Okay, how should I go about approaching this chick.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Michele said:
(1) btw if u haven't done so yet... you not going to anytime soon... if you've been talking about it for this long... all it is is what it is... *talk*... you wont get around to it.. and then you'll make a thread coming up with a "perfect" situation for the next day to talk to her.

(2) but since you know her already, talk about how you don't talk to her much anymore and you're trying to do something this weekend... then ask for the number. you don't even have to talk to her for a long time... if she's interested she'll go for it.. if not... she wont. you won't make her change her mind. just do it.


you're going to brush this reply off because you know i'm right about #2

and if u don't acknowledge it.. tis obvious that you're just looking for a high number of replies or whatever in that sort

viper isa douche... its either ^^^that^^^... or im ignored.

oh well, i agree with BBX


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
yes please do this, i expect you to have a field report by tomorrow.

don't let us down.

and you don't even need an opener if you already know her. just go and say what's up. and start a convo about anything
I won't let you down, however, it'll probably turn out terribly.

Michele said:
viper isa douche... its either ^^^that^^^... or im ignored.

oh well, i agree with BBX
Might as well be ignored, I'm not paying attention to your comments exactly because of comments like this.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
Personally, when i've wanted to ask a girl out, who is talking in a group of friends, i approach the group and just say to the group (ignoring her) "Excuse me, do you mind if i steal ... for a few secs? I just need to ask her something" Then walk a few metres away and just say "I'm going for coffee later on, and you should join me."

You could also add comments such as "Don't worry, I won't give her back damaged" or something.

If she doesn't want to leave her friends, then just ask her out in front of her friends. This way she sees that you are MAJORILY confident and will agree 90% of the time

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
lol after all this time... you're still asking questions and arguing people for the right answer... and never settle for an answer... then a few days later you post the same question again... its so obvious you're a troll.

the only reason you're here still is cuz the mods can't ban you... cuz you'll make another name called XViper, Viker2, ViperMike, MrViper, MikeConfidence, ViperConfidence, or other combinations.

i've already gave you a simple solution to your question... i answered it... and all you do is skip it, and argue about other peoples questions... all you do is try proving that peoples solution will no way be possible for you.

you're going to skip this again, and all the idiots will too... then they'll keep answering your questions thinking they're getting "DJ" points for answering hard "DJ" questions... then the cycle goes on and on.

let's watch.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
You sir are the idiot. Learn the definition of arguing, "agreeing" is not arguing. Infact, forget it, you're a dumbass and you don't know what you're talking about so I'm not arguing. Meet the ignore list. You're the only person here who is being "unhelpful". Your posting useless crap and you're not contributing anything. Go annoy someone else.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
I was ready as heck, but then when I went into the cafeteria I looked across the room, and I couldn't find her. I know that she was hear because I saw her a couple times throughout the day. Like for instance, I saw her at the end of school today, but she seemed to be in a rush.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Nighthawk said:
Butters didn't I tell you to shut the **** up
Butters why are you talking to yourself. You crazy or something?


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
D4rKn3sS said:
Personally, when i've wanted to ask a girl out, who is talking in a group of friends, i approach the group and just say to the group (ignoring her) "Excuse me, do you mind if i steal ... for a few secs? I just need to ask her something" Then walk a few metres away and just say "I'm going for coffee later on, and you should join me."

You could also add comments such as "Don't worry, I won't give her back damaged" or something.

If she doesn't want to leave her friends, then just ask her out in front of her friends. This way she sees that you are MAJORILY confident and will agree 90% of the time
either that or she will reject him so that he crashes and burns which gives her a major ego boost in front of her friends. After that not even any of her friends will want to date him cuz they don´t want to look desperate.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:
either that or she will reject him so that he crashes and burns which gives her a major ego boost in front of her friends. After that not even any of her friends will want to date him cuz they don´t want to look desperate.
What did that happen to you before? Listen don't go bringing me down because that happened to you before.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
What did that happen to you before? Listen don't go bringing me down because that happened to you before.
I´m telling you how it is. You can keep on living in your little phantasyworld or face reality. If you don´t have any value to her it is likely that this is gonna happen. It´s time to open your eyes dude. You can be reading or posting as much as you want on this site, but if you don´t take action it won´t help you. Don´t settle for less. Your always saying "Oh, I´m trying my best that´s all that counts!" THAT IS BS!!! If you keep doing what you´re doing you´ll be getting what you´re getting. The truth is ONLY winners get the hot chicks you masturbate to. WINNERS DON´T COMPLAIN OR SETTLE FOR LESS. IF THEY EXPERIENCE PAIN THEY COME BACK FOR MORE. EVERYTIME. THE LOSER "TRIES", BUT THE WINNER IS THE ONE THAT GOES HOME AND FVCKS THE PROM QUEEN !!!


