hey guys a quick FR
last night i was out after a long week ... was a bit tired but felt really good because i had my motorcycle licence yesterday
so i was with a goo friend and i met my cousin and his GF
his GF bring her cousin
she wasnt really hot but a beautiful body ... me being a bit difficult with that i just decided to have fun with her and not trying anything
just practice convo when we was out she was receptive and some IOI
so we went to a dance bar where i like to go sometimes (great black music) and we all danced
at first she told me 'why you're not dancing ?'
then i started to dance she came and say she wanted me to teach her how to move
so i explained to her how to do
long short story we danced a little ass to ass and me holding her from behind
after that i was tired to dance and just walk to the table where our stuff was
she came to take her cigarettes from her coat and touch my balls (not intentionnally (im sure about that because she was looking on her coat and not a false movement ... im not a beginner i can make the difference)
convo time: (i had always this smile on my face nothing agressive)
so i told her : 'next time keep your hand for yourself'
she: 'what ?'
me: 'next time keep your hand to yourself .... you touched my penis'
she: 'are you crazy ?! who want to touch you ?!'
me: 'didnt said you wanted to but you did ... crazy how the girl think about one things!'
she: 'watch out what your saying i'll hit you' (her being a bit agressive and hold her hand up)
me: looked into her eyes and said : 'put your hand down you can't be a gangsted' (then i just pushed her hand away)
me: 'but that's a fact you women always think about it'
again agressive until the end of convo) 'no ... you guys are better !'
me: 'on that point i must say we are alike we both like sex but you women like it more'
she: 'no i'm not like everyone i'm not like that !'
me: 'look it's a long convo and we can't talk about it here to noisy ... maybe next time'
then i continued to dance
she then grabed her cousin and talked to her about something look like the convo we had (by judging her cousin and her looking at me from time to time and her cousin saying something like joke)
from no on i ignored her until the end of the night (30minutes later)
and then i said bye to everyone with a warm hug and kiss (we french, kissing everyone) but to her i just did a high five
what do you think about it guys ?
or what happened to her ?
i must say i had a smile all the night and never being psychopathe or creepy or weirdo
last night i was out after a long week ... was a bit tired but felt really good because i had my motorcycle licence yesterday
so i was with a goo friend and i met my cousin and his GF
his GF bring her cousin
she wasnt really hot but a beautiful body ... me being a bit difficult with that i just decided to have fun with her and not trying anything
just practice convo when we was out she was receptive and some IOI
so we went to a dance bar where i like to go sometimes (great black music) and we all danced
at first she told me 'why you're not dancing ?'
then i started to dance she came and say she wanted me to teach her how to move
so i explained to her how to do
long short story we danced a little ass to ass and me holding her from behind
after that i was tired to dance and just walk to the table where our stuff was
she came to take her cigarettes from her coat and touch my balls (not intentionnally (im sure about that because she was looking on her coat and not a false movement ... im not a beginner i can make the difference)
convo time: (i had always this smile on my face nothing agressive)
so i told her : 'next time keep your hand for yourself'
she: 'what ?'
me: 'next time keep your hand to yourself .... you touched my penis'
she: 'are you crazy ?! who want to touch you ?!'
me: 'didnt said you wanted to but you did ... crazy how the girl think about one things!'
she: 'watch out what your saying i'll hit you' (her being a bit agressive and hold her hand up)
me: looked into her eyes and said : 'put your hand down you can't be a gangsted' (then i just pushed her hand away)
me: 'but that's a fact you women always think about it'
me: 'on that point i must say we are alike we both like sex but you women like it more'
she: 'no i'm not like everyone i'm not like that !'
me: 'look it's a long convo and we can't talk about it here to noisy ... maybe next time'
then i continued to dance
she then grabed her cousin and talked to her about something look like the convo we had (by judging her cousin and her looking at me from time to time and her cousin saying something like joke)
from no on i ignored her until the end of the night (30minutes later)
and then i said bye to everyone with a warm hug and kiss (we french, kissing everyone) but to her i just did a high five
what do you think about it guys ?
or what happened to her ?
i must say i had a smile all the night and never being psychopathe or creepy or weirdo