Official bootcamp thread starting 9/16/04


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
day 1 week 1

very successful....went out a bar..had 3 cold conversations..that all went well.

made good eye contact with about 15 girls there.


right when i got there..I thought..ok im a little nervous..but I cant fail the guys in bootcamp! so i said **** it..and took a deep breathe..and went at it..after 2 or 3 min..I relaxed for the rest of the night!


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
day 2-3 week 1

well this is my first report... it hasn't been going too good. i'm trying the EC... i haven't gone out since we started the BC but so i have been practising in high school, i got about 15 EC and 8 hi's
weekend is up so i mite be goin to parties, where i could practice more... well that's about it

good luck to others

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Alright I'm in.

frivolous did you get my pm?

Here's my background. I'm 27, I am still in college (I started when I was 24) and I have like no social skills whatsoever. I have a big problem with Social Anxiety but it HAS gotten better this semester since I forced myself to take a speech class. Because I am older it is really hard for me to make friends at school or talk to girls (I always feel left out cuz I'm older). I never get invited to parties and I don't know where to start.

I am joining this to force myself out there, make more friends and get better with girls.

My goal is to make it past week 4. If I can do that I will be very satisfied, past week 5 the bootcamp focuses on dating tons of girls and I would be happy with just one or two. But who knows, my goals might change along the way.

Okay it's Friday night, I have no one to go to the bars with but I will go to the gym and I will work on my "hi's" there.

Good luck to everyone else who is out there.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
The day begun with a lot of promise, I went to another city to party and the people there really SUCKED!!! One was ok and he and me went around and partied.

There was a girl at the party which I hit on, I began lightly by making some casual conversation and mingled with people leaving her alone! Then we got some rapport, she responded good when we talked about if she would ever be good as a terrorist. Then we slipped into fate/astrology and it is hard to discribe but I gave more and more intense body language towards her and read her signals doing some tests by touching her she responded real well when I put my arm around her she responded by putting hers around mine, she was def. going for fclose. The thing that kept me back was that my buddy who was celebrating his 20th birthday told me he was interested so I could not go further though I am sure we both wanted to.

Well we split from the party and went around, finally we found a place and started to have fun, I approached three girls and they responded good, lauged a little and had fun, this was not AD's machine but ordinary approach.

Later at the train station I met two guys who wanted to lay some chicks, I wanted to help them along so I approached three more girls and opened up a convo, they laughed a lot and we def. had some rapport going, so I waved the guy in to take over while I blocked the two other girls from ruining his game. <--- mind you I was a little drunk at the time.

Back at my city I walked from the station towards an illegal club, I met a girl I hadn't seen in a long time, she was hot and horny and just when I was about to start a make out session I was interupted by a group of people. Tough luck :/ So instead I went home since I was tired. Missed two good opportunities for lays. Better luck next time.

Cold Approaches: 0 (8)
Numbers: 0
Lays: 0
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New Member
Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Ironically, I had just found out about the Don Juan boot camp and had decided to go it alone on Tuesday, however it would be much better, I think, to join in on a group.

AIM handle is "Masta Wasabi"

I look forward to this.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Week 1, Day 1

I'm starting to wonder if we should all have our own Bootcamp journal. This thead is going to get congested.

Anyways I got 4 hi's in that I'm counting. I don't know about anyone else but I'm only counting the hi's to HB7's or better. Even though I did get a few hi's in to other people as well. I may have to count all hi's if I start to run out of time before next week.

One of the hi's was kind of cool, this is what was said:

me: Good morning (it was evening)
her: (smiling) Good afternoon!
me: I just wanted to see if you were paying attention.

she cracked up after that. I laughed pretty hard too. Note to self, don't laugh at own jokes.

I plan on getting 30 hi's in by Monday and I'll also put in some time on the EC exercise.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
That's funny ever onward.

Saying good morning in the evening

I'm definitely going to pull that some time!


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Week 1, Day 2

Today was an up and down day, but in the end reasonably successful.

It was a mate's 22nd birthday and he invited some people to a small bar in the city.

On the way there I thought I'd polish off the rest of my Hi's. I got 12 without too many problems although as with yesterday, many people were timid and would barely reply. One lady on a bench squeaked hello back as quiet as a mouse!

