangerous to have any kind of discriminatory hater in a position of power. Stop the derailment. You wanna talk about your side issue? Create a thread in the anything else section. Whenever anything race comes up you try to slide it into a conversation about whats happening to whites and how they are viewed or treated. And then you also go on to make comments about "left media". This thread is about a powerful bigot rightfully losing his position in the NBA.
I wish people could for once talk about racial issues without you trying to turn the thread into a discussion about how whites have an icky reputation or a bad living situation. And I dont see anyone on tv crucifying all whites over the Sterling issue, nor do I hear them saying whites dont face prejudice. I actually hear many people of color actually saying theyd expect Sterling to be booted no matter what his race was. I hear the "left leaning media" saying its unacceptable across the board. journalists jumped all over Spike Lee when he b!tched about white hipsters in his fathers neighborhood a few months back.
So stop it and make your own thread on your issue for once.
That aside, Sterling's racism (top 1% racism) is not the only racism that exists in this country. Im a middle class dude and Ive dealt with bigots before. Luckily not often, and the only time Ive dealt with overt racism was from lower class bottom % whites. My brother has dealt with discrimination while looking for housing, which is why I especially dislike men who think like Sterling. And the person my brother was dealing with was no billionaire. So this isnt just about the top 1%.
Haters of all kinds (sexists, homophobes, racists, etc etc) exist through all levels of society. But because hate and discrimination is more covert nowadays, its harder to know which people are genuine or fakers. Its why we have guys like Sterling who will smile and shake Magic Johnson's hand, but still look down on him or his people in some way.
Actually the fallacy your presenting here is that minority groups judge whites (namely white males) based solely on the behavior of the top 1%. Any minority on this forum will tell you thats not the case. Most of us here havent ever dealt with a mega rich white person...but we've most certainly dealt with white people from the other percentages. With this said, this is about STERLING. I have not had one person I know say his behavior is an indictment of all white people, despite the fact that he himself behaves in a way that indicts a large group of minorities.
So no, many of us non-white people are not judging the bulk of white people based on how Sterling behaves. And heck, I dont even judge most white people based on the behavior of the low class idiots Ive met. I just remain mindful that some people may not like me because of how I was born, and I just roll with it and find out who a person really is before I choose to deal with them.
EDIT: 10 post limit.
Danger, no you miss the point. You think the perception of power and racism is based on how minorities view the top 1%. Thats untrue...because many minorities know that power and racism doesnt have to just do with the top 1%. Weve dealt with racism and power dynamics with people outside of the top 1%. So stop with your assumptions. Ive made my point, and Im not continuing this. Create your own thread if you have a problem with how whites are viewed.
THIS IS ABOUT STERLING. And he was banned because its dangerous to have any kind of discriminatory hater in a position of power. Stop the derailment. You wanna talk about your side issue? Create a thread in the anything else section. Whenever anything race comes up you try to slide it into a conversation about whats happening to whites and how they are viewed or treated. And then you also go on to make comments about "left media". This thread is about a powerful bigot rightfully losing his position in the NBA.
I wish people could for once talk about racial issues without you trying to turn the thread into a discussion about how whites have an icky reputation or a bad living situation. And I dont see anyone on tv crucifying all whites over the Sterling issue, nor do I hear them saying whites dont face prejudice. I actually hear many people of color actually saying theyd expect Sterling to be booted no matter what his race was. I hear the "left leaning media" saying its unacceptable across the board. journalists jumped all over Spike Lee when he b!tched about white hipsters in his fathers neighborhood a few months back.
So stop it and make your own thread on your issue for once.
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