Master Don Juan
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Yes, this is important. Women are essentially overgrown children. That's why they are better in child rearing activities than men. They're designed for that. They aren't designed for corporate white collar work or blue collar manual labor. They also typically manage to avoid blue collar manual labor.Women are in fact children. Most of them are in fact incredibly and frustratingly less intelligent than we. I’m trying to say it subtly here.
It is better to get mental stimulation from male friends and male relatives. Women are best for sex, nurturing, household help. However, the longer I've stayed unmarried and not cohabiting, the less I need a woman around my home. I handle cooking better than most women. I clean well enough. Laundry isn't that difficult. My primary need for women is sex, followed by some degree of companionship. For the unmarried male, a lot of male friends are too busy with their marriages and sometimes their children to be meaningful friends. A man without a girlfriend and/or a rotation of casual sex partners after age 30 often lacks sex and any form of companionship because his male friends are mostly absent.I learned a while ago that I needed to stop looking to women for intellectual stimulation. That’s what my friends are for. Look to women for affection and nurturing. That’s what they were built for. A women should be your helper, as the Bible describes God’s intent for her creation. She can be little more than these things.
Use a woman for that which she was designed: Nurturing, admiration, and general help in the home. Reward her for those qualities and punish her (remove attention) when she goes into brat mode. Enjoy the positive side of her childishness. Never engage in arguments past explaining your position. You will never, EVER be able to rationally convince her of anything in an argument. The facts go over her head, for you are arguing with a child.
AccurateYou will never understand them because they are randomly emotional beings. Look at the clouds in the sky. They appear to have ever-changing form. Get in a plane and try to grab a handful of cloud. It can’t be done. That which appears to have rapidly morphing form really has no form at all.
Your job as a man is to train your woman to be the best a woman can be. She will never be capable of thinking like you do. You train her to be a nurturer and helper. You delight in her childlike ways, even though on the other side of the coin those same childlike qualities also bring strife.
Accurate. It's a difficult mindset shift to do this.I think that what often causes us so much grief is that we expect women to think and experience like we do. They cannot. They are slaves to emotion. They are largely incapable of changing and bettering themselves because they are locked within a web of social tensions and have very limited self-awareness.
This is difficult to do when you're not getting sex. A larger percentage of the male population isn't getting sex these days.We men need to shift our expectations of women and first and foremost pursue our purpose in life. Women are an adjunct to a well-rounded life, and not the focus. Here is a secret for those who are new to the game: The last thing they want is to be your main focus. They instinctively know their place as an adjunct to your life, and are repulsed by men who make them their primary focus.
Until age 50 or so, the power of the vagina is what lets women have power over men. I'm not close to 50 yet so I don't know how this will change as I age. I think as men's sex drive diminishes, the vagina power diminishes.Women have power over most men because they are formless.
I haven't been here as long as many participants. In my time here, I am only aware of 2 female participants and 1 has been a major participant. This is a woman who is 50+ AND still has children under 18 living at home. A lot of women in their early 50s offer the advantage of having kids grown up and out of her home, though this has changed now with the Millennials and Gen Z struggling with independence after age 18.Do not be fooled by the women who hang out here. They are far from representative of the average woman.
A 50+ year old woman with teenagers in the home isn't really in anyone's target market on this forum for dating and non-marital relationships. She has some well articulated opinions but a lot of men won't find a lot of them relevant because they aren't representative of their experiences.
Unlike Rollo Tomassi, who is a similar age to her, she has a failed marriage to her name. Rollo is impressive in a way for keeping the same marriage going since 1996.