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Older I get the more I hate women


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Women are in fact children. Most of them are in fact incredibly and frustratingly less intelligent than we. I’m trying to say it subtly here.
Yes, this is important. Women are essentially overgrown children. That's why they are better in child rearing activities than men. They're designed for that. They aren't designed for corporate white collar work or blue collar manual labor. They also typically manage to avoid blue collar manual labor.

I learned a while ago that I needed to stop looking to women for intellectual stimulation. That’s what my friends are for. Look to women for affection and nurturing. That’s what they were built for. A women should be your helper, as the Bible describes God’s intent for her creation. She can be little more than these things.

Use a woman for that which she was designed: Nurturing, admiration, and general help in the home. Reward her for those qualities and punish her (remove attention) when she goes into brat mode. Enjoy the positive side of her childishness. Never engage in arguments past explaining your position. You will never, EVER be able to rationally convince her of anything in an argument. The facts go over her head, for you are arguing with a child.
It is better to get mental stimulation from male friends and male relatives. Women are best for sex, nurturing, household help. However, the longer I've stayed unmarried and not cohabiting, the less I need a woman around my home. I handle cooking better than most women. I clean well enough. Laundry isn't that difficult. My primary need for women is sex, followed by some degree of companionship. For the unmarried male, a lot of male friends are too busy with their marriages and sometimes their children to be meaningful friends. A man without a girlfriend and/or a rotation of casual sex partners after age 30 often lacks sex and any form of companionship because his male friends are mostly absent.

You will never understand them because they are randomly emotional beings. Look at the clouds in the sky. They appear to have ever-changing form. Get in a plane and try to grab a handful of cloud. It can’t be done. That which appears to have rapidly morphing form really has no form at all.

Your job as a man is to train your woman to be the best a woman can be. She will never be capable of thinking like you do. You train her to be a nurturer and helper. You delight in her childlike ways, even though on the other side of the coin those same childlike qualities also bring strife.

I think that what often causes us so much grief is that we expect women to think and experience like we do. They cannot. They are slaves to emotion. They are largely incapable of changing and bettering themselves because they are locked within a web of social tensions and have very limited self-awareness.
Accurate. It's a difficult mindset shift to do this.

We men need to shift our expectations of women and first and foremost pursue our purpose in life. Women are an adjunct to a well-rounded life, and not the focus. Here is a secret for those who are new to the game: The last thing they want is to be your main focus. They instinctively know their place as an adjunct to your life, and are repulsed by men who make them their primary focus.
This is difficult to do when you're not getting sex. A larger percentage of the male population isn't getting sex these days.

Women have power over most men because they are formless.
Until age 50 or so, the power of the vagina is what lets women have power over men. I'm not close to 50 yet so I don't know how this will change as I age. I think as men's sex drive diminishes, the vagina power diminishes.

Do not be fooled by the women who hang out here. They are far from representative of the average woman.
I haven't been here as long as many participants. In my time here, I am only aware of 2 female participants and 1 has been a major participant. This is a woman who is 50+ AND still has children under 18 living at home. A lot of women in their early 50s offer the advantage of having kids grown up and out of her home, though this has changed now with the Millennials and Gen Z struggling with independence after age 18.

A 50+ year old woman with teenagers in the home isn't really in anyone's target market on this forum for dating and non-marital relationships. She has some well articulated opinions but a lot of men won't find a lot of them relevant because they aren't representative of their experiences.

Unlike Rollo Tomassi, who is a similar age to her, she has a failed marriage to her name. Rollo is impressive in a way for keeping the same marriage going since 1996.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
Reaction score
The OP may be blunt but he is really not far off the mark.
Women are in fact children. Most of them are in fact incredibly and frustratingly less intelligent than we. I’m trying to say it subtly here.

I learned a while ago that I needed to stop looking to women for intellectual stimulation. That’s what my friends are for. Look to women for affection and nurturing. That’s what they were built for. A women should be your helper, as the Bible describes God’s intent for her creation. She can be little more than these things.

You will never understand them because they are randomly emotional beings. Look at the clouds in the sky. They appear to have ever-changing form. Get in a plane and try to grab a handful of cloud. It can’t be done. That which appears to have rapidly morphing form really has no form at all.

Your job as a man is to train your woman to be the best a woman can be. She will never be capable of thinking like you do. You train her to be a nurturer and helper. You delight in her childlike ways, even though on the other side of the coin those same childlike qualities also bring strife.

