Oh man I gave this AW a piece of my mind


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
I was with a AW for 2 years that was much worse then this one so I have experience. I dated this AW for a month she broke up with me cause me calling her out on her antics (surprise), told her to fvck herself then, didnt talk with each other for a week, then she started coming around again. slept in bed with each other a cuople of times made out, all over me in public blah blah blah.

We were very close though like we knew sh1t about each other know one else knew. I did favors for her like an AFC even when we werent dating cause i felt bad for her , she didnt have a license and needed to get to places where she needed to be. Yea whatever she might have used me but i know im higher on the social ladder than her by far and the same goes for any guy ive seen her talk to.

when we werent "dating" she called everyday and we hung out a bunch one on one at one point we hung out like 6 days in a row. but i always was super c0cky and confident in front of her. This p1ssed her off a lot. i think she felt threatened that her value was in jeapordy cause all the dudes that just smother her with compliments which i never did. I would straigth up let her know i think im better than her and have gotten better than her which is the truth. which probably led her to do what she did. She would always say you get under my skin like noone else no guy has ever acted like this to me. she was c0cky herself but only after she got reassurance from some tool. We faught a lot cause we have the same mind frame about ourselves i guess. it was quite entertaining always quesitoning me about how i came about to be so confident and c0cky and the girls ive dated (shes seen 2 of them which are very good looking so she knows what ive gotten). I also told her she will never get a guy like me ever (backed up by about 10 different people that know me and her).

This past weekened this b1tch pulled some sh1t basically cause of how i treated her so I let her know whats up. I was with her and a bunch of MY friends. Some tool who works at the bar we were at came and sat with us (he knew my friend). This dude is out of shape and just a straight up pvssy. He says to her "oh hey thats a really cool cell phone can i see it?" in my head i was like sweet line there dude hahaha. so that dude stuck around and talked to her a little. i told her to never bring a dude to my house and if you start seeing someone i will stop talking to her. she was upset about that.

the next weekened me and MY friends are at the bar and the AW was with us. she makes a comment about wanting to make out with fat dude who works there. I say well i wont ever talk to you again then. Later on i get drunk shes drunk and i look over and shes making out with fat dude. i walk by and say go fvck yourself. then she comes and talks to me. i get right in her ear and say fvck you you talk to the biggest chumps that dude is fat and fvck you blah blah and many other kind words. THIS B!TCH was just in my bed like 5 days ago sleeping with me and making out. expected though. i was drunk so i just went off. Fat dude grabs a bouncer and kicks me out cause "i was telling a girl to fvck herself". hahaha. she gets outside and i say the same thing fvck you dudes fat etc. she says i know he is. i then see her holdin hands with that dude. i text her and say fvck you ur ungrateful. then she asks me did you want to date me again? i just said yea cause its all or nothign with me. she gets her ego boost but i still tell her to fvck herself.

i send a text the next morning saying well you decided to make out with fat dude so im done with you. give me back my clothes and my money, dont come around my house or me. she says i dont want you out of my life blahb blah. i dont reply for like 10 hours. i flew to cali and when i got there i texted her i just got to cali ill call you tomorrow. she didnt reply , not surprising. i wake up the next morning and call her so i can give her some more of my mind. she doesnt answer so i just say in a funny tone geez dont be mad call me when you get this. she never called.

now im like fvck it whatever. I get on facebook and see pictures of her, fat dude, and other scum hanging out. Fvckin A AW's are the weirdest neediest people ive ever encountered. i will never try to contact ever i might run into her at some bar but she better steer clear cause i will let her know how much of a piece of sh1t she is and how fat her rebound man is.

Yea she might have gotten her ego boost from me saying that sh1t to her but she and i both know what i have, what she is missing and what other dudes can offer her compared to me.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
You sound like an insecure chump and a class A d*ckhead to boot.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
I wouldn't take it that far man. He was drunk so i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Next time you should just leave and tell her your through with her. You didn't have to resort to telling her to "fvck herself." Next time don't let someone like that bother you, if you do your giving them power.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
jigga23 said:
I would straigth up let her know i think im better than her and have gotten better than her which is the truth.
It's one thing to act and know your the sh!t, but dont be telling her all the time, thats just sad.

