Official bootcamp thread starting 9/16/04

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Aresx
OR/FR (outing report/field report): Another Miserable Failure
Date: 9/18/04

I've broken this OR/FR into parts to make it all easier for you to read.

This sucks.

-Part 1: Pembroke Lakes Mall
I go to the Mall at about 8pm, to try and establish some eye contact and maybe say Hi and have a short conversation with some girls. After about 45 minutes, I leave. I got no eye contact, and the only girl who bothered to look at me and say Hi was a clerk in Pacific Sunwear. What a failure. Am I really that ugly? At this point I'm not discouraged, I just decided that to get eye contact I should maybe get an interesting T-shirt or something that will draw attention.

-Part 2: Walgreens
My eyes are pretty red from the contacts, so I drive to a Walgreens to buy some eyedrops. In front of me in the line, there is a blond HBugly. WTF is an HBugly, you might ask. An HBugly is a woman who by all standards could have been or probably WAS hot 10 years ago, but the alcohol and/or sun exposure and/or drugs has caught up with her. Anyway, I figure what the hell - I point to a tiger tattoo on her shoulder and say "Does that mean anything?" She turns to me and says "What do you mean?" And I mention how most tattoos to people have a special meaning. And she says kind of, that she knows where she was and who gave it to her, but that's all. We fluff about candy for a minute, pay for our stuff, and leave. I think I am better when I don't go out to specifically pick up a woman. The last time I picked up a woman (although I never closed any of them) was hanging out at a Barnes & Noble. Hey, Barnes & Noble - what a good idea. So I head over there.

-Part 3: Barnes & Noble
I am in Barnes & Noble for 1 hour. I do nothing until 55 minutes into being there. I am hovering near some girl in the Philosophy section, and about to ask her what she's reading, and then some guy shows up. I say "**** this" and I leave. At this point I am getting really discouraged. Plus, the places I was going to go are now closed. So I head on over to a 24-hour Wal-Mart in Cooper City. I am determined to stay there until I get at least one PU.

-Part 4: Wal-Mart
I left after an hour. I walked around, got eye-contact with one HB7 and forgot to say Hi. I justified it because she was with her little brother (or son?). OMG, I am scared of a girl's little brother. I am such a wussy. I now realize why I haven't been able to sleep the past few nights. It's not that I'm lonely, it's that I'm worse at the game than I thought I was. I always had my neighbor to ****, but with her it was part luck and part her being a slut - and nothing to do with my PU skills. Unfortunately, she moved. I am discouraged at this point, so I go to the gas station to get gas and head home.

-Part 5: Mirror-Image?
At the gas station, this small hispanic guy, probably early 20's, approaches me and says "Hey man, I'm not gonna rob you or anything, but could you give me a ride to Hiatus Road? I'll give you $10 - It's just down the street, and my boy ditched me..." etc. I tell him to keep his money, he disagrees, so I say fine. In the car, we make some small talk, and I have a pen in my hand at all times, and keep an eye on any stab openings, just in case. But I drop him off at this pool hall, and then he actually invites me to play with him. I say sure (it's not like I've been doing anything else). He buys me a pitcher of beer and goes over and talks to two complete strangers, this black man and his Hispanic GF/wife. We play them pool, and this guy has them laughing and eating **** with him. And here I am, all alone, can't make a ****ing move towards a girl. Fate is ironic.

So I leave, he gives me his number, I get his, and he calls me on the way home and tells me to call him tomorrow. I am using this guy as a social ticket, and I'm sure he's using me as a ride or something. Apparently he can get into big name clubs at South Beach because he's friends with certain bouncers - as friendly as he is, I don't doubt it.

I am very discouraged and feel emasculated. At least writing these Field Reports makes me feel somewhat better, and gives me a glimmer of hope that I'm make slow and eventual progress. I'm disappointed with myself, though, so I'm going to go workout at Porky's (a 24-hr gym), and make progress in at least ONE area of my life tonight.

-Nocturnal (
-AresX (
So you've picked up one guy so far...yeahhhhh bootcamp! How ironic.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
week 1 day whatever

so far..eye contact with just about everyone ive passed.

talk to about 15 to 20 girls.

