Oh man I gave this AW a piece of my mind


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
Someone around here needs to find some humility........otherwise they're gonna find themselves in situations like this again and again..........


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
uh i got the AW by not giving her attention. you can only go so long without giving the proper attentin. motherfvcker you dont know me. insecure people need reassurance strictly from other people and cant find it with in themselves to be reassured idiot. AWs need other people to feel good. I dont i know my value and i will let it be known cause its all true. thats insecure genius. People ask so i tell cause i can back it up. its when you cant back it up then theres a problem. everything i said is true. i like to throw sh1t in peoples face when they talk sh1t like yourself to make your stupid azz stfu.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
Jigga, whats with this thirst to prove how tough, "successful" and whatever else you think you are? You sound like you barely made it through high school.

Where did you finish your upper division?


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
sf ca
dude the AW GOT you!! You're the one here posting threads about some AW that did absolutely what is expected of them, mess up your game. So because you can't seem to stay away from them and you crave the drama they provide, you had to post a thread and admit you got played. Now what is she doing? Well I can tell you 100% she isn't on some forum posting threads about you. She is probably playing one of the many many chumps she has on a string. The question is are you going to continue to be one of those chumps and continue to seek out AWs because you crave drama? Or are you finally going to wise up and realize that every time you get down and dirty with an AW it's you who goes home STINKING and needing to be hosed down?


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
LOL!! Who has the biggest penis extension??

Stay tuned.....


Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
this guy... he's just finished a masters but he's criticising someone who's 23? how long did it take him to get a degree...

he talks about getting onto club lists but he got kicked out by a fat bartender

he talks about people with 5 body guards.... who go to.... mcdonalds... wow they must be rich....

he talks about giving this girl no attention... but he freaked when she wanted to kiss someone, yelled at her when she did, text her after, text her again, called her, then stalked her facebook

the fact is you are giving the woman all she wants when you should have never gotten into her in the first place

if you are so successful, go spend your moneye and enjoy yourself instead of telling people on a website why you are such a loser


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
chinwaggler said:
this guy... he's just finished a masters but he's criticising someone who's 23? how long did it take him to get a degree...

he talks about getting onto club lists but he got kicked out by a fat bartender

he talks about people with 5 body guards.... who go to.... mcdonalds... wow they must be rich....

he talks about giving this girl no attention... but he freaked when she wanted to kiss someone, yelled at her when she did, text her after, text her again, called her, then stalked her facebook

the fact is you are giving the woman all she wants when you should have never gotten into her in the first place

if you are so successful, go spend your moneye and enjoy yourself instead of telling people on a website why you are such a loser
lol, hey he hangs with royalty too, show some respect, don't you know who he thinks he is?

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
jigga23 said:
uh i got the AW by not giving her attention. you can only go so long without giving the proper attentin. motherfvcker you dont know me. insecure people need reassurance strictly from other people and cant find it with in themselves to be reassured idiot. AWs need other people to feel good. I dont i know my value and i will let it be known cause its all true. thats insecure genius. People ask so i tell cause i can back it up. its when you cant back it up then theres a problem. everything i said is true. i like to throw sh1t in peoples face when they talk sh1t like yourself to make your stupid azz stfu.
jigga pleaze!!!!:crazy:


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
haha yea dude yea i never hung out with royal family members whne i lived overseas so impossible. Never rolled around with the son of the us ambassdor and the us ambassador himself. stfu. yea chinwaggler US ambassadors are not allowed to go to mcdonalds. hahah so dumb. gurantee he has more loot thant you and your family. once again you dont know me so stfu. Would you ever have the chance to meeting a president? dont think so. i do and thats the difference between me and you chump. read that sh1t chinwaggler. i was making a joke about using his VIP contacts to get on aclub list idiot. read its easy.im fvckin 25 and have 2 degrees jackazz. how many you got? or do you just got a GED? i aint claiming im successful cause im not retired and im not making millions and giving azz loads of money to charity to help people out. thats success. but i know what i have goin probably more than you and i have a better chance of getting there.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
jigga23 said:
haha yea dude yea i never hung out with royal family members whne i lived overseas so impossible. Never rolled around with the son of the us ambassdor and the us ambassador himself. stfu. yea chinwaggler US ambassadors are not allowed to go to mcdonalds. hahah so dumb. gurantee he has more loot thant you and your family. once again you dont know me so stfu. Would you ever have the chance to meeting a president? dont think so. i do and thats the difference between me and you chump. read that sh1t chinwaggler. i was making a joke about using his VIP contacts to get on aclub list idiot. read its easy.im fvckin 25 and have 2 degrees jackazz
You should really ask for your money back, because any accredited institution has failed in educating you.

