Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by FromNothin2Somethin
These boot camp posts are pretty cool. It seems like a tight way for yall to feed off each other's positives and negatives, and definitely learn somethin along the way.

Rahul, I REALLY like your table moves.

That's EXACTLY what i wanna start doin. Last year at school I was always cool with eating by myself or one of my regular guy friends, but not anymore. My problem is, I usually don't bother eating lunch (or am just not hungry) until my classes are over for the day sometime between 3 and 4 in the afternoon. By then, a lot of the eating area has cleared out and there are plenty of tables free so i feel like i shouldn't bother, or that i don't have a legitimate way to ask a girl if i could sit with her. But I definitely wanna start changing my eating patterns so it makes things easier for me, so it gives me kind of an initial excuse to start doing this.

There's just too many good opportunities here at school to pass up. If I could have the balls to go up and ask if i could sit and eat with a girl it would make my day. Plus, it's kind of an initial date right on the spot!

I would happy to take any advice or suggestions you have about your approaches doing this. I'm sure you can do it all times of the day too :cool: Thanks, peace.
Thanks, I'm glad someone got something out of my experiances I've had in the past few weeks.

The one thing I see flawed in your thinking is that you need a "legitimate way" to sit down at a table with a hot girl. I'm pretty sure (unless your cafeteria is ridiculously busy) that there will always be open tables available. Thing is, you should never hid your sexual desire or your identity as a sexual being. This is total nice guy thinking. The times when I feel the most ballsy and when I feel the greatest boost to my confidence are when the cafeteria is pretty empty and there's a HB (or a few HB's) sitting at table surrounded by empty tables. That's when I walk up, make EC, smile, and say "hey, this seat taken?".

What's really increased the effectiveness of my approaches is being relaxed and casual. Make it seem like this is something you do all the time (and before long it will be something you do all the time). One of my friends who is in a UW fraternity and is probably the most popular guy, and biggest pimp I know gave me this line to remember "Act as if", like in the movie Boiler Room. You don't need to drive a porsche to get the b*tches, all you need to do is "Act as if you drive a porsche".

Anyways, good luck in working on your approaches and breaking out of your shell. I found that once I got started everything seemed to have a snowball effect.
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Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2, Day 6, 10/14/03

Got a slow start for today. But I ended up getting some convos in

1. I talked to this guy about weight lifting for about 5 min, it was a solid convo.

2. I talked to this chick for about 5min, turns out shes from my town so we talked about that.

I also made some ec with this girl and she kept staring so made a funny face and she started laughing. I was gonna talk to her but this guy started talking to me about weight lifting stuff and when I looked up I could find her at all…so DAMN but its all good u win some and u lose some.

Well I took some adderall and that really got me pumped…I went to a party and talked to so many people I can’t even remember all my convos…these are the ones that I remember.

3. Talked to this chick named caroline…we talked about all kinds of stuff and it was fun, it lasted about 15min straight

4. I talked to this dude about adderall and he was telling me all this crazy **** it was interesting it lasted about 5min

5. I talked to this chick and messed with her cause she was smoking cigs, we talked for a good 7min

6. I talked to another chick that I kinda knew but not real, we talked in and out during the party about 8min

7. talked to this guy that actually has a cd coming out here. His raps are tight so we talked about that for about 10min straight.

I did a lot more talking but those are the ones that can really remember good.

Week 2, Day 7, 10/15/03

I completed the 10 required convos for the week already, but I had a couple more today.

1. I talked to my English teacher for awhile after class about all kinds of stuff….kinda strange cause she isn’t my fav person in the world, but the convo was interesting and kept going on and on and on I had to force myself to get out of there.

2. Its fall break at my school so I rode back home with this guy I don’t really know to well, but it’s a good 2 and ½ hour ride so we did a lot of talking….he isn’t the most positive person in the world....most of what he talked about was negative so the convo actually kinda brought my mood down alittle. But interesting anyways I learned a lot of stuff about him and just things in general I didn’t know.

Week 3, Day 1, 10/16/03

Well being at home I pretty much crashed this day. I didn’t do anything in the form of talking with any girl. I did download DYD tho and read up on all that stuff. Its pretty interesting and can help you understand a lot of things….but all these programs and even this site won’t do a damn thing for you if your un able to get off your behind, put your ego on the line, and just go up and talk to random girls.

Week 3, Day 2, 10/17/03

Well today was pretty good I’d say. Since my house is close to a huge college campus, I took a ride out there and talked with some hb’s.

1. This one girl had just gotten off the bus and was walking to the side of me so I just looked at her and said whats up. She said hey and I asked her how her day was going and what not and she did the same for me then I told her I was on fall break…and we just talked she seemed happy I talked to her and did most of the work….for some reason I got nervous tho so at the 10min mark I told her I had to meet some friends and bailed.