I think that what often causes us so much grief is that we expect women to think and experience like we do. They cannot. They are slaves to emotion. They are largely incapable of changing and bettering themselves because they are locked within a web of social tensions and have very limited self-awareness.

Do not be fooled by the women who hang out here. They are far from representative of the average woman.

Use a woman for that which she was designed: Nurturing, admiration, and general help in the home. Reward her for those qualities and punish her (remove attention) when she goes into brat mode. Enjoy the positive side of her childishness. Never engage in arguments past explaining your position. You will never, EVER be able to rationally convince her of anything in an argument. The facts go over her head, for you are arguing with a child.

We men need to shift our expectations of women and first and foremost pursue our purpose in life. Women are an adjunct to a well-rounded life, and not the focus. Here is a secret for those who are new to the game: The last thing they want is to be your main focus. They instinctively know their place as an adjunct to your life, and are repulsed by men who make them their primary focus.

Women have power over most men because they are formless. The only way to counter that is to be equally formless and unpredictable in the masculine sense.

This is just one of my many stream of consciousness posts. For all I know, the thread topic might be “What’s your favorite ice cream?” Once I get going, I sometimes forget why the heck I started writing in the first place. But perhaps within these mad ramblings lies a bit of useful truth.

Mint Chocolate Chip.
The only issue I have with this 'all women are children' mentality is that it can be used as a mechanism to avoid fessing up to leading poorly or living aimlessly, which just perpetuates and affirms the believe that they're children. That's why a man's perspective on the matter is so important. If he sees childish women as a problem and evil or whatever, it's indicative of a shiitty life in general, just like if he draws joy from it, it's indicative of prosperity and a life of abundance.

While mature women may be in the minority compared to the average woman, there is no shortage of them that stops any one man from finding what he wants. In my time here it's often been that the man simply has not framed exactly what he wants, to his partner but more importantly to himself, and as a result hasn't been seeking in the right places, and has no idea how to court or mold the ideal he seeks.

Anyone that you lead can be seen as a child. When you ask the universe to be a leader and prove yourself, the universe provides the clay/followers. Of course they will be less strong or smart than you, that is the point, that is what you asked for.

I'm curious what you mean by women being formless. How do you figure? Because they are supplementary? I'm curious because you mentioned this makes them powerful, and I'm trying to get an idea of what kind of power you're referring to.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
,still hope there will be a unicorn out there for you.
Agreed. Hopefully a white unicorn this time rather than a dark unicorn that takes its wings and flies off like I had the last time. (ie had a vivid dream of a black unicorn that had wings and few off during a divorce process on a candy-pastel coloured park with a river and bridge near to it that was vivid and peaceful). While traditionally unicorns do not have wings, there is a varient of one known as an Alicorn. Alicorns are often depicted as representing evil so any dream with a unicorn with wings sounds bad. In unicorn lore, the black unicorn are corrupted by demons and fiends. Therefore, a dream that has a black Alicorn flying away from me might actually be a good thing.

Therefore, the Alicorn is the bad woman that's the trojan horse unicorn that with a bad heartbreak/divorce/miserable marriage ending, while the normal unicorn without wings is supposed to be the keeper.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
It again sounds like bad priorities and low aim. Why would validation from women or anyone for that matter be so important that it ruins your life? A man should be a source of love, not a black hole for it.

A woman should be an optional cherry on the sundae that is your wonderful life, which you've built and are proud of. Sex is easy, it's clear you and the OP want more than a wet warm hole for your diick.

The mindset you and OP share is not due to women, it's a symptom of a life you're not satisfied with. If you were doing things that you love to do every day, and were constantly studying and working on things you found incredibly engaging and interesting, with people you genuinely enjoyed, you would be next to impossible to upset. A 'childish' woman wouldn't upset you. If you felt aversion you'd simply turn your attention to someone that feels more compatible, not brood about it on pick up forums and vilify all women.

It's common on these forums for men to use women as an excuse to avoid personal accountability, it's easy and avoids harsh realities (temporarily). The fact is you can choose exactly what to invest your energy into, and by choosing to reduce your responsibility in the situation you're reducing your power and control over it, and by proxy your ability to shape a life that brings you joy.

You are only a victim if you choose to think like one. There are always opportunities for growth and valuable lessons. Many men on here consistently underestimate themselves. I do it myself, and it's a signal that we should challenge ourselves more, and believe in the outcomes we want more.
I think you missed the point. I've been out of the game for well over 3 years now and have been focusing on other things in my life.

