OMG...This is so Pathetic [Website]


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
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Queensland, AUS
A friend just show me this stupid website about women banding together to shame men who are apparently cheaters or lie to them...

This is atrocious. Most women do sh*t they always get away with and always put on their anti-Slvt mechanisms or their innocent veil on. Now men are getting shamed allegedly cheating? Its a bloody double standard.

And now this!!!

I mean the males can do the same for women who manipulate, lie, cheat and play costly games but thankfully we have to help us avoid such mishaps and find the right woman and become the "PRIZE".

This is another blow to the male beings. This is like "****blockers" online...Kinda like nurturing this bad behaviour.

This is a laugh.
May 23, 2006
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Let's all make some money. Sue the bastards who make the website like that if your name is one it, and go to the maximum monetary limit of any small claims court, or if you have some dough to go on the big leagues, sue them for a million dollars or something. Libel damages.

Big Eee Zee

Master Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
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I dont know what "women" you date, but my women dont cheat on me and 'get away with it'. If they cheat, they are kicked to the curb. And frankly, men who cheat and get caught deserve the same. If women shouldnt get away with it, why should we?

I dont see whats so wrong with this site. Sure it seems to paint a women are better, man hating attitude, but often when you're hurt, anger can be a powerful coping mechanism.

That site has as much of a right to exist as this one. Shame on you all, REAL MEN arent that closed-minded and judgemental.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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that site is actully conter productive to the cause what they are trying to do, why?

1. The guy as a conversation piece right off the bat if a girl ever saw him on there when he talked to her, all he as to do is play it that he cheated on his last GG cos he was not satisfied and she was very clingy and never got the hint. He could use it to qualify himself very easily.

2. The guys if seen are now in a small % way inprinted on some womens minds, they have already got a door opener, drama from this is hard to ignore.
If a PUA or a player or more wanted more success this site could actually help him.

3. This is FACT some girls dont want a relationship and actually persue popular guys, mystery method states a switch to turn on is one that shows girls have already pre-approved you. In a way this is saying yeh i liked him I was not good enough to keep him, see if you can do better.

4. Women actully enjoy a challange and firmly believe he wont do it to them, they know he cheats but they like to think there are the ones to finally tame him and the truth in this the right women easily could.

5. If you read some of the posts there are about how the guy slept with them or some other stuff the women was actually pritty lame and he left, actually most of the posts on there are prob' 80% the fault of the women too.
One wome wrote about a guy who she went to his house, cuddled lead to sex and he did not see her again, his pic is up! Thats not cheating but hes still there, if i was that guy it only helps to reinforce your stud nature.

6. One women had phone sex with a guy, he did not want anything to do with her after it, she took it the wrong way, thought they had a relationship when it was a few calls. So that site is Very AFC women on there too. but there are some ok ones, maybe intresting to keep an eye of, you actually realize men and women are not too different in alot of ways

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Scorned women love to commiserate. That's why I rag on guys in the forum who have bitter attitudes, they sound like women.


Jul 7, 2006
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AngelusPUA said:
I love it, I give myself 2 weeks pissed of ex's are going to own me. Lets band togather and boycott it by filling it up with ridiculous and funny posts.
Now, he's got the right idea.:D


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
Here's a checklist of women signing up to this website.

1. End each sentence with "Uhhhmmm Girlfriend!!"
2. When ask nicely, respond with "I dont have to listen to your black/white/yellow/brown/broke a.SS
3. Have ****blocked each and every each guy, DJ or not, when interacting with their chick friends. They could be their brothers, uncles, fathers or their own sons. All men are evil remember.
4. Hated men for being men.
5. Hated men for liking women.
6. Labels each men player, sleazebags, cheater or a combination of either
7. Have cheated on their bfs but its justified because their men are just bastards

Did I miss any? Man I get hated on by so-called "womensavers or ****blockers" just because I fit the physical profile. I have this attractive best friend (girl) of mine who gets told to stay away from me because I'm bad news. She just laughs it off. She lives with me. She knows girls are jealous because she hangs out a lot with me and they think she's my girlfriend (although I am actually NOT attracted to her).

I must admit there are a lot of real bastards out there but this witchhunt is not just on websites...its everywhere making a criminal of good men. Some girls are just plain silly that just because a good DJ never puts up with her sh*t doesnt mean he has wronged her, she just assumes shes right. Just because a guy gets a lot of girls doesnt mean he sleazes on girls...he could just be the guy that everygirl would love to have.

I was once seeing this girl and she became so insecure that everygirl who smiles at me is suddenly a threat and she couldnt trust me. Eventually she played a game that backfored on her. She stopped seeing me hoping that I would crawl beck to her. I simply said "Well that is what you have decided. I hope its for your best. Take care" and didnt move a muscle. Needless to say she thought I was playing around behind her back and told all her friends I was a user, player, cheater and so.

They all banded together and hated on me. Every innocent conversation I had with one of them was suddenly turned into something with hidden agendas in their heads. I didn't even know until one of the girls was drunk and told wat they thought of me. Everything is cleared up now. But it should'nt have turned into this. Toxic words can easily poison a good girl's mind if the profile fits. Not every guy is smart or DJ enough to shake this sh*t off. If a person is branded a liar, would you even make the effort to listen to him speak his truth?


Jul 7, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
Let's all make some money. Sue the bastards who make the website like that if your name is one it, and go to the maximum monetary limit of any small claims court, or if you have some dough to go on the big leagues, sue them for a million dollars or something. Libel damages.
That's good, also.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Phoenix_of_the_ashes said:
It says that they post mens pictures, isnt that illegal without consent?
I can't pull up the site at my job, but to answer your question...

Short answer: No

As long as you are the copyright owner (by taking the picture in question or buying rights to it) you can post a picture online on most sites without the subject's consent as long as you are not directly endorsing a product of service (ie. using the photograph commercially).
EDIT: Although things might get hairy if it's something dealing with "reasonable expectation of privacy", but that's a very complicated thing to explain.

Most people threaten lawsuits and whatnot, but all in all, unless it is incredibly defamatory nothing will happen.

NOTE: I am not an attorney and nothing stated above should be construed as legal advice.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Personally I'm all for this sight. I hate cheaters, men or women. I find it the MOST disrespectful thing you can do to someone and it's the reason why so many men and women are soo ****ed up.

They make life so much more difficult for the good guys/girls out there because they're the ones left dealing with the baggage.

The only thing I don't like is that it's just men on the site because WE all know that women are just as bad as men at doing it and FAR better at hiding it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
As long as you are the copyright owner (by taking the picture in question or buying rights to it)...
Alright, the thing just is that here in Germany when cell phone cameras came out they always talked about how its illegal to take somebodys picture without that persons consent. Maybe its different in the US.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure if the picture is of you, you can ask to have it removed.

Not totally sure.

This site rules, though. I admire the gumption of whomever put it together.

Anyhow... if you're really a DJ, you won't ever be on this site. It's the *ssholes who are gonna be posted up.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Phoenix_of_the_ashes said:
Alright, the thing just is that here in Germany when cell phone cameras came out they always talked about how its illegal to take somebodys picture without that persons consent. Maybe its different in the US.
Some places in Europe might have those kinds of laws (strict privacy laws, etc), but in the US you're free to photograph as you wish as long as you do not infringe on other's privacy, use the image commercially without a release, etc...