Only one Hi annoyed me. I was sitting down eating a sandwich and this HB8 dressed in business wear came walking past. She was giving me EC, then looked away, then turned back to give even more EC. I smiled, slightly nodded my head and said, "gday". On hearing this she showed a look of disgust and turned her head to face straight on with her nose up.

What a b1tch! She ogles me then gets insulted when I politely acknowledge her presence. I didn't have food on my face either.

My hi's are already done by the time I get on the train (final tally 52). I'd already decided to move straight into week two to carry on my momentum.

Just as soon as I shifted my mind to conversations with strangers, an opportunity presents itself. This guy about my age sits diagonally to me and accidentally bumps knees with me. He says, "Sorry mate." I say, "No worries, how's it going?"

We start chatting and he's easy to get along with (which could be because he's drinking beer :) on his first one though). He's from the country and is trying to change his ways and start afresh. Within 5 minutes we were exchanging funny stories. One of these was about cruising around throwing coins at hookers :D

Everyone was listening and knew that we'd only just met on the train. We didn't care about people overhearing the sometimes risque content though. It was fun! I did get many looks from all sorts of people after he left the train.

In the city I noticed there were couples EVERYWHERE. One of those "Couples Day's" that annoy AFCs. And they were all holding hands or walking arm in arm. Note to self - never go looking for single women on the city streets on Friday early evening.

I get to the bar and meet my friends there. I don't really like the's really poky and congested, they don't have local beer on tap and the chicks who go are kinda alternative. Not a pick-up joint. But I'm going to be positive and make the most of it.

When I arrive there are only 5 in the group. The birthday boy introduces me and my other mate to the other 3 - two tall sullen looking guys and the HB8 girlfriend of one of them. After the introductions the guys slightly turned their bodies back to the birthday guy and resumed their convo. This effectively closed off my friend and I from the group...extremely rude social behaviour!

I talk to my friend and another chick friend but we are stuck in a crappy corner and I can't scout for any talent :(. The HB8 GF is standing silently now so I start having a friendly chat with her, not flirty at all. She is nice, but soon the loser boyfriend is standing nearby looking at us funny. He says something I can't hear, HB8 starts to look uncomfortable, and the conversation is ended.

WTF! If a girl is in THE GROUP, I have free license to chat with her. The guy was named Pat...what can you expect with a name like that?

I talk to another girl in the party crowd but she is a 5.5 at best, gives me no eye contact and is kinda rude. One of those arty types. Whatever

I get a chance to look around but it's pretty disappointing. An average hippy chick smiles at me but no thanks. My mate and I are about to leave when I see an HB6.5 sitting on a couch near the exit. We start chatting and she is friendly and giving good EC. Used some C+F but not as much as usual...I was really just playing the "don't give a fvck" role to a tee. Her friends were right there but I didn't bother to c0ckblock.

After 10 mins I went for a number close and she said, "Sorry andy but I really shouldn't because I have a boyfriend." Of course, it was Couples Day after all! I didn't really mind....different to my other failed number closes. I'm definitely getting more confident.

On the train back home at 11pm another friend calls and wants to get a DVD and pizza with me. He picks me up and I fill him in on all the news with the other guys in our friendship group (not the people at the bar tonight). He says, "You're like the middle man." Hmm I'd never thought of it that way....but then I realise I'm definitely the leader of this 4. Whenever someone wants to do something they call me first.

Now to just expand the group...

Edit: sorry for the length...damn I talk to much!...I'll be starting week 2 in a seperate thread.


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
After 10 mins I went for a number close and she said, "Sorry andy but I really shouldn't because I have a boyfriend."
your response should be,"wow...i've known you for 10 minutes and you're already telling me about your problems?"


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
haha good one.

I actually said, "ahh well, nobody's perfect"


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Week 1 Status Report:
Thursday - at least 10 hello's from fine women good EC good Convo's (btw I work in a grocery store so this is where I pickup on girls FYI if you need a base to start try hitting a few grocery stores I see a TON of hot women... everyone has to eat right.)
After Work - Nothing Went out to the bar till 1:30am had to work at 5:30am bar was totaly lame cops showed up at 1:30 and there was maybe 3 HB8's in the bar thats it so the guy to girl ration was like 40:3 Lame.
Friday - All I have to say is **** what a hangover. Anyway got maybe 2 or 3 hello's have a hard time keeping track cause I'm always drunk/high or somewhere in between/both at work.
I work with 3 HB7/8's Only saw 2 of them tday both complimented me on my looks... lol

BTW I was fallowing old BC so I wasnt # closing or anything just playing around guess I should be more serious but I'm getting my own place and stuff this week so I'm kinda busy with parties and drug deals.

