On Donald Sterling....


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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^The NBA has a constitution and bylaws. If the owners vote him out, hes out...and theres nothing he can do about it. No court would be able to touch the NBA...the same way no court wouldve done anything about MLB suspending and finally ridding themselves of Marge Schott.

The sum total of Sterlings character can be used against him. Its wishful thinking of anyone to think any court would stop the NBA from doing what they need to. Hes a detriment to the value of the Clippers and the value of the league. So thats basis in of itself for him to be gone. People can complain about the tape being private...but what ive read is he knew he was being recorded.

Im pretty sure he would have argued this days ago if he felt there was no consent, but we shall see.
zekko said:
Just to clarify, there was a book called "The Key Logger: A Forbidden Glimpse into the True Nature of Women". Most of the recent discussions on key loggers have centered around that. Anyway, in that book the author had a key logger set up on HIS computer. He would then let his girls use it to check their Facebook, email, and such and thus steal their passwords. He could then check her private messages and such at his leisure.

I don't know if that changes the legality any, I'm not a lawyer. But I wouldn't recommend doing such a thing, I've never been a snoop. Most women tend to be though, lol.
I read some of this book not long ago. Its not greatly written in my opinion (content and the bad editing). Just a lot of anecdotes, weird behavior, and hypocrisy by the author. He expects women he only met for a date or two (maybe 3) to be exclusive to him...meanwhile hes out trying to bang other chicks himself. So of course since its early on in their dating, and because the guy is seeking out other women, the gals in question keep their options open too.

All that ended up happening is both he and the girls would not be honest with each other. The author could have gone about things better. Like actually discussing exclusivity with each woman, and taking his time to date them one by one. His little "study" would have been better with the women knowing there was some sort of establish relationship.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
Scormus said:
First thing he said was, "I don't care if you sleep with them."

Which sounds like he was being cuckolded.

How racist can he be if he hired Elgin Baylor as his GM and Doc Rivers as his head coach?

Those are management positions he could have filled with qualified white candidates if he was really that racist.
Well, you know how some gay guys marry a woman and have a family to hide it. Well, it's kinda like that. Just because Sterling did what was right from a business stand point doesn't hide the fact he's racist. How would it look on him if his whole staff was entirely white? Would his team still compete effectively like the other teams? Would his business be profitable? So, please just because he hired a bunch of black people to work under him doesn't mean jack.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
You guys ovbiously don't watch the NBA lol

the ONLY reason and i Mean the ONLY reason he has Doc Rivers as a head coach, is that his star player, chris paul, basically said I want this coach or I walk. He was a free agent last year and he hi jacked the clippers and go out and get doc rivers. Sterling had never hired a black coach before that. I don't think that in itself makes him racist, there aren't a lot of black NBA coaches out there, but the fact that he has a black coach is not of any consequence whatsoever. He was gonna lose his best player, which in turn would have made him lose blake griffin, which would have turned the clippers back into a fire dump of a team.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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Jaylan said:
^The NBA has a constitution and bylaws. If the owners vote him out, hes out...and theres nothing he can do about it. No court would be able to touch the NBA...the same way no court wouldve done anything about MLB suspending and finally ridding themselves of Marge Schott.
The above is not correct, and the actual documents in question, all of them, which we aren't privy to, govern the relationship. They may provide for binding arbitration or they may not. Even if they do, there may still be court appeal available. There is an entire body of law on waiver of rights in alternative dispute clauses. Never presume that basic legal rights such as confronting accusers and witnesses in a court of law are waived until a real court of competent jurisidiction says they are. Til then, it's up in the air. This applies to the NBA and every other contractual relationship.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
I guess it's not coincidence that every black guy in this thread wants to tar and feather Sterling, no matter what. Everybody else seems to want to dive into it a little bit deeper and see WHY this happened, such as, was this mistress a typical gold digging sl*t who invaded privacy, etc. Typical. Not sure why race angers so many people under 50, which is what most of us are. I guess they don't want to cut off that race baiting gravy train of free sh*t and its advantages.