2. I talked to this hb 9, I said whats up and she looked at me kinda strange and said hey, and I asked her how her day was going and she said pretty good, so then I asked her what grade she was in and she was like I’m a senior and I said awesome, guess what grade I’m in and she guess sop to be nice but I joked and said I was really I senior then she kinda laughed and said no and said I know I’m just playing I’m a freshman..then I said well I’m leaving now I just thought I’d speak to you and left and she looked all shocked haha.

3. On my way back to the car I saw another chick and basicly used the same line..Whats up, hows your day been….and she said ok so I asked her why not super and she said cause of a test she had I told her not to worry she probably beated the test up…she laughed and that was it

That was all for the day I could of gotten more but I’m not so good at approaching girls when there going one way and I’m going the opposite way….i;ll say hi but it would be strange if I just completely changed directions and started talking to them ...or maybe I’m wrong, anyone got any suggestions?


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Whats happening are people not posting anymore? This post has just fallen of the first page so i will report my day and in the process bump it up.

My day has been pretty lame, not much has gone right. I got one conversation, this girl was walking along side me towards the gym and i just turned to her and mentioned something about how the weather is nice and i am going to be working - we talked for about ten mins about general stuff. I could have number closed but was not really that fussed as i did not like her looks all that much, she looked good for a distance and by the time i could really see her i had committed myself


That puts me on 5

I look foward to hearing everyone elses report



Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 3, Day 4

Studied all day, will probalby do the same today. No conversations in yesterday or today. Will have to get lots in tomorrow and tuesday.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Week 3 Day 4

Last night I went to an Indian party. Sat at this table with these two girls HB6 (does that even count as a hot b*tch?) and HB7. Chatted them up for awhile. Went up to the bar and got water several times, built some rapport with the bartender and soon he was giving me orange juice and rum instead, didn't even ask for my ID. The drinks were ridiculously strong too, I had 8 and was pretty wasted. Danced, had a good time, went home, passed out, then woke up and cleaned my room.

Week 3 Day 5

Unfortunately this is another, "nursing the hangover" kind of days... So no conversations.

Current Tally, 6 conversations, 4 to go.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego
Week 3- Ive been slacking this week. Yesterday i went to a party with my friend but everyone there spoke spanish so i couldnt hit on any of the chicks. Im going to have to pick it up tomorrow.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 3 Day 4

0. I actually didnt even see anyone i didnt know the whole day.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 3 Day 5

0 again. Actually I went to Wendy's with one of my roomates who knows i am doing the bootcamp thing. He got his food first so he sat close to these hb7's and was like go talk to them. I still chickened out and they even kept looking at us. I just am not able to do this. Everytime i am about to i get panic feelings. I need someone to point a gun to my head or give me 100 dollars a talk. Then maybe i could have some overwhelming motivation. :eek:


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Hey all

I was going to write u that i had made no approaches and that it has been a ****ty day. While the latter is still true, i made a approach when i wasn;t really in the mood for it. Basically, i am walking back to my dorm after officiating soccer and having a rough time. I see this hb ahead of me whom keeps stopping and appears to be struggling with something. I catch her and offer to help her carry some luggage that she had. Talk for about 10 mins, in which time i find that i don't like her. I never saw until i was commited, she was 6.5 maybe 7 i am generous. But the important thing is that i made the approach, blind and cold - so i am pleased with that.

It has put me on 6

So its all in reach, especially as i was studying on day 1 and i might not count it if i dont manage to the get the four in the next two days but i am confident i will


I hope that all of u whom are struggling will get better with it or else u may also be dropping into another bc, i hope that doesn;t happen



Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr. Delicious
Week 3 Day 5

0 again. Actually I went to Wendy's with one of my roomates who knows i am doing the bootcamp thing. He got his food first so he sat close to these hb7's and was like go talk to them. I still chickened out and they even kept looking at us. I just am not able to do this. Everytime i am about to i get panic feelings. I need someone to point a gun to my head or give me 100 dollars a talk. Then maybe i could have some overwhelming motivation. :eek:
When I get low confidence and it's hard to approach I try and go back to the basics. Hold EC with some people, then smile, then hi. Since you made it this far you were able to do 50 hi's, so it should start to become second nature by now. When you get a smile and a hi from a HB it's a great boost to your confidence and opens the door for more ballsy maneuvers.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 3, Day 6

Got in 3 conversations today. The first one this morning I tried Rahul's approach, asked if I could sit there, with an HB 7.5 across from me. She said sure, so I sat down and talked to her for 15 min or so. Second one was sitting outside my classroom when I showed up early for class. I sat down beside her and started giving her a hard time about her course she was studying for, lol. She seemed to take it well, I'll probably see her again. Third was sorta cheating. I ran into a guy I know and he was talking to one of his female friends. I made him introduce me, then he had to go, so I talked to her for a few min, before I had to leave myself.