jigga23 said:
she makes a comment about wanting to make out with fat dude who works there. I say well i wont ever talk to you again then. Later on i get drunk shes drunk and i look over and shes making out with fat dude. i walk by and say go fvck yourself. then she comes and talks to me. i get right in her ear and say fvck you you talk to the biggest chumps that dude is fat and fvck you blah blah and many other kind words. THIS B!TCH was just in my bed like 5 days ago sleeping with me and making out. expected though. i was drunk so i just went off. Fat dude grabs a bouncer and kicks me out cause "i was telling a girl to fvck herself". hahaha. she gets outside and i say the same thing fvck you dudes fat etc. she says i know he is. i then see her holdin hands with that dude. i text her and say fvck you ur ungrateful. then she asks me did you want to date me again? i just said yea cause its all or nothign with me. she gets her ego boost but i still tell her to fvck herself.
Dont take this the wrong way, and I can only go by this post but you are insecure and have extremely weak game.

jigga23 said:
i wake up the next morning and call her so i can give her some more of my mind. she doesnt answer so i just say in a funny tone geez dont be mad call me when you get this.
:rolleyes: Of course you did.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
sf ca
why do you like AWs so much? u know. you go down and wrestle greased pigs in the mud and then wonder why you are wet and dirty and stink. use yo damn brain.


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
telos. someone is not allowed to have high self regard? I have this and I let it be known if someone is trying to put me at a lower level. Yeah i should be insecure when girls compliment me on how i look dress etc. and i get eye fvcked. i know what can i get cause ive gotten it. yea man that gives me low self esteem. yea it sucks when im the one who gets the girl that every other chump wants. Every girl ive banged and dated is very highly desired and good looking so i have no reason to not have high self regard. if someone like this AW is trying to treat like a male orbiter i will make it clear.

What do you got? i can back up my sh1t. i got sh1t to show for it. We can go side by side if you want. You wanna compare education? wanna compare where weve traveled and lived? what social circles weve been in and who we know? what kind of car we drive? who has the better body? other sh1t that we have? gurantee you have nothing on me trust me but we can discuss and show if you want.

PE-AW's are fun too me cause it makes things interesting but yes i realize that its not right and will probabably shortly start to see regular girls.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Calm down man. It's criticism. You should either embrace it or ignore it. Now i'm not saying what telos said is right, but this isn't how you need to react towards his comment. Maybe you should ask him how he would of dealt with the situation?


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
well hes calling me out so just want to see what he has that makes him think he can say sh1t like that to someone he doesnt even know.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
I understand but it really isn't worth it. Fighting over the internet is so pointless. Now if it was in real life i would expect differently


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Don't worry Jigga.

AW's almost always get what they have coming to them in life.

Inevitably their pathology causes them to seek out a guy like Dexter Morgan (minus the pro society programming to make the show appealing to the general public) and they end up getting used and abused and even pimped out to friends and addicted to drugs as the full blown ASPD breaks them down bit by bit, piece by piece until the AW is too ugly and worn out to attract and hurt anymore innocent people.


Don Juan
Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score
Post a link to her facebook and we will all judge what her sh!t is worth.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
I'm not trying to flame you or anything like that, but i kind of agree with telos. There's a difference between thinking you are the sh!t and telling people you're the sh!t. Your actions should be enough to prove that you're better than her and out of her league, not your words.
It sounds to me like she got under your skin a lot more than you got under hers. If her making out with a guy pisses you off to the point where you call her a piece of sh!t and tell her to go fvck herself.
I'm not knocking your abilities to pick up women and get laid. I have no doubt that you have pulled some hot pvssy, but in this case it sounds like you're just being a d!ckhead. There's a difference between c&f with negs and telling someone they're a piece of sh!t.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
Sure Jigga, I'll take you up on this pissing contest.

Without getting into too much detail, I have worked as a consultant for over 20 fortune 500 companies, including NASA, Warner Brothers, Disney, Snap-On Tools, Las Vegas (yes, the city), the People's Choice Awards, and many others. My music is signed to a series of record labels across the world and I have vip contacts coast to coast. I am an entrepreneur and have successfully operated two companies including the one I run now at the age of 23. Physically, I weigh about 200lbs at 10% BF (just started a bulking phase). I am currently juggling four plates who are all extremely interested and would beg for me to shoot my load all over their face at any given moment.

I'm sure you're quite successful too (right?), but it's obvious you let your success go straight to your head. Your reaction was arrogant and immature, fleeting, and sloppy. If you truly didn't care about this girl and were spinning plates you would have no problems leaving her in the dust for other options the instant she disrespected you.