The only reason a black dude should care what this guy says is #1, he's a Clippers fan, or #2, he works for Sterling. Everybody else, who cares?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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dasein said:
The above is not correct, and the actual documents in question, all of them, which we aren't privy to, govern the relationship. They may provide for binding arbitration or they may not. Even if they do, there may still be court appeal available. There is an entire body of law on waiver of rights in alternative dispute clauses. Never presume that basic legal rights such as confronting accusers and witnesses in a court of law are waived until a real court of competent jurisidiction says they are. Til then, it's up in the air. This applies to the NBA and every other contractual relationship.
Its really not up in the air.

Clearly you havent been following sports news and insiders. If they get the votes, Sterling is out. End of story. Given his reputation, and given the image and expectations of NBA representatives, his suit will fall dead in the water. You can bet money on that. Players get fined 75k now for saying "no homo" in a jokey way...so its not like the NBA doesnt have a record of coming down on people that may make them look bad.

When you represent a private company...they have their own rules on speech, character, and behavior. It is what it is.
speed dawg said:
I guess it's not coincidence that every black guy in this thread wants to tar and feather Sterling, no matter what. Everybody else seems to want to dive into it a little bit deeper and see WHY this happened, such as, was this mistress a typical gold digging sl*t who invaded privacy, etc. Typical. Not sure why race angers so many people under 50, which is what most of us are. I guess they don't want to cut off that race baiting gravy train of free sh*t and its advantages.

The only reason a black dude should care what this guy says is #1, he's a Clippers fan, or #2, he works for Sterling. Everybody else, who cares?
Considering Sterling's record of discrimination and racism, theres a reason most people in the country are ok with what happened to him. The Sterling defenders in this thread dont represent most people discussing the case. We already know Sosuave is pretty unique when it comes to certain topics.

Its not race baiting to remove a racist and discriminatory douche from a position of power within a league thats supposed to be diverse and global. Why the heck wouldnt minorities "tar and feather" the guy when they know about the things hes said and done to their people. This is not just regarding blacks either. Sterling has been a discriminatory jerk to latinos and asians as well.

And again, its been said before that it was reported Sterling knew he was being recorded, gave consent. In which case it seems he blew a gasket in the convo anyway. Why would anyone wanna overly focus on the girl...when everyone has clearly said, all over social media and all over the news, that shes a gold digger with a grudge. One small woman recording something does not compare to a powerful billionaire like Sterling being a bigot and discriminating against people for years and years. You cannot be in his position of power in a league like the NBA.

Guys like him are a detriment to the vision of modern and future America. He is not what the country stands for...and hes exactly the kind of man that tries to hold people down just because they were born looking a certain way. To try and place so much focus on the gold digger, who will soon be forgotten, is just stupid. Sterling's negative impact on society has far more reach than anything Stiviano could do.

Now, if Stiviano was fellow billionaire with the ability to record many peoples conversations, and had a history of doing just that...then we could sit and waste a lot of time on her. But as it stands, shes contending Sterling gave her consent...Sterling hasnt argued anything regarding the tape...and Stiviano is a small time nobody.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Jaylan said:
Sterling's negative impact on society has far more reach than anything Stiviano could do.
I agree with this. But that doesn't mean this dude matters, to anyone outside the Clippers. Everyone else simply has an agenda.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Jaylan said:
theres a reason most people in the country are ok with what happened to him. The Sterling defenders in this thread dont represent most people discussing the case. We already know Sosuave is pretty unique when it comes to certain topics.

Jaylan said:
Sterling's negative impact on society has far more reach than anything Stiviano could do
Before all this happened, yeah, but not any more.

Stiviano is a small time nobody.
She was a small time nobody. There's something you're not comprehending here Jaylan, which has been my point this whole time. This chick went from a worthless nobody to what everyone in this country is talking about... because she pulled a slimey move.