3 rejections
2 boyfriends
4 or 5 girl jsut didnt hit if off with
5 numbers

this isnt hard..It didnt take me long to relax. I really dont think women are intimidating. after what my best friend Tara did this weekend..and she is a hb8 or 9. I realize women are as ****ing stupid as guys.

its simple guys dont be a *****. just be a man. and its that simple..i dont really feel unconfident at all. I realize now my demise was sitting at home smoking weed for a yr.

im going to finish this with you guys tho.

and Im here for support and advice. good luck fellas


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by frivolousz21
week 1 day whatever

so far..eye contact with just about everyone ive passed.

talk to about 15 to 20 girls.

3 rejections
2 boyfriends
4 or 5 girl jsut didnt hit if off with
5 numbers

this isnt hard..It didnt take me long to relax. I really dont think women are intimidating. after what my best friend Tara did this weekend..and she is a hb8 or 9. I realize women are as ****ing stupid as guys.

its simple guys dont be a *****. just be a man. and its that simple..i dont really feel unconfident at all. I realize now my demise was sitting at home smoking weed for a yr.

im going to finish this with you guys tho.

and Im here for support and advice. good luck fellas
Hey, I would appreciate if you would give some examples on how you got the numbers. Such as you walked up to her (describe how you were walking up to her..ex bodylanguage, EC, and facial expression) and said "_____" and she replied with "____".

Helps me learn from other peoples experience. Great job and keep it up.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Aresx

I am very discouraged and feel emasculated. At least writing these Field Reports makes me feel somewhat better, and gives me a glimmer of hope that I'm make slow and eventual progress. I'm disappointed with myself, though, so I'm going to go workout at Porky's (a 24-hr gym), and make progress in at least ONE area of my life tonight.

-Nocturnal (
-AresX (
Weird, you go from having a great first report to a terrible second report. Don't let it get to you. You had a chick wanting you real bad that has a b/f, yet in the last report your beating yourself up.

Hey, if you can get me into clubs in south beach (I am 19), I would be more then willing to help you out...


Don Juan
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
brooklyn, New york
Week one Day 2


i got laid on day 2 of Week 1 hell ya!!!!


So i didn't lol

Nothing special happened today i just said hello to 10 people. One girl was really horny when i looked at her and said hi. I could tell by her body language.

So far....

EC- Countless
Convo- 0
sex- 0
BJ- 0

Also what i learned today is when u do EC and gaze into there eye u get excited and she also smiles when u do this.

Ak Firing out.....


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il

for one...

I am an attractive guy..(IM NOT TOOTING MY OWN HORN HERE) I am about a 7 on the 1 to 10 scale.

I have busted my ass to get in shape.

this is a pic of me:

I have an 8.3...that should bottom out around a 7.5-8 that is a bad pic.
so i know that i am an attractive guy.

on I have 37 girls voted they would **** me.and 15 said no..thats a good enuf margin.

so i know im decently easy on the eye.

if u dont know where u rank..get pics..yes its all me. but if u think ur a 8 and ur a 3...good luck.

next its have to believe in cannot doubt yourself. when i started this boot camp..I knewmy life was fine..I was just concerned with my dating skills. train your mind..

stand up straight
smile alot..practice it.

DONT OVERREACT. this weeknd this girl was blowing me off..i kept persisting till I knew to quit..i got her to take a shot of something..and she relaxed..and I got her number.

so keep ur emotions in check...touch her..u have to touch her touch the small of her back if u can..when ur leaving and u walk by her... touch the small of her back.



you guys can do this.

one way to be confident is to practice and practice and practice

guys if you arent in shape..get ur ass in makes life and everything so much easier..and ur health too.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL
FR: Workplace Game

-Part 1: On needing a reason to talk to a girl
I work in a Barnes & Noble. This is great for meeting women, because they have to come up to me for help, so it's almost like THEY approached me, so that part of the equation is gone, and so is my anxiety.

Yet, when I attempt to approach women outside of this, I feel that I need to have a reason why I go up and talk to them. As Shark would say, I need to have an "excuse".