A substantial amount of young men today are incredibly frustrated and discouraged when it comes to the dating market for reasons that are not their fault. Men on an instinctual level want to find a woman to "wife up", have and raise well adjusted kids with, get old and then die happily. This is obviously not how it works in real life but these are very normal things for both men and women to deep down desire. When a man is constantly rejected or faces endless failures in the dating market it is going to create feelings of inadequacy, as you are being deemed unworthy of continuing this basic purpose of life. Men aren't going to be fully aware of why or how these feelings develop but this is the basic psychology behind it.

The current dating market is deeming fat and well below average women as being on par with average-above average men, which leaves out huge swaths of men in this undatable zone. Men are frustrated for this very reason and unfortunately there really isn't much they can do about it. The only options they have are to try to adjust to the current dating climate or move away from it and focus on other things. This is something you'd have to figure out for yourself. I personally lack certain characteristics and traits to be able to navigate the current dating market without experiencing a high degree of negative emotions. Some men are better able to cope with feelings like this and also have much more adjustable personalities where they can behave in a phony manner to get what they want, I do not at all fall along this spectrum. The men that I've seen that do well in today's climate have a combination of simply not caring and possessing the capabilities to put on an act with the variety of women they are meeting. They have an ability to spin a dream for these women that eat all of this up and because of this these men now have total control over the relationship. Basically, fake con men and naive/clueless women that have low standards.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
The current dating market is deeming fat and well below average women as being on par with average-above average men, which leaves out huge swaths of men in this undatable zone.

I think you missed the point. I've been out of the game for well over 3 years now and have been focusing on other things in my life.
Wheat Waffles made the point that a male 7 is equal to a female 3 on dating apps.

It is insane that a 6'4" man with big muscles has been forced out of the dating market due to extreme negative feedback.

A substantial amount of young men today are incredibly frustrated and discouraged when it comes to the dating market for reasons that are not their fault. Men on an instinctual level want to find a woman to "wife up", have and raise well adjusted kids with, get old and then die happily. This is obviously not how it works in real life but these are very normal things for both men and women to deep down desire. When a man is constantly rejected or faces endless failures in the dating market it is going to create feelings of inadequacy, as you are being deemed unworthy of continuing this basic purpose of life. Men aren't going to be fully aware of why or how these feelings develop but this is the basic psychology behind it.
All accurate

Men are frustrated for this very reason and unfortunately there really isn't much they can do about it. The only options they have are to try to adjust to the current dating climate or move away from it and focus on other things. This is something you'd have to figure out for yourself. I personally lack certain characteristics and traits to be able to navigate the current dating market without experiencing a high degree of negative emotions. Some men are better able to cope with feelings like this and also have much more adjustable personalities where they can behave in a phony manner to get what they want, I do not at all fall along this spectrum. The men that I've seen that do well in today's climate have a combination of simply not caring and possessing the capabilities to put on an act with the variety of women they are meeting. They have an ability to spin a dream for these women that eat all of this up and because of this these men now have total control over the relationship. Basically, fake con men and naive/clueless women that have low standards.
All accurate. The following have been solutions for various men as reactions to the toxic mating market in the West...

1. Moving to a foreign nation for vagina
2. Directly paying for sex
3. Simping via OnlyFans subscriptions or on Instagram
4. Childless men settling for single mothers
5. Growth of MGTOW/black pill


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
I get more pleasure for women then grief. But there is grief.... it can be aggravating as fvck dating them. So I get where the OP is coming from.

You just can't let the silliness get to you... they all play emotional games... ALL OF THEM. And a man can not win an emotional game with women, they are just too d@mned good at it. You win by not playing. The minute you get too happy or too comfortable: or get too frustrated or to angry... you lose. You have to be completely unreactive to any machinations.

Who hasn't been dating a woman, and things are going great... then suddenly her emotions yank her in another direction? This sh1t happens all the time. The way you react to this is NOT react. If she likes you she'll come back: if she doesn't you move on.

Women have lots of options... get used to it. Oh sure you can bust your butt and 'get' her, but if she really doesn't want you she is settling. You do not want to be in a relationship with a woman who is settling for you. It is better to be alone than to be with a chick that doesn't really want you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
Reaction score
Spoken from the horse's mouth, like there is a surprize that's even a problem?
The problem is making that desire a woman's problem, which was the OPs implication.
I think you missed the point. I've been out of the game for well over 3 years now and have been focusing on other things in my life.