She did not out that guy for the good of society.

She did it for her own benefit.

Do you see this?

She is now famous, and is going to get paid.

She is being rewarded for gaining his trust then stabbing him in the back.

Do you see what kind of precedent this is setting? How many worthless wh0re gold diggers out there just had light bulbs go off in their hamster brains?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Peaks&Valleys said:
Take your own advice.

And aside from just people talking online, maybe pay attention to regional radio outlets across the nation. Any talk shows Ive heard talk about this, the majority of people are OK with the NBA doing what it had to do. While there are Sterling defenders, they usually dont know all the facts of his past and start bringing up freedom of speech which doesnt apply to the NBA.

Freedom of Speech prevents the government from prosecuting you unjustly. It doesnt stop a private company from disciplining you for violating agreements you made in order to join the company. Ive heard numerous people get mega quiet once that point is made and once they hear about the other crap Sterling has done.

Before all this happened, yeah, but not any more.
Bullsh!t dude. Sterling has had more direct impact on the lives of poor and middle class families than any effect Stiviano will ever have on people. He directly discriminated against and negatively affected minority families.
She was a small time nobody. There's something you're not comprehending here Jaylan, which has been my point this whole time. This chick went from a worthless nobody to what everyone in this country is talking about... because she pulled a slimey move.

She did not out that guy for the good of society.
Ok...she gets 15 minutes of fame, and then people will soon forget about her. Shes not really anybody. Just a typical plastic gold digger. Keep whining about her slimey move. I dont think it compares to the slimey moves Sterling has made. And Im sure theres many more we dont know about.

She did it for her own benefit.

Do you see this?

She is now famous, and is going to get paid.

She is being rewarded for gaining his trust then stabbing him in the back.

Do you see what kind of precedent this is setting? How many worthless wh0re gold diggers out there just had light bulbs go off in their hamster brains?
She was going to get paid regardless. Her life is about leeching off rich guys. So this ordeal doesnt change much. I doubt she gets much money from all this. The tape is already out and we already know plenty of dirt regarding Sterling. Shes not much useful any longer outside of a couple interviews, which I doubt she will do since shes got a court case to deal with.

And dont fvking talk about precedent. Gold diggers have been blackmailing rich dudes for years and years. She sets no precedent. Weve seen similar ish in the news before with mistresses....just not regarding NBA owners.

Funny how you care so much about the precedent this b!tch sets...when a far greater concern is the precedent that has been set by the NBA to turn a blind eye to a discriminatory bigot for so long. They finally did what should have been done years ago, but trust me...that precedent that money can excuse hate was already set.

So why the fvk are you so concerned about rich men when poor and middle class families have their own Donald Sterlings to contend with? Im not saying its not wrong for a wealthy dude to be blackmailed...but a guy like Sterling deserves no sympathy. Plus, rich dudes like him know the fvkin score and know why a chick like Stiviano is with him. If hes too much of a chump not to realize she could pull some bs on him, thats his fault. He will still be filthy stinking rich after.

Im not gonna care about a filthy rich guys situation too much when there are families being put through worse. Gold digging slores dont compare to the issue of systemic discrimination that guys like Donald Sterling perpetuate. Understand that.


Senior Don Juan
May 27, 2008
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Houston, TX
speed dawg said:
I guess it's not coincidence that every black guy in this thread wants to tar and feather Sterling, no matter what.
Not really, guy. Frankly, I could care less what happens to Sterling. The fact of the matter is that NBA turned a blind eye to his behavior many times in the past, because it had no real recourse to move against him following prior controversies. Sterling settled the discrimination lawsuit, and the Elgin Baylor suit was unsuccessful. Best believe had the outcomes of those situations not been in Sterling's favor, the NBA would've been forced to act a long time ago.