Also, I've Always used the "Good Morning" at night thing its awsome convo starter.

And I duno about u guys.. but if the girl isnt semi-model quality I generally wont go for a hi or EC they stalk me sometimes...

Anyone haveing lots of girls seem insecure/uncertain around you?


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 2

As I walk to the party with a couple of friends. 4 women walking the other way look at us and say "Hi". I replied with "Hey, where are you going?"..They said they were leaving and just wanted to say "hi". So, I left it at that.

When we arrive to the party, it was real awkward. No one was dancing and everyone was just standing around talking to people they know. I approach this 2 ladies I saw dancing together and ask if they would like to dance with us. Big mistake, they in turn rejected me in a nice way. They said "It too hot". I tried it again with 3 other ladies and they replied with "My boyfriend is around the corner" or "I like this guy who here and I wouldn't want him to see me with another guy". After this I got extremely pissed, because it seem like no one wanted to dance . Everyone was just standing around. Most of the people who wanted to dance had already left to go to other places. .

After walking away, I ran into this women and ask where she was going and if she was going to comeback. She said no, she was going to another party. So, my friend as my wingman made a great comment and said "Well, you 2 should exchange numbers then, if any parties come up. You will let us know"..she thought about it for a second and said "yeah...ok". She wrote down mines and then resisted a bit to give me mines. I just laughed and said "It wouldn't be fair". She laughed and gave me her number.

While at the party I heard about this other frats who have a better reputation for throwing parties. I hope to check that out one day.

I also plan to work on my approach to get women to dance with you. I am thinking of taping them at the shoulder and using my finger to point them to come over to me. If anyone have any suggestion on a successful way of getting them to dance with you. I would greatly appreciate it.


Don Juan
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
brooklyn, New york
Week 1 Day 3

I had remembered that Boot camp had started already. But anyway unlike some of you guys i going to do exactly what the Bible says. I'm only going to do the EC and Hi for this week. I kinda started very slow.

Only 2 hi's :D

But don't worry Monday will be a different story i will rack up atleast 40-45 hi's


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL
A little late in posting, but....

OR/FR: popping my walk-up "cherry"
Date: 9/10/04

I've broken this OR/FR into parts to make it all easier for you to read.

Wow, what a weird night.

-Part 1: Cafe Iguana
Okay, so at about 11pm, i decide to drive 45 minutes to another county - Pembroke Pines, and go to Cafe Iguana. That's a club/bar/poolhall. I was really ****ing nervous, and had to be encouraged by the guys on the PUA chat.

So, following their advice, i drink a little before I go in. I see some girls I'd like to approach. Still don't have the guts yet. So I drink about 4 Parrot Bay & Cokes, and approach one, tap her on the shoulder, and nod over to the dance floor. She shakes her head as if to say "no thanks".

Feeling bad now, I drink two more Parrot Bay & Cokes, a Corona, and approach one more. Again, shot down the same exact way.

God, does those even count as "approaches"? Jesus, I am such a *****.

At this point (3am), I get badly discouraged, so I leave. Mind you, this took place in the span of 3 HOURS. Two girls in three hours. Damn that's pitiful.

-Part 2: HBPunk
Anyway, I'm so drunk right now that I don't think it's a good idea to drive. So I call up HBPunk, a really horny chick I met online a few months ago and then had phone sex with. She lives very far away, though... and she's 16 and is the singer for a punk rock band, and wants to drop out. So we get to talking, and I tell her to take off her light, get naked, and lay down. Then we have phone sex. Afterwards, she mentions she might be coming down to Pembroke Pines this week or next week. She says she'll call me, and we can maybe hookup. She's going to mail me a picture of herself first. She loves my voice, and says that I am amazing. We'll see where that goes.

-Part 3: HBFriend
So, after we finish up at about 5am, and I get a voicemail from HB8Friend(19). She is a friend of mine, but we ****ed last year. She keeps wanting to get high again, and I know she ends up ****ing when she's high (her choice, not taken advantage of). But I can't smoke because I have a lot of job interviews lining up soon, and I don't want to trade my livelihood for one night of *****. Turns out she was in the same county at a different club, and wanted to meet up - damn, about 5 hours too late.

