^The NBA has a constitution and bylaws. If the owners vote him out, hes out...and theres nothing he can do about it. No court would be able to touch the NBA...the same way no court wouldve done anything about MLB suspending and finally ridding themselves of Marge Schott.
The sum total of Sterlings character can be used against him. Its wishful thinking of anyone to think any court would stop the NBA from doing what they need to. Hes a detriment to the value of the Clippers and the value of the league. So thats basis in of itself for him to be gone. People can complain about the tape being private...but what ive read is he knew he was being recorded.
Im pretty sure he would have argued this days ago if he felt there was no consent, but we shall see.
All that ended up happening is both he and the girls would not be honest with each other. The author could have gone about things better. Like actually discussing exclusivity with each woman, and taking his time to date them one by one. His little "study" would have been better with the women knowing there was some sort of establish relationship.
The sum total of Sterlings character can be used against him. Its wishful thinking of anyone to think any court would stop the NBA from doing what they need to. Hes a detriment to the value of the Clippers and the value of the league. So thats basis in of itself for him to be gone. People can complain about the tape being private...but what ive read is he knew he was being recorded.
Im pretty sure he would have argued this days ago if he felt there was no consent, but we shall see.
I read some of this book not long ago. Its not greatly written in my opinion (content and the bad editing). Just a lot of anecdotes, weird behavior, and hypocrisy by the author. He expects women he only met for a date or two (maybe 3) to be exclusive to him...meanwhile hes out trying to bang other chicks himself. So of course since its early on in their dating, and because the guy is seeking out other women, the gals in question keep their options open too.zekko said:Just to clarify, there was a book called "The Key Logger: A Forbidden Glimpse into the True Nature of Women". Most of the recent discussions on key loggers have centered around that. Anyway, in that book the author had a key logger set up on HIS computer. He would then let his girls use it to check their Facebook, email, and such and thus steal their passwords. He could then check her private messages and such at his leisure.
I don't know if that changes the legality any, I'm not a lawyer. But I wouldn't recommend doing such a thing, I've never been a snoop. Most women tend to be though, lol.
All that ended up happening is both he and the girls would not be honest with each other. The author could have gone about things better. Like actually discussing exclusivity with each woman, and taking his time to date them one by one. His little "study" would have been better with the women knowing there was some sort of establish relationship.