Regardless of what the average Joe believes about race, only a minority of the general public feels any real sympathy for Sterling-- not because of his racist views-- but because in the end he was dumb enough to leave himself exposed. The recordings were very likely done with his consent, because the gold-digger was also his "archivist". Time will tell whether he states something to the contrary. Regardless, Sterling will still benefit financially when the dust settles, so I'm sure he won't mind if people aren't crying for him.

Regarding how Blacks feel about the issue, I'd dare say most Black folks could give two ishts about what a person says in private. (Hell, many don't greatly pay attention to what's routinely said in public forum for that matter.... but that's another topic.) Bigotry has been around for as long as people have been around. Humanity has proven time and time again that it's going nowhere, so no biggie. There's a big difference, however, between isolated bigotry and systematic discrimination. People tend to be galvanized to a much greater extent by the latter.

This whole fiasco is about past sins that were on an enormous scale, not just a random spat between and man and his mistress. In fact, the biggest mistake the NBA Commissioner may have made was denying that the track record of past controversies is truly what predicated Sterling's suspension. Ultimately Sterling's undoing was of his own making.

I guess he should've joined Sosuave a long time ago.
Last edited:

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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Floyd Mayweather Jr. is being covered as a potential buyer for the Clippers.

I'm so glad the media is finally taking prejudiced comments about NBA players by NBA owners both potential and actual seriously. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I'm a big NBA fan. and Jaylan is right. Sterling has been the uncle fester of the NBA for some time. They could have addressed this in 2002 when the complaints about his apartments was made, 2006 when the federal court took up the case or 2009 when the case was settled, and did not.

he also denied an employee surgery that would have saved his life. his (Black) basketball playing employees pitched in and saved the dudes life


sterling is the highest order of scum on earth


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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backbreaker said:
I'm a big NBA fan. and Jaylan is right. Sterling has been the uncle fester of the NBA for some time. They could have addressed this in 2002 when the complaints about his apartments was made, 2006 when the federal court took up the case or 2009 when the case was settled, and did not.

he also denied an employee surgery that would have saved his life. his (Black) basketball playing employees pitched in and saved the dudes life


sterling is the highest order of scum on earth
the reason that the clippers didn’t cover the procedure was because Hughes chose to use a doctor outside the clippers coverage plan. This is the same exact thing that would to anyone that at any company if they chose to use a different doctor then the one provided by the company, this is not a clippers or DTS problem it is problem with the way health insurance is structured in the USA. Not to say that DTS isn’t evil in other ways, but this is not one of them.
Source ESPN LA
“But he wasn’t covered under my insurance plan,” Hughes told ESPNLosAngeles.com. "We had a certain group of doctors we could go to. So if I elected to use him, it’d be out of my pocket. "
Two sides to every story. I don't know the guy but, from what I've heard, I'm not a fan. However, I'm interested to hear what he has to say, and how this all turns out.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
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It's truly amazing how everyone is bypassing the fact that this transvestite (sorry I can't believe this is a real woman) is using an illegally taped private conversation to blackmail an american citizen.

It's not like she's exposing some major war-crime or any other significant information. Her only purpose is destroying Sterling's business, finances and social standing.

I don't care what they do to Sterling. I just hope this ***** gets punished for blackmailing. If they don't punish her, it should be a given that publishing privately recorded conversations without consent is FAIR GAME... for EVERYONE. NOT ILLEGAL, at all.

As for Donald Sterling, I could care less whether he's RACIST to the bone or not. As long as it doesn't affect his business, all is well. There are laws in place to ensure that.