Whatever. I call her back and she answers. We end up going to Miami Beach to watch the sunrise (she wanted to toke, but I said no) while I boogieboard in jeans. She tells me that she tells all of her friends about me, how I'm so ****ing great, not that I'm a "nice person", but really cool - good hearted, but really "interesting". She also says it's interesting how I zone in and out of her life (meaning I go months without calling her, then suddenly we start to hang out every other week, and so on). She says her current boyfriend was jealous of me, too, when she says that "oh man, I love Nocturnal". That, and although we share sex stories (and I don't get jealous, oddly enough), every time she's with a guy, she hesitates to tell me where she is if the guy can hear her, as if she were having an affair with me or something.

She asks about my ex - I just got out of a LTR3years - and I tell her about it. Side note: My exLTR3years and I watched HBFriend have sex in a hotel room with her boyfriend (one of my best friends at the time). I was down to ****, but my ex got a little weirded out. Anyway, so then HBFriend then starts describing her perfect guy, which sounds a lot like me, but it could be my loneliness adding meaning to her words. Is the trying to give me a message here, or am I just misinterpreting? Maybe when I'm drunk I'll try something and use that as an excuse if she isn't into it. Or would that be AFC behavior? Maybe I should just go for a kiss and if she pulls away, I could just say I was curious. What do you guys think I should do? Let me know.

By the way, she was about to show me her bare ass, and show that even though it's gotten a little bigger (and REALLY nice - this chick has a hot body - tits are a bit small, though, and she's a little taller than me, but the entire package is VERY NICE), she claims still has no cellulite - but then people started showing up. Last time she did something like that, she wanted to show me her shaved *****, and then she grabbed my hair and pulled me into it. Damn, I've got to **** her again. Her first bf (my friend) was/is a natural, and all the other guys she dates end up being rich (although she doesn't know it at first usually... they just happen to be the ones who approach her), or sometimes PUAs who she ends up dumping, because they fall in love with her. Uh oh, sounds like Nocturnal is about to get one-itis. I can hear all of you now: "NO NOCTURNAL! TURN BACK! TURN BACK WHILE YOU STILL CAN!" We'll see where that goes.

I don't game this chick by the way. She's hot, I'd like to **** her a lot, but I see her as a "friend". Weird. Maybe I should reverse her own game on her and tell her about another "friend" who I'm so down with and we hang all the time, and that she's falling for me, and I think I'm going to fall for her. Maybe that will make her start to wonder more about me.

Anyway, I just got back from the beach, it's about 9:30am as I'm writing this. I'm going to go to sleep.

I'll update you all later.

-Nocturnal (
-AresX (

P.S. This FR was done on Friday 9/10 - Saturday 9/11 (remember it was morning, too). I had to wait another 10 days to post, because I registered a day before. Dammit.

P.P.S. In honor of the day (as I was writing this), God bless the families of those who died on 9/11. My heart goes out to you.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL
OR/FR (outing report/field report): Another Miserable Failure
Date: 9/18/04

I've broken this OR/FR into parts to make it all easier for you to read.

This sucks.

-Part 1: Pembroke Lakes Mall
I go to the Mall at about 8pm, to try and establish some eye contact and maybe say Hi and have a short conversation with some girls. After about 45 minutes, I leave. I got no eye contact, and the only girl who bothered to look at me and say Hi was a clerk in Pacific Sunwear. What a failure. Am I really that ugly? At this point I'm not discouraged, I just decided that to get eye contact I should maybe get an interesting T-shirt or something that will draw attention.

-Part 2: Walgreens
My eyes are pretty red from the contacts, so I drive to a Walgreens to buy some eyedrops. In front of me in the line, there is a blond HBugly. WTF is an HBugly, you might ask. An HBugly is a woman who by all standards could have been or probably WAS hot 10 years ago, but the alcohol and/or sun exposure and/or drugs has caught up with her. Anyway, I figure what the hell - I point to a tiger tattoo on her shoulder and say "Does that mean anything?" She turns to me and says "What do you mean?" And I mention how most tattoos to people have a special meaning. And she says kind of, that she knows where she was and who gave it to her, but that's all. We fluff about candy for a minute, pay for our stuff, and leave. I think I am better when I don't go out to specifically pick up a woman. The last time I picked up a woman (although I never closed any of them) was hanging out at a Barnes & Noble. Hey, Barnes & Noble - what a good idea. So I head over there.