8 down


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Week 3 Day 6

I had 2 conversations today. 1 was with a HB8 in the cafeteria (who would have guessed?) at breakfast. Breakfast is really slow at my school (no one goes) and doubly so today because it was raining hard outside. She was by herself and maybe 20 tables around her were empty so it put a huge smile on my face when I walked up and asked if I could sit down.

Sat with a HB7 at lunch, I was wearing this shirt I had recently gotten from Kawaii when I was on vacation. It turns out she was from hawaii, so we talked for a good hour about that.

I also did some street approaches (campus approaches?) on campus and had several smaller conversations with HBs and otherwise but most of them weren't very long.

8 down 2 to go.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Unrelated to boot camp, but I figure I'd suggest this to my fellow campers. Read Mr. Fingers Weapons of Mass Seduction threads in the tips forum. I've decided to try his challenge of giving up TV/Random net surfing for 2 weeks (he says 1, but I'm going to try 2). This will give me more time for other important things, such as doing the boot camp, practicing flute, and doing homework. I'll still be posting here, I'm just giving up random internet surfing. I'll still use the net if I have something specific to do/look up. I won't be reading anything else on the forums, or checking other random sites. Hopefully this will also help break my tv/internet addiction, which will give me alot more free time in the long run. Anyways, I'm off for now.
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score

dude, tell me what you eat. Heh, I need to start eatin the same thing so i can have as big of balls as you. Seriously man, you can do what i wanna do.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 3 Day 6

Well I actually got 1 in today. We had to get in groups in business com today and I was put in with an HB 6.5 I talked to her a whle about her major. Anyway, at least I got one. 9 more to go. Unless I grow some major balls tomorrow I am going to be out. I am not going to start the camp thats a week behind ours because I feel even with another week I couldnt go up and talk to all these females. I will check this thread of course to see whats happening with the rest of you.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
today has just been one of those days = i start conversations easily and often but they didn't last so tommorrow i am going to go the mall and try to make 4, if i don;t i will give my self one more day as i was studying non stop on day 1


Tiger Eye

Don Juan
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr. Delicious
Week 3 Day 6

Well I actually got 1 in today. We had to get in groups in business com today and I was put in with an HB 6.5 I talked to her a whle about her major. Anyway, at least I got one. 9 more to go. Unless I grow some major balls tomorrow I am going to be out.
Mr. Delicious, hang in there, this isn't a race or a contest. If you only get one convo this week, then set your goal for two convos next week and keep at it. And keep posting. Are you still saying hi to as many people as you can, even if you don't talk to them? That's important to keep up the momentum.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Hi guys, sorry that I havent been posting theres a reason for it.
I have very limited access and next week very limited access b/c Im goin to New Zealand 4 a month i'll try and BC but im not to sure abt it. I will try my best but when I get back I might have to start at week 3 again b/c might be out of game but if not week 4 b/c week 4 has been goin bad, no I didnt reject myself its just my work is very tiring and little time b/c packing for trip. I dont like goin b/c I wonna finish and dutch women have higher ***** shields than NZ women.:(


P.S. a few times in the last week my afc side was battling with my DJ side and their at a truce now and if I quit BC, guess which side wins.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 3, Day 7

Got my last 2 in today. First one I'm proud of, lol. I went and sat down with a HB 9 and just started chatting away. Found out her name, and talked to her about what she was studying. Then her sister came and they had to leave. Second one I just talked to someone who was going the same way as me on the way out of my physics lab.

10 Down

Everyone ready for week 4?

I'm afraid week 4 will be hard. Considering how open everyone I've talked to so far has been, I think it's going to be hard for me to get 10 rejections. If I'm not getting many, I'll start making crazier approaches, keeping the conversations short. Maybe see how little I can talk to someone and still get the number.
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Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Week 3 Day 7

I got two conversations in today, both of them were with girls that were barely dateable though, there weren't as many opportunities as I had hoped...

The first was at breakfast when I sat down with this HB7 that was sitting by herself in the corner in the empty cafeteria. I started out with some fluff and then eventually the topic turned to religion and I said I didn't believe in God and just wanted to get as much pleasure as I could in this life, so we argued about this for an hour before I had to get to class.

The second was on my two hour break when I went to the place where commuter students can hang out, there's couches and a kitchen and it's pretty nice overall. There was a girl I see there everyday (HB6) and I said hi to her as I walked in. I sat down and she came over and smiled and sat down and started doing her homework at a desk pretty close to the couch I was sitting at. I looked at her and said "hey, what're you doing?" she said "homework" so I said "why are you so far? why don't you come sit over here?" so she came over and sat down and we talked and joked for maybe an hour. I am gonna maybe go hang out with her in seattle downtown on Saturday and I know she wants the nuts so I could easily bang this chick but I'm questioning whether I should lower my standards to get more experiance. Any guys want to comment on this situation?