There will always be racists: a portion of insecure HUMANS will always be racist, because it's the easiest way to polarize any group. Whether openly or secretly, these people won't give up their convictions for various reasons.
I may be going off a tangent here, but I just have to get this off my chest at least once in my lifetime.:D

I'm of African as well as European descent. And although my skin color is brown, I have yet to meet someone who doesn't call me "black". Sometimes I ask people this:

Me: "What is it called when you mix milk and chocolate?"
Them: "Chocalate milk."
Me: "Okay, but is it milk or chocolate?"
Me: "Right, so am I black or white?"
Them: :confused:

The funny thing is RACIST black people call me "black" and refuse the acknowledge that I'm also white and RACIST white people do the same. This is why I can never talk about racism with anyone. Because what it all boils down to is some stupid childish notions that people are throwing around to make them feel better about whatever they consider themselves. And although the number of people like me is increasing, most only consider and call themselves "black". Because nowadays being black is "cool".:rolleyes:

I wish people could just "be" and stop being racists, but like I said before: it's part of humanity and we will have to keep dealing with it. It probably has its' roots in our inborn survival mechanisms, which is hard to override with pure rational thought. Probably the same reason why every race related thread gets locked here.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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^The difference being Ali was not in a position of power nor had the discriminatory and bigoted record Sterling has.

Riley Cooper said racist crap and hes still in the NFL and has a job. Its different when youre an owner or someone in a position of authority. And racism HAS AFFECTED Sterling's business in the past. Housing is a business! And just because he employs black ball players, lets not be naive and think his frame of thought never affected what hes done in the NBA or other ventures.

Whats so hard for people to understand about that? Its dangerous for people with substantial power to be in a position to discriminate against people, especially when theyve shown themselves to discriminate in the past. Sterling has been giving the NBA headaches for years...and they actually tried to boot him in the 80s because they felt he wanted to purposefully tank games for draft picks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Donald Sterling is one of the main reasons why the NBA went to a lottery format in the draft. he would put god awful teams out on the court to get good draft picks. They were afraid he'd tank his way to Patrick Ewing so they implimented a draft. New York won the lottery that year (85)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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This has been known about Donald Sterling for years. It didn't bother Doc Rivers as a player when he played under Donald. It didn't bother him to come serve as Head Coach either. It didn't bother Chris Paul to play for them either. It didn't bother Stern when he treated his coaches and players like sh1t. Now there is such outrage over it? It's all about money and the NBA image. When Lebron James and others threaten to strike, the NBA needed to do something about it even though they might not want to. Silver was forced to ban him so it didn't affect the League.

Donald never publicy made these statements, it was a private conversation that was recorded without his knowledge. Even though his comments are not appropriate, trying to ban a man over a conversation with his girlfriend is outrageous. He isn't the only owner who holds these beliefs. You can have any beliefs that you want. As long as you don't publicy spew them, then you are free to believe and say what you want in a private setting.

It's another ploy to play the race card in the media. If this was back in the 80's or 70's, nobody would even give a sh1t. I believe Donald was set up the way she was directing the conversation. Sounds like she was egging him on to say those things because it was recorded.

We now have a society that will allow people to lose their jobs, ownerships, be forced to sell what they own because of a private recorded conversation between two people. Is that how you want to live? Somebody recording your private words and using them against you? Not the America I want to live in.

Some of the groups like the NAACP are the most racist groups around. They play the victim role all the time.

She isn't hot, looks like a man, maybe it was which is why the name change, but to an 80 year old man getting young pvssy, he will take it. The man has a billion dollars he can pay for any pvssy he wants.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Danger said:
Sort of like Eric Holder. But then, nobody is allowed to talk about that.
Sure you can discuss that. Make a thread for it without derailing this one:up:


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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Jaylan said:
Its really not up in the air.
Clearly you havent been following sports news and insiders. If they get the votes, Sterling is out. End of story. Given his reputation, and given the image and expectations of NBA representatives, his suit will fall dead in the water. You can bet money on that.
Without going into detail, having done legal and arbitration involving the NBA in the past, I can assure you it is not as cut an dried as you or whatever your media sources think. It could turn out that a vote removes Sterling, he accepts that, and that's the end of it, or not. It will be interesting to see how it pans out.