Anyone have any advice on how to counter feeling this way? It's not as easy for me to just think a different way... I have to have a justified reason to my self. I need to fill in these blanks:

I see an HB I want to approach. I don't get nervous, this is because I know I can

approach the HB because _________. Whether or not she's not into me, __________.

(I had typed "rejected" instead of "not into me", but changed it. She's not actually rejecting me, she's just not into me, correct?)

-Part 2: HBFalcon
Anyway... one of the customers I help is HBFalcon8. Falcon because her last name is falcon, and she LOOKS like a falcon: graceful and severe at the same time. Not a *****y face, not a sweet face, and with some mischief hidden in her eyes. She is either giving me IOI's or she naturally has that face, where a guy can think a girl is giving him IOI's.

Whatever. After learning her last name, I tell her:

Me: Your name suits you.
HBFalcon: My name zoots-su?
Me: No, your name SUITS YOU.
HBFalcon: Oh whoops. (smiles, stares at me)
Me: (laughs at her) WHAT did you think I said?
HBFalcon: (smiles) I dunno. Some weird language thing.
Me: Riiiiight. No, I meant you look like your name. You look like a falcon.
HBFalcon: (eyes widen with curiousity) Really? Why?
Me: I don't know, there's just something about you. Something... almost evil.
HBFalcon: (laughs... God she looks ****ing beautiful) Yeah well, maybe. I've had kind

of a rough day.
Me: Yeah. (packs her stuff in her bag, hands it to her) Alright well, see you evil one.
HBFalcon: (smiles, leaves)

NOOO!!!! I could have picked up on "I've had a bad day" and continued conversation,

but I didn't. Why?
1) My boss was 10 feet away from me.
2) There was a line (I was the cashier)
3) Didn't think about it.

Crap. Oh well, maybe I'll see her again (as usually happens with the girls I used to

meet), maybe I won't. Then who knows.

-Part 3: My discovery of "The Scrutinizing Look"
I had read somewhere last night about the scrutinizing look you should give women.

To quote: "the type of look that a painter looks at his canvas when he steps back to

'scrutinize' his finished masterpiece" or something like that. Stuck with me a bit.

Today, I did it quite by accident to one girl, and she smiled. She's walking towards the

exit, I'm at the cash registers, and we make eye contact for a second. I think she is

someone I know, but I can't tell, so I 'scrutinize' her (squint my eyes just a bit, but focus

more at what your watching) and she smiles at me while she is walking out. I couldn't

tell if she was a HB5 or a HB7. That's why I was trying to focus.

Hmmm... lesson learned, quite by accident.

Not bad, not good. I think it's better for me to BE a PUA/DJ instead of going out at

nights or on weekends trying to ACT like one for a mission. Maybe this attitude, the

constantly being ON, will help my game improve much faster.

"Don't hate the player, don't hate the game. Go f.uck yourself instead, and leave me alone." - Nocturnal


"So you've picked up one guy so far...yeahhhhh bootcamp! How ironic." LOL. Yep, ain't that a b.itch.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score

definatly getting better at the hole eye contact thing. Thing that pisses me off is most of the people i try to make eye contact with at school wont do it, there all off in their own little world. Oh well, don't think i looked away once until after they did on the ones i did get eye contact with. Hvae been able to get some good ec in on people i already know though.

edit/update for tonight:

well, called this chick up that i had got a number from 2 see if she wanted 2 play minigolf this weekend. she said she couldn't, oh well. definatly improving though. last year i wouldnt of even talked to this chick, wouldve wasted a whole year on her. and, suprisingly, the rejection aint all that bad. Can c what i definatly need to work on though, mainly my convos and some kino, did horrible at both wen i got this girls #.
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Don Juan
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
week 1 weekend - monday

well friday night sucked. i work in a nightclub behind a bar. i've been working there for maybe 5 months now and for some reason i've never had the balls to flirt with women on the other side of the bar. its probably because of how attractive 90% of the girls that come there are. ( for pics)

well friday night was a little different, i made eye contact and smiled at a few girls there but i didn't really talk to any of them.