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:
I´m telling you how it is. You can keep on living in your little phantasyworld or face reality. If you don´t have any value to her it is likely that this is gonna happen. It´s time to open your eyes dude. You can be reading or posting as much as you want on this site, but if you don´t take action it won´t help you. Don´t settle for less. Your always saying "Oh, I´m trying my best that´s all that counts!" THAT IS BS!!! If you keep doing what you´re doing you´ll be getting what you´re getting. The truth is ONLY winners get the hot chicks you masturbate to. WINNERS DON´T COMPLAIN OR SETTLE FOR LESS. IF THEY EXPERIENCE PAIN THEY COME BACK FOR MORE. EVERYTIME. THE LOSER "TRIES", BUT THE WINNER IS THE ONE THAT GOES HOME AND FVCKS THE PROM QUEEN !!!
I told you I could not find her at lunch or I would've approached her.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
I told you I could not find her at lunch or I would've approached her.
This goes beyond approaching a chick. It is the mindset you should always have in your life.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
quit trying to help him... this is the prolly the same reason he even came to this site.. its been a year or two... he's hopeless if he hasn't fixed it by now.


he doesn't try hard enough.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
Will you shut up dude? Wow, I COULDN'T FIND THE DAMN GIRL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, DO YOU WANT TO APPROACH AIR? God damn you guys. If the p*ssy isn't where I can see it, I'm sure as hell not going out of my way to find it, especially when I have a lunch to eat. I will approach when I approach her, and when I do approach her I will have a field report. Until then, stop rushing me as if I can't just approach her tomorrow.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
los angles, calli
why have you been here for soo long and still be stuck in total apathy. I was proubly worse than u and turned it all around in under a year, actually a year to this day. I went from nothing to everything, i made stupid mistakes and pushed myself and looked like an idiot, but its the only reason im where i am.

"Hah, so you feel like being a rude ass to me, or acting like you know me when you don't? Well, welcome to the ignore list buddy."- Mrconfidence

taste your own medicine, welcome to my ignore list, have a nice life.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
you fag. it's no wonder you are a loser at your school. i actually decided to perform an act of kindness by trying to help you and you just lash out like the angry, frustrated nerd that you are. all you do is make excuses. that's what you've been doing for the years that you've been here. haven't you noticed that so many others have improved in a short time (and no they don't have any "magic pill" knowledge) while you have stayed the exact same over these YEARS that you've been here? it's because other people don't ****in argue with EVERYTHING that they are told. you're just too damn scared and you're just too big a pu55y to ever succeed. not only that, but it's obvious that you are socially retarded just by the way that you are dissing everyone on this forum. if you can't even get people on the forum to tolerate, let alone respect you, i don't see much hope for you in real life.
How about this? F*ck you guys and I just approach her anyway. The girls not there, so I'm a p*ssy for not using my magical summoning powers to conjure her up and approach her. No, you still don't get the fact that you can't approach something that's not there. Trust me if I found where she was sitting, I WOULD of approached her today, and I WILL approach her tomorrow. Plus nerd, loser? You're so far off buddy, and I advise you don't call me names when you don't know crap about me. I could just as easily call you a gay child molester, because I'm judging you when I don't know crap about you.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
it's not even about that. it's about you beefing with everyone on this forum. it's about you taking everything so personally, and about how you're still asking elementary questions on this site when , after being here for so long, you should already have been out in the field for quite some time. but whatever, approach her and prove us wrong.
And I WILL approach her. I was going to today, but she wasn't there. Tuesday I just cowarded out, I'll admit that much.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
lol what a nerd/loser.

everything here has been said over and over again... "get off the forum and get out into the field," "if people on a forum dont respect you... blah blah."

quit planning things so much... go do things spontaneously, you'll be more fun.