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
yea you got 4 plates spinning and your on here. Well i wont get into detail but I just finished my Masters degree and probably going to get my MBA starting in 2 months and im sure you went to a private school for high school right, where your classmates are going to harvard, yale, etc. I drive a 2008 mercedes got a 3,000 dollar watch with 2,500 earrings sure you got the same sh1t. and im sure u r shoulder pressing 80 pound dumbells or curling 65lbs dumb bells and got a six pack and get eye fvcked and whistled at when you are walking around shirtless at a las vegas pool.

Ive hung with royalty dude, presidential family members, high ranking government officials and know pretty closely a former deputy prime minister (VP) of a country. Im sure youve been around people that everywhere you go you see people saluting them right? I know and met people who have power beyond your belief and people that can get me to people. I can get in contact with VIP's celebrity or politician you chose. I can get a movie script infront of the biggest celebrity you can think of. Ive rolled with people that have 5 personal bodyguards strapped with machine guns and need to go in fully amored suburbans just to go to fvcking mcdonalds. Ive traveled to places where you i gurantee you have never been. I got contacts with former CEOs. Im sure you have dealt with the same through your club/bar vip contacts lol. what can you get me on the list? haha dude ive worked for some of the largest companies in the world. you think you know sh1t cause your 23? you aint successful trust me. you could be later on but not right now youre not retired. Im sure you have the same experiences as me and just as diverse.

i did care about this girl and she cared about me but she is a fvcking AW and thats what they do they want an instant fix if their self esteem is low at that very moment they dont give a fvck who its from either. it p1sses me off more cause she is the least best lookin girl i have dealt with. shes good looking but ive had way better. AW's deserve to have sh1t talked to them regardless. They are heartless and selfish and manipulative so why not be a d1ck. how can you respect a girl all the time that lies and does fvcked up sh1t. if you ever have or ever deal with an AW you will see. Your life will be flipped upside down if you ar enot a d1ck to them. I dont feel bad yelling at her really maybe a little but if it was a normal girl i would feel super bad.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
This is quickly turning into the ultimate "I have the most expensive penis extension (expensive car, watch, clothes, lifestyle,etc), and you can't compete" thread.

p.s.- Fat People Rule! (and I'm not even fat).


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
jigga23 said:
yWell i wont get into detail but I just finished my Masters degree and probably going to get my MBA starting in 2 months and im sure you went to a private school for high school right, where your classmates are going to harvard, yale, etc. I drive a 2008 mercedes got a 3,000 dollar watch with 2,500 earrings sure you got the same sh1t. and im sure u r shoulder pressing 80 pound dumbells or curling 65lbs dumb bells and got a six pack and get eye fvcked and whistled at when you are walking around shirtless at a las vegas pool.

Ive hung with royalty dude, presidential family members, high ranking government officials and know pretty closely a former deputy prime minister (VP) of a country. Im sure youve been around people that everywhere you go you see people saluting them right? I know and met people who have power beyond your belief and people that can get me to people. I can get in contact with VIP's celebrity or politician you chose. I can get a movie script infront of the biggest celebrity you can think of. Ive rolled with people that have 5 personal bodyguards strapped with machine guns and need to go in fully amored suburbans just to go to fvcking mcdonalds. Ive traveled to places where you i gurantee you have never been. I got contacts with former CEOs. Im sure you have dealt with the same through your club/bar vip contacts lol. what can you get me on the list? haha dude ive worked for some of the largest companies in the world. you think you know sh1t cause your 23? you aint successful trust me. you could be later on but not right now youre not retired. Im sure you have the same experiences as me and just as diverse.
I thought you weren't going into detail? You sound like a douche, and you deserve everything you get with this girl, glutton for punishment.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
Jigga look man, im not here to say who has a bigger ****.

In fact **** it, I have an mba from cornell, drive a ferrari 355, used to model for armani, and am a trader in abulge bracket bacnk, all in london. Oh im half braxilain, 6 foot, 7 percent body fat, just finished a cycle. How do you like them apples.

Now for some consrtuctive critism. When ever you shout or lose your cool, you give people validation.

The way you handled the situation ion the bar with the fat dude was childish. I completely agree that you should not let people walk over you.

This girls was probably testing you. she told you that she wanted to make out with the fat loser, a guy you are obviously much better that. you threatened her, and to show you who wears the pants she did it.

You then went into a hissy fit, showing her that you had an invested interest in her. So all of that **** funny bull**** you were talking about was or became in her eyes a front. she realised that deep dpwn, you are an insecure little boy.

Telos is completely right.




Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Holy sh1t are you insecure.

And basically what you are saying is that you gave lots of attention to an attention wh0re? Ohhhh, she wins.