saturday night was where the progress came. i saw this cute HB there buying a drink from someone at my bar.we made eye contact for a few seconds then i raised an eyebrow and she smiled. i knew she's probably be back to buy a drink so i just went on with work and kind of ignored her a little bit.

of course she came to buy another drink and i made eye contact with her again. by this time i had taken a couple of shots so i was pretty relaxed. i go up to her, say hi and ask her name. she tells me, i make small talk for a little while, ask her her age once again she tells me, 22. then she asks how old i am. at this point i start to remember some of the things i learned from david deangelo's works. so i use the,"why? so you can go brag to all your friends how you picked up this gorgeous older guy?" (im 21 but most people say i look like im 17.) she gets a kick out of it but continue's to ask for my age while i have a little fun. i use the email to phone number technique (thanks david D!) and get her info. then i ask when's a good time to call, she tells me then i say,"great...ill see what i can do. it was nice to meet you but i have to get back to work now!"

what a great feeling!

also i found a new technique on the bus for starting a conversation. When you're sitting behind her, pull her hair! thats right... i just sit behind them and give a little tug on a strand of hair then when she turns around i look up and left and start whistling a little she obviously knows it was me. when she turns around i do it again but this time when she looks back again i say,"why are you looking at was that cute guy sitting in the seat behind you that pulled your hair" this will get a smile and she'll either start up the conversation or turn around grinning. either is fine, because as long as she doesn't get *****y about it she just invited you to talk with her.

the two girls i tried this on were an HB7 and HB8.5

i didn't number close either of these girls but i probably could have. either way im having a GREAT success with this boot camp so far!

well since friv posted his pic ill put my mine


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
41 know as well as i do that you need more than just a nice body to get women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
of coure being being in good shape helps

for your looks and own confidence.

I dont care anymore if a women thinks Im so hot...I can look in the mirror and be damn proud of the work ive done. and Im more proud of my grades, job, friends, family and anything else I try at.

and that makes me a happpy person.

being happy with who u want to be will make ur life great in all facets...

true to oneself


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
Yo Recluce,

You weren't kidding about the hot chics at your bar:

Look at the stomach on that chic with the red top. Ouch that is hot.

Anyhow, with that many hot chics right there under your nose I expect you to be making some serious boot camp progress as the weeks move on. You got the body and looks going, you just need to work on the attitude.

Of course you've got a lot of us moving right along with you...


New Member
Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Week 1 Tuesday

I'm mainly sticking with week one of the program. Throughout the week, I've probably said hi to 50+ people, and stared into the eyes of countless people. I don't know, though...most people just walk by without taking notice. However, that doesn't stop me from looking at them, and when they look at me I never look away, but just smile and say hi. Busy with school, though. On Friday I'm going backpacking around Brisbane and staying in hostels, and this will give me ample time to work on the week 2 material.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Originally posted by MrCode
Yo Recluce,

You weren't kidding about the hot chics at your bar:

Look at the stomach on that chic with the red top. Ouch that is hot.

Anyhow, with that many hot chics right there under your nose I expect you to be making some serious boot camp progress as the weeks move on. You got the body and looks going, you just need to work on the attitude.

Of course you've got a lot of us moving right along with you...
But dude, the girl in the red has a weird MAN face! The best is the girl on the right...most natural looking.

And ProduceDpt, good to see another Aussie doing bootcamp! Keep it up, I'm interested to see whether we can have as much success with cold approaches compared to Americans.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
lol, do anyone actually take hotornot seriously? I'm rated 9.4 right now. Yeah right I'm a 9.4. :rolleyes: I'm like a 5 or something IMO.

I'm sad to say I haven't had the slightest time to approach a single chick, I have been studying, taking some breaks to come here and watch your progress, two examns today in eight hours. I'll do some extra stuff next week to catch up.

The sum of approaches with the intend of getting laid is 8 for me this week, Feels a little bitter having two open chicks who i know I could have got. :/ Anyways, I will have to rethink doing ADs machine, it is very hard to know if the girl is interested before I approach if there is no eye contact. So I will modify the machine and approach, if she doesn't seem happy meeting me during the first two minutes I'll bail out and leave her to the rats.