A substantial amount of young men today are incredibly frustrated and discouraged when it comes to the dating market for reasons that are not their fault. Men on an instinctual level want to find a woman to "wife up", have and raise well adjusted kids with, get old and then die happily. This is obviously not how it works in real life but these are very normal things for both men and women to deep down desire. When a man is constantly rejected or faces endless failures in the dating market it is going to create feelings of inadequacy, as you are being deemed unworthy of continuing this basic purpose of life. Men aren't going to be fully aware of why or how these feelings develop but this is the basic psychology behind it.

The current dating market is deeming fat and well below average women as being on par with average-above average men, which leaves out huge swaths of men in this undatable zone. Men are frustrated for this very reason and unfortunately there really isn't much they can do about it. The only options they have are to try to adjust to the current dating climate or move away from it and focus on other things. This is something you'd have to figure out for yourself. I personally lack certain characteristics and traits to be able to navigate the current dating market without experiencing a high degree of negative emotions. Some men are better able to cope with feelings like this and also have much more adjustable personalities where they can behave in a phony manner to get what they want, I do not at all fall along this spectrum. The men that I've seen that do well in today's climate have a combination of simply not caring and possessing the capabilities to put on an act with the variety of women they are meeting. They have an ability to spin a dream for these women that eat all of this up and because of this these men now have total control over the relationship. Basically, fake con men and naive/clueless women that have low standards.
Do you have some empirical evidence to back this up or is this conjecture? You've been out of the market so where exactly are you drawing these conclusions from? I agree that online dating is skewed towards women and can give them some entitlement issues, but in person I've had the same experiences as always.

Life is hard, I agree. Things have changed, I agree. What hasn't changed is that the more resilient man that can adapt to the times still triumphs.

Higher quality relationships and women are naturally harder to find because of a typical bell curve distribution, the same goes for men. If you don't want an average woman you have to put in more work than the average man.

And how men respond to rejection spreads the gammat as well. Personally rejection doesn't phase me at all, and I encourage anyone who feels intimidated or hurt by it to focus on inner game until rejections mean nothing. Hell you could just focus on numbers and realize rejection means nothing. If you choose to identify with rejection then of course you'll feel hurt. But why do that to begin with?

I don't want to argue for the side of abundance because it should be apparent. Any major city has millions of women for you to talk to. If you aren't willing to go out, meet them, and filter for what you like then you will have less options and will likely have to settle for someone more average. Isn't that obvious?

Any projection of fear of hurt or frustration should be met with a challenge to these men to bring personal obstacles into their lives that are ten or one hundred times as difficult, to provide the much needed perspective and grit to easily handle anything any woman can throw at them.

The company you keep and your perspective on that company are a great gauge of your personal resilience and flexibility. If you feel frustrated, adapt, or die.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Any projection of fear of hurt or frustration should be met with a challenge to these men to bring personal obstacles into their lives that are ten or one hundred times as difficult, to provide the much needed perspective and grit to easily handle anything any woman can throw at them.
This is your advice? Are you serious. I have an abundance of personal obstacles and do not see that point. In fact it's more of a demotivator. There is just no room at all.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
Reaction score
This is your advice? Are you serious. I have an abundance of personal obstacles and do not see that point. In fact it's more of a demotivator. There is just no room at all.
It's not enough to simply have them, you have to make serious progress in overcoming them, that's one very reliable source of self confidence. There's no magic bullet, you have to know when to cut losses and when to dig your heels in. You're bound to make mistakes and your recovery from them is more important than anything.

It's interesting how you're implying that you're also on this bandwagon that the victim mindset is somehow superior to simply owning up to your past mistakes and making uncomfortable changes in your life that are ultimately good for you.

I understand the allure to congregate and act like wounded animals that are victims of circumstance, but at the end of the day that is exactly what I'm referring to when I say we underestimate yourselves. There is really nothing stopping you from kicking as$ and flipping whatever you want in your life tomorrow, so although it may feel good to circlejerk about how the source of our problems is with women or somewhere else, it's the reluctance to adapt and innovate that is really the cause of suffering.