I pity you man, you've got a lot of issues.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
Jigga, I'll just reiterate once again: You sound like an insecure chump and a class A d*ckhead.

By the way everyone, I think I know what royalty he was rolling with. I bet it was the Burger King himself. That must be the reason he needed an armed Humvee to hit up McDonald's..
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
Would you ever have the chance to meeting a president?
Man, you are so articulate. I really feel as if I am basking in the aura of transcendental greatness right now.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
Telos said:
Jigga, I'll just reiterate once again: You sound like an insecure chump and a class A d*ckhead.

By the way everyone, I think I know the reason he needed an armed humvee to hit up McDonald's. I bet he was rolling with the Burger King himself.
Hey Jigga, with all your presidential connections can you tell me, is George Bush the Lizard KIng? :D


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
telos you are the f*g that called me out b1tch. what are u some super nice guy and a philanthropist? stfu. how many degress u got mr articulate? your burger king joke is so genius are you going to be able to get me in contact with all your VIP contacts so I can skip the line at the club and pay no cover? haha. please dude. you guys are humble and im not so what live with it. just cause you cant be as c0cky, confident and self assured doesnt mean you gotta hate. rhoto youre a little humble pvssy and dont have the balls to flaunt sh1t cause you got nothing to flaunt. youre probalby some average joe with no unique life experiences and just average looking if that and a fat azz or a skinny pvssy. bet u just get the average looking girls at best. guranteed ive been with way hotter pvssy than you.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
jigga23 said:
telos you are the f*g that called me out b1tch. what are u some super nice guy and a philanthropist? stfu. how many degress u got mr articulate? your burger king joke is so genius are you going to be able to get me in contact with all your VIP contacts so I can skip the line at the club and pay no cover? haha. please dude. you guys are humble and im not so what live with it. just cause you cant be as c0cky, confident and self assured doesnt mean you gotta hate. rhoto youre a little humble pvssy and dont have the balls to flaunt sh1t cause you got nothing to flaunt. youre probalby some average joe with no unique life experiences and just average looking if that and a fat azz or a skinny pvssy. bet u just get the average looking girls at best. guranteed ive been with way hotter pvssy than you.

As a MBA student I honestly do not think you would pass the GMAT with the grammar skills you are displaying in these posts.. I can hardly believe you have a Masters in anything but BS..


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
demo they teach to write using two periods at the end of each sentence?


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Jigga. You're the one that posted about how some AW went and got inside your head and fvcked your night up and now you're getting on everyone for telling you their opinions on what happened. Somehow us telling you what we thought of your situation turned into a reason for you to brag about all your sh!t, your degrees, your royal contacts. I guess I missed the step that gave you permission to make personal attacks on people for giving opinions. Why not just look over the advice given to you and use what you find useful and just ignore the rest of it. No need to turn into and arrogant prick as soon as someone disagrees with what you say.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Jigga is "he"msing. That's what you get when you mess with roids


Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
whats the point of asking for advice and then ripping apart anybody who comments on the post. We have established that you are wealthier and have connections, but you lack something thats why you come here. Instead of spreading your accomplishments around and proclaiming that you are the best how about you sit back and realize that in this country every body has different scenarios. We have immigrants who come here with nothing and reach middle class. We have people who are born in America but throw away their ability to make something of themselves. We have people who are born into wealth but lose it due to not knowing the responsibilities. We have people who are disabled and have to beg for every penny they earn. The list can go on forever, and according to your social status, it is pretty evident that you are "better" than these people. Yet, some of those people are here trying to figure out not only how to **** *****es but also how to improve their lifestyles. They are on this message board to share experiences, to provide advice, to develop their own character by communicating with those who may be higher or lower on the social food chain. I am grateful for what I have in life, because in Russia I would have a lot less. The more I post and read on this forum and apply a certain positive mindset that is mentioned in motivational posts, the more I understand myself and life. Unlike the other guys here attacking you. I congratulate you, not everyone has connection like you do, not everyone is born into a family that can provide you with utmost care and education. There are struggles that you experience that others don't and vice versa. I want to wrap this up. Stop going for attention *****s. If you are the quality man that you say you are,apply your success to women who are not attention *****s. You have achieved so much, why bring yourself back to a lower level class?


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
yea i know what youre saying Zar but what can you expect when someone says your just insecure and lacking whatever. Thats a personal attack. The only have to say you shouldve walked away etc. but personal attacks shouldnt be mentioned. its not hard to say you were wrong in acting like that and shouldnt have said whatever. simple. besides i knew what i did i just wanted to vent