Recluce: Great work with that chick, that was some inspiration to us all :D And you dicided to post that tip huh, it's seems like a fun way to approach as long as you don't get filed for sexual harassment by a feminist :)

ProduceDpt: Very nice indeed, 50+ that's real good. Don't worry about people who doesn't look, many are to self absorbed and have bad self esteem, it is not you it is them.

And to everyone else, keep up the good work, I'm happy coming here and reading about how well you are all doing.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL

I rated myself a 7
Other people gave me a 4, 9, & 10

There is a few problems with getting rated on this site, though.

1) You can't tell who's rating you. Maybe an UG is attracted to you. I met this girl online like 2 years ago, and when she saw a picture of me, she was like "wow, you're hot", when I saw her picture, I was like "um.... yeah, you too" (I lied).

2) A lot of gay guys find me attractive for some reason. It could be them rating me as the higher scores.

3) someone could just be doing a quick browsing of pictures, not really wanting to bother to take the time to actually judge the person, but just to get to the next person. So they pick either 1 or 10, and it messes up your average.

Oh well, I'm gonna go to myspace. Look for me under xxxPantero. Me ExLTR:
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Don Juan
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
brooklyn, New york
I am Seeing the light finnally.

So far i only have 22 hi's (Damn teachers been giving too much homework to go do the Boot camp.)

Countless Eye contact

I have found that i am more confident now that i've done eye contact. Why, u ask because i finnally been getting some signs from 4 girls in my school.

1) girl hugs me like everytime she sees me and she tells people we go out. She also always sits on my lap during lunch time
2) Another girl, When i give her eye contact she always gives a really pretty smile as if she wants me to talk to her. ( Her eyes are real pretty lol)
3) This girl i manage to finnally talk to her. Now she joined my group and me and her always playing around. We get alot of kino going on and we both now say Tarter sauce (From spongebob, something had happened with me and her and we ended up saying that to each other)
4) This girl showed biggest interest. I every time i do EC with her just gets horny. Today during computer she was bent over copying something and i brushed real hard on her ass. After that everytime i would go the direction she bent over as made it look as if we were in doggie style. :cool: At end of class she bent over to early so when i walked by her she bent over at the last second and her ass almost knocked me over:p But i did feel up on her ass when i said something to her cant remember. An she was like

Her: "Kiss my ass"
Me: "Ok turn around"

She left up that nice big ass and i was looking at the view for a bit. i then was feeling on it and then stopped cause teacher was about to see. After she was showing me under her skirt and she was like she is going to give me "Blue balls" lol. I'm not going to overcomplicate anything on wheter that was a good or bad thing. I think i did good and tomor i'm hoping to get her real horny in the class room again.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
over today and yesterday i've spoken to about 8 or 9 girls for more than a minute. some have been really hot, but i already knew those ones so it doesn't count.

i had a convo with this hb8 (probably a 9 in other people's books (long legs, blonde) but she's the same height as me - don't like) today who i knew from last year. but it sucked ass; one of those catchup convos where she tells you everything she did during the summer and then repeatedly asks you what you've been doing while you're trying to remain a mystery at the same time. i was making her laugh, but she didn't vibe well with me. so, next

3 girls - i've met recently (they stay in my block of halls), ljbf i think - maybe meet other girls through them

i was out at the union with one girl and about 7 guys who were all pretty much strangers to me. i talked to the girl a little, but the guys were like dogs, trapping her in this corner and wouldn't let her out. she was a 7 at best and the last thing she was gonna get was another guy in that corner with her. next

so, nothing very appealing so far. guess i'm goin to have to keep at it. it's a numbers game, right?

on the train today, instead of sticking my head in some book, i offered this old couple opposite me some peanuts, which turned into an interesting 50 minute convo, so i'm pretty chuffed.

one good thing that has come from this is that i've made new friends and have turned old acquaintances into possible friends who i can go out sarging with. this weekend is gonna be great and i'll keep you posted.