-Part 3: Barnes & Noble
I am in Barnes & Noble for 1 hour. I do nothing until 55 minutes into being there. I am hovering near some girl in the Philosophy section, and about to ask her what she's reading, and then some guy shows up. I say "**** this" and I leave. At this point I am getting really discouraged. Plus, the places I was going to go are now closed. So I head on over to a 24-hour Wal-Mart in Cooper City. I am determined to stay there until I get at least one PU.

-Part 4: Wal-Mart
I left after an hour. I walked around, got eye-contact with one HB7 and forgot to say Hi. I justified it because she was with her little brother (or son?). OMG, I am scared of a girl's little brother. I am such a wussy. I now realize why I haven't been able to sleep the past few nights. It's not that I'm lonely, it's that I'm worse at the game than I thought I was. I always had my neighbor to ****, but with her it was part luck and part her being a slut - and nothing to do with my PU skills. Unfortunately, she moved. I am discouraged at this point, so I go to the gas station to get gas and head home.

-Part 5: Mirror-Image?
At the gas station, this small hispanic guy, probably early 20's, approaches me and says "Hey man, I'm not gonna rob you or anything, but could you give me a ride to Hiatus Road? I'll give you $10 - It's just down the street, and my boy ditched me..." etc. I tell him to keep his money, he disagrees, so I say fine. In the car, we make some small talk, and I have a pen in my hand at all times, and keep an eye on any stab openings, just in case. But I drop him off at this pool hall, and then he actually invites me to play with him. I say sure (it's not like I've been doing anything else). He buys me a pitcher of beer and goes over and talks to two complete strangers, this black man and his Hispanic GF/wife. We play them pool, and this guy has them laughing and eating **** with him. And here I am, all alone, can't make a ****ing move towards a girl. Fate is ironic.

So I leave, he gives me his number, I get his, and he calls me on the way home and tells me to call him tomorrow. I am using this guy as a social ticket, and I'm sure he's using me as a ride or something. Apparently he can get into big name clubs at South Beach because he's friends with certain bouncers - as friendly as he is, I don't doubt it.

I am very discouraged and feel emasculated. At least writing these Field Reports makes me feel somewhat better, and gives me a glimmer of hope that I'm make slow and eventual progress. I'm disappointed with myself, though, so I'm going to go workout at Porky's (a 24-hr gym), and make progress in at least ONE area of my life tonight.

-Nocturnal (
-AresX (


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
week 1

so far so good.

I havent been talking to that many 2 numbers last night.

but I spent all day with 2 hot girls..I know out on the town..and I the nervoness i fading fast. its time to talk to new girls..but Ive got no sleep..

so im taking a nap now..then going out about 7.

see ya guys


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Man you sounded exactly like how I was around last christmas.

I don't know why but all the failures you have seem tragic at the moment you have them, but a little later you start thinking and you discover that you learn a lot from them. Girls don't respond well to guys who want to dance in clubs in my experience, they think you are hitting in them and you were.

You have done something, this is more than most guys do. You know how much I fukked up my first 100, no 200 approaches? I got not a single girl in bed of those! Talk about being a loser! Stop beating yourself up, you WONT feel better doing this. Just sleep on it and pull yourself together for the next try. Real men don't dwell, they move on. Hang in there and keep up these rapports.

Watch out for that HBfriendgirl, she seems real freaky! I mean, I got a gut feeling reading this this means I would stay away from her at least romantically or sexually. As a rule, don't listen to a thing women say, they are often sincere when they talk about real deep stuff they don't share with everyone and if you have a deeeep rapport but all the time check for her ACTION, this never lies. What she do tells you everything.

Good luck with the punk girl however, if she's good looking enough for you of course.


Good luck tonight friv...


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC, USA
In, I havent been here forever, I basically had alot of the stuff down in my head and I thought i didnt need the text anymore, Im back, here to relearn and keep workin on everything.

AIM The Rogue III


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Hey, Yesterday got about 10-15+ Hello's

Nothing special yet
#'s - 0
Sex - 0
Hello's - God Only Knows


Senior Don Juan
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
I signed up at the yahoo groups but I thought I would officially also sign up here, I am about three day behind but I have been working on it already.

My aim : VinnyD2k
my email :