If you want to argue against that then go ahead, but know you're arguing for your own weakness rather than working to overcome it. Rather than thinking hard on how to magnify problems to feel more helpless we ideally push ourselves and each other to stay focused on solutions. That's what I try to do here anyway.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
It's not enough to simply have them, you have to make serious progress in overcoming them, that's one very reliable source of self confidence. There's no magic bullet, you have to know when to cut losses and when to dig your heels in. You're bound to make mistakes and your recovery from them is more important than anything.

It's interesting how you're implying that you're also on this bandwagon that the victim mindset is somehow superior to simply owning up to your past mistakes and making uncomfortable changes in your life that are ultimately good for you.

I understand the allure to congregate and act like wounded animals that are victims of circumstance, but at the end of the day that is exactly what I'm referring to when I say we underestimate yourselves. There is really nothing stopping you from kicking as$ and flipping whatever you want in your life tomorrow, so although it may feel good to circlejerk about how the source of our problems is with women or somewhere else, it's the reluctance to adapt and innovate that is really the cause of suffering.

If you want to argue against that then go ahead, but know you're arguing for your own weakness rather than working to overcome it. Rather than thinking hard on how to magnify problems to feel more helpless we ideally push ourselves and each other to stay focused on solutions. That's what I try to do here anyway.
You dont know my situation lady.


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2020
Reaction score
OP. I've come to realize there's no sense getting "mad" at women. They're just behave the way that they do because society incentives them to act accordingly. We truly do live in a gynocentric society. Copers will try to give you some navel gazing advice on how you should look deep within and reflect on how you can improve, but that's all nonsense. A proper response to the current circumstances should not require you to self flagellate and take responsibility for the poor behavior of others, nor should it require you to turn the anger outwards towards women, but instead look at the current circumstance and accept it with equanimity and a tranquil mind. Women are the way they are and they can't help it because there are no incentives to correct their behavior.
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Don Juan
Sep 19, 2020
Reaction score
A substantial amount of young men today are incredibly frustrated and discouraged when it comes to the dating market for reasons that are not their fault. Men on an instinctual level want to find a woman to "wife up", have and raise well adjusted kids with, get old and then die happily. This is obviously not how it works in real life but these are very normal things for both men and women to deep down desire. When a man is constantly rejected or faces endless failures in the dating market it is going to create feelings of inadequacy, as you are being deemed unworthy of continuing this basic purpose of life. Men aren't going to be fully aware of why or how these feelings develop but this is the basic psychology behind it.
I feel like this is pretty blue pill. The blue pill fantasy of a happy wife/family should be dead for most western men. I just don't think its a viable model for living ones life anymore

I wouldn't say we "need" them or their "validation", but when we seek or expect their validation and they don't give it then it hurts. Trick is to have low/no expectations and don't chase.

The current dating market is deeming fat and well below average women as being on par with average-above average men, which leaves out huge swaths of men in this undatable zone. Men are frustrated for this very reason and unfortunately there really isn't much they can do about it. The only options they have are to try to adjust to the current dating climate or move away from it and focus on other things. This is something you'd have to figure out for yourself.
You have to settle for fatties and uggos essentially. I've chose to focus on other things for now though, and feel much better for it.

I personally lack certain characteristics and traits to be able to navigate the current dating market without experiencing a high degree of negative emotions. Some men are better able to cope with feelings like this and also have much more adjustable personalities where they can behave in a phony manner to get what they want, I do not at all fall along this spectrum. The men that I've seen that do well in today's climate have a combination of simply not caring and possessing the capabilities to put on an act with the variety of women they are meeting. They have an ability to spin a dream for these women that eat all of this up and because of this these men now have total control over the relationship. Basically, fake con men and naive/clueless women that have low standards.
The efforts required to succeed in the current dating market have had a negative effect on my mental health as well. Those who do well have a high tolerance for BS and are willing to connive themselves into some chicks pants. The dating apps, swiping, messaging girls, investing time and getting ghosted, cold approach rejection after rejection is just not worth it.
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I think you missed the point. I've been out of the game for well over 3 years now and have been focusing on other things in my life.

A substantial amount of young men today are incredibly frustrated and discouraged when it comes to the dating market for reasons that are not their fault. Men on an instinctual level want to find a woman to "wife up", have and raise well adjusted kids with, get old and then die happily. This is obviously not how it works in real life but these are very normal things for both men and women to deep down desire. When a man is constantly rejected or faces endless failures in the dating market it is going to create feelings of inadequacy, as you are being deemed unworthy of continuing this basic purpose of life. Men aren't going to be fully aware of why or how these feelings develop but this is the basic psychology behind it.

The current dating market is deeming fat and well below average women as being on par with average-above average men, which leaves out huge swaths of men in this undatable zone. Men are frustrated for this very reason and unfortunately there really isn't much they can do about it. The only options they have are to try to adjust to the current dating climate or move away from it and focus on other things. This is something you'd have to figure out for yourself. I personally lack certain characteristics and traits to be able to navigate the current dating market without experiencing a high degree of negative emotions. Some men are better able to cope with feelings like this and also have much more adjustable personalities where they can behave in a phony manner to get what they want, I do not at all fall along this spectrum. The men that I've seen that do well in today's climate have a combination of simply not caring and possessing the capabilities to put on an act with the variety of women they are meeting. They have an ability to spin a dream for these women that eat all of this up and because of this these men now have total control over the relationship. Basically, fake con men and naive/clueless women that have low standards.
Good post. Like you, I've have been out of the game quite some time. The last relationship I met online and she made things EASY, and she has done that throughout the relationship. Since she made it easy, I move forward fast with her. I did not gain much experience from my last dating venture because I wasn't single for too long. I'm paying for it now. I was technically single and dating for about a month and a half after being in in 2 LTR's since 2015.

It's a mixture of spotting high interest women and dating calibration with the girl you're meeting. You're not going to attract them all, don't even sweat it because that's just life. Once you accept that, you'll enjoy dating much more and have fun with women you meet. That in turn will lead you to have more successful dates.


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
Reaction score
I think that what often causes us so much grief is that we expect women to think and experience like we do. They cannot. They are slaves to emotion. They are largely incapable of changing and bettering themselves because they are locked within a web of social tensions and have very limited self-awareness.
This is what I have found myself. We expect women to act and behave like men but they don’t. The saying, “men are dogs” is a pretty good analogy. Dogs are loyal and protective. They make others happy with their presence and affection they provide. Women on the other hand are like cats. They do what they want, change their behavior on a whim. Calm and collective one minute, than fighting and walking away the next. Some want to be in your business and some don’t want to be touched.

Expecting a cat to act like a dog is a fools errand.

Do not be fooled by the women who hang out here. They are far from representative of the average woman.
Most conversations with women are pointless as they are solipsistic and insert themselves as the focus. Sorry honey, not everything is about you. This is where certain conversations are better with your buddies and not with women because they can not relate to your male perspective.

Use a woman for that which she was designed: Nurturing, admiration, and general help in the home.
This is what we look for in a woman but not are built this way..

We men need to shift our expectations of women and first and foremost pursue our purpose in life. Women are an adjunct to a well-rounded life, and not the focus. Here is a secret for those who are new to the game: The last thing they want is to be your main focus. They instinctively know their place as an adjunct to your life, and are repulsed by men who make them their primary focus.
This happened yesterday as I was on my purpose and a woman got bvttsore she couldn’t get my time and attention. She came chasing after me which is the better scenario.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Mods please permanently ban this incel
Nothing wrong with the OP's post at all. If a guy can't vent about women on SoSuave, where else can he??

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
I know my posts have been negative but the older I get the more experience I have with women the more I hate them. They all operate the same and they have zero uniqueness about them. They are run by emotions and are literally retarded with zero common sense. If they didn’t have Vaginas it would be like dealing with a 9 year old running around doing stupid ****. I only tolerate with their nonsense to get *****. Before you nice guys say I don’t get ***** I’ll show you receipts. But honestly the older I get the more negatives I see then positive especially for life growth. I feel like learning game just saved me from ever marrying or saving myself from heartbreak like nice guys would experience or I have in the past. Do you older guys just deal with this nature? Idk maybe I’m just bitter and jaded lol
You are 26. You have a long way to go.

Modern Man Advice


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
OP - you are pretty on the young side to have that negative an outlook on women. Granted, I understand your points and they are well taken, but I think you need to temper your expectations.

@Atom Smasher nailed it, per usual. Guys get into trouble and end up highly frustrated because they have the wrong set of expectations with women. Expecting a woman to complete you, make you feel good about life, or provide intellectual stimulation is going down a rabbit hole that will not have a happy ending for you. Women ARE like children in many ways; and they are nothing like us. Women have no sense of loyalty or integrity as a man does - it is all about the bottom line with how you make them feel. That said, you can certainly gain enjoyment from their companionship -- and more than just in a sexual way. But always